Chapter 611

Seeing that it was almost noon, the Wu family and the others left.Zhao Lan'er and sister-in-law sent them off and went back to the house.

"Is the second brother not at home?"

"Following the eldest brother and the others went into the mountains to cut firewood."

Zhu Zhu took out a bamboo tube from the dressing box and handed it to Zhao Laner; "Take this and use it to save your face from being blown by the wind."

Zhao Lan'er looked at the things in the bamboo tube; "It smells a fragrance, is this for wiping your face?"

"Well, it was given in September, and it works pretty well for me."

Hearing sister-in-law mention Jiuyue, Zhao Lan'er laughed; "She is a good girl not only smart, but also has a good personality."


"Is Yueya still pestering my third brother these days?" Zhao Lan'er put away the bamboo tube and asked curiously.

"Since the third brother moved in and lived with Xiaoshitou, it has become much better. She came to the door twice a few days ago, and left when she saw that I didn't want to see her."

"This girl really doesn't want her own reputation."

"We made it very clear to Wan Shi last time. If she keeps like this, then the men can only do it."

"That's the only way to go. The cabbages and radishes in sister-in-law's yard aren't frozen, right?"

"Fortunately, I use some prepared water from time to time, and I built a shed to grow well. I don't have to worry about not having fresh vegetables to eat during the Chinese New Year."

Zhao Lan'er laughed when she heard this.

"How is your health?"

"It's getting better and better. I feel more relaxed than before. I'm almost out of meatballs at home. Let's fry some meatballs together tomorrow!"

"Okay! I don't have much at home anymore."

"Then it's settled." Zhao Lan'er estimated that He Hui should also come back and went home.

Zhu Zhu sent Zhao Lan'er away, put down her needlework, stood up and started walking around. Because there was always a brazier burning in the house, she didn't feel cold. She walked around the house twice and wanted to change her taste. She had always made soup noodles before, and today She planned to make noodles and thought about what to eat for lunch. She carried the brazier into the kitchen, but even so she couldn't help but shudder.It hasn't snowed yet. I really don't know how cold it will be if it snows or rains.

The four of them, Han Shi, cut down more than a dozen big trees in the morning. Perhaps because of their exertion, their stomachs began to growl before noon. Han Shi wiped the sweat from his face and put down the hoe; "There's not enough time." It’s early, let’s go back!”

"Okay, take these big trees back and fetch water in the afternoon."

Han Shi first found some vines, and they pushed the trees down the mountain. Then they came to the foot of the mountain and tied them with vines to pull them home. He and Dou Dou tied two big trees, and He Hui and Xiao Shitou tied one. .They were also very particular about cutting firewood, choosing trees that had worms in them and would not grow. Such trees were easy to cut, and the key was that they were not so heavy and easy to transport home. Xiaohu and the others had no time to spare when they were cutting firewood. By the time they came down the mountain, the tiger cubs and the others had also gained something, killing some mountain rats and weasels as well as a hare.

Several people took Shu back. Zhu Zhu had already cooked the meal. Seeing that they were sweating profusely, she hurriedly washed the hot towel and handed it to them.

"Wipe your face and eat!"

"What did sister-in-law do? My stomach growled." Dou Dou stretched his neck and glanced at the kitchen.

"It smells so good! Meat shredded noodles?" Xiao Shitou sniffed his nose and cried out.

"Shaved noodles!" Zhu Zhu said as he entered the kitchen.

Several people wiped their faces and followed closely behind her. Zhu Zhu served them rice and dropped a few drops of vinegar into their bowls. They held the bowls and started eating.

(End of this chapter)

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