Chapter 592 Chinese Cabbage

When Zhu Zhu returned home and put down her backpack, Zhao Laner came.

"My sister-in-law is finally back. The second master is making sugar. Do you want to go and see?"

"You go! I won't go."


Seeing Zhao Lan'er leave, Zhu Zhu emptied everything out of the basket, moved the cabbage into the kitchen, and then hoeed the ground.Two hours later, Zhao Lan'er came again. This time she sneakily carried a jar in her arms.

"Is all the sugar produced?"

"Then there are still more than a dozen large barrels. This was brewed just now, and the second master asked me to take it back."

Zhu Zhu opened the earthen jar and looked at the half-empty jar of sugar inside and laughed; "There's quite a lot!"

"It's not that there are not many people in our family who eat candy, so I didn't take all of them back."

"That's right. There's so much honey at home. I really don't need it except for adding some sugar to the porridge."

"I think so too. What is sister-in-law planting? It's so cold that it's easy to freeze?" Zhao Lan'er looked at the new fan and asked curiously.

"I wandered around the foot of the mountain today and found a treasure!"

"Treasure? What treasure?" Zhao Laner asked curiously.

Zhu Zhu put down the water ladle and led Zhao Laner into the kitchen.

Zhao Lan'er put down the earthen pot, and looked at the thing the sister-in-law pointed to, her eyes flickered slightly; "Why does this thing look so familiar? Chinese cabbage?"

"That's right, Chinese cabbage."

"My God! Sister-in-law, where did you find the Chinese cabbage? You are so lucky. It looks like it was just dug out. Let's plant it quickly!"

"That's why I said I found the baby!"

The two replanted the cabbage in the ground. "Sister-in-law, have you dug them all back?"

"Well, there aren't many at all, and I don't know if it can grow. After all, it's too cold in our valley."

"This is a problem, but my sister-in-law can definitely think of a solution."

"You know how to compliment me."

"I'm not saying this as a compliment, but what I say is true."

Zhu Zhu laughed when he heard this; "I just went out and saw that there were very few people in the valley. Are they cutting sugar cane again?"

"Well, the ones that were cut yesterday are enough to make sugar."

Zhao Lan'er had a conversation with her sister-in-law and left.

Zhu Zhu looked at the Chinese cabbage planted in the ground and thought for a while. She found some small wooden sticks and inserted them on the left and right sides of the Chinese cabbage. She tied the wooden sticks together from above to form an arch bridge, and then tied them around the wooden sticks. A circle of small vines, and then tied handfuls of hay to the vines. When the weather gets cold, seal the top. This way, the cabbage should not freeze to death. Her idea is good, but It took some effort to do. When Xiao Shitou came back with the four little guys, she had just tied some hay.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

"I planted some Chinese cabbage, but I was afraid of freezing to death, so I thought of making a simple shed for them..." Zhu Zhu immediately told Xiao Shitou her plan.

Xiao Shitou suddenly realized and nodded; "I understand, I will do the rest of the sister-in-law, then the Chinese cabbage."

"It happened to be dug at the foot of the mountain. It looks like you have gained a lot!"

"Now the little tiger is getting stronger and stronger, even stronger than the rhubarbs. Today I led it into the mountain, and it killed three rabbits and two pheasants!" Little Stone praised the white tiger that had reached his knees.

"Since it's so powerful, sister-in-law will reward it with some water in a while."

"Great, Xiaohu must like it very much."

The return of Xiaoshishi means that it is noon, she washed her hands and started to make lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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