Chapter 531 Snooping
There were lions near the valley and we couldn't go up the mountain, so we had to peel chestnuts at home.After two days of hard work, Zhu Zhu and Zhao Laner finally peeled out the chestnuts.

Zhao Lan'er was sitting in the yard holding a stick and chasing the birds that flew to the yard to eat. Looking at the chestnuts all over the ground, Zhao Laner wondered how happy she was. With the addition of these chestnuts after the autumn harvest, there should be no need to worry about being hungry this winter.

Zhu Zhu gathered the dried chestnuts together and planned to go to her third brother's house to grind them into powder in the afternoon.

"Sister-in-law, we don't have to worry about going hungry this winter."

"Did you go hungry last year?"

"Is that true? But I heard from the second master that many people had one meal a day during the winter last year, and how many of them froze to death!"


Zhu Zhu paused slightly after hearing this; "Isn't winter in the mountains very cold?"

"Well, it's very cold, especially when it's snowing, it's so cold that I can't go out."

"Is there any pit in our valley?"


"Yes, the burn pit will be warmer in winter."

Zhao Lan'er pondered for a moment; "Last year, I seem to have heard the second master talk about pits. I don't know if anyone in our valley knows how to build pits."

Zhu Zhu took this matter to heart and thought that when Han Shi came back, he would ask him in the valley to inquire, otherwise people would freeze to death in the winter. She could imagine how cold it was in the mountains in winter, it might be more than ten degrees below zero. Spend.She gathered the chestnuts together, went into the kitchen and got a clean cloth, spread it on the hay, and then put the chestnuts on it and cut it, so that it would be easier to grind.

Seeing this, Zhao Laner dropped the wooden stick in her hand and came over to help. The two were cutting chestnuts and Zheng Juan came to the door with the sheepskin. She looked at this scene and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"We want to grind some chestnuts in the afternoon."

"Oh, I'm here to give you a sheepskin. I just need to dry it for a few more days. Give me some of those pepper seeds you mentioned." "Okay!" Zhu Zhu took the sheepskin and dried it on the rope. He picked up some pepper seeds and handed them to Zheng Juan.

"Call me when you are grinding chestnuts in the afternoon. One of you is weak and the other is pregnant. Please don't let anything happen to you."

"Aren't you going into the mountains with Zhu Zhu and the others this afternoon?" Zhu Zhu looked at her and asked curiously.

"No, we searched the mountain for a day and a half but didn't find a lion. We all wondered if the lion had left."

"Bring the little tiger with you when you go into the mountain again. It's more likely to find a lion with it."

"That's a good notice. I'll tell Zhuzi when the time comes."

Zheng Juan helped them cut chestnuts for a while, and left around noon.

Zhao Lan'er looked at the sister-in-law and laughed jokingly; "I'm really in the hands of the sister-in-law, otherwise this sister Zheng wouldn't take care of me like this these days."

Zhu Zhu sighed after hearing this; "She is indeed a good girl, but it's a pity..."

"Sister-in-law, don't feel sorry for it. I think Miss Zheng will let her brother go sooner or later."

"I hope so! Her arrival reminded me of one thing. We should ship chestnuts to your house! I'm worried that someone will come to exchange pepper seeds for me in the next few days."

"Okay!" Zhao Lan'er nodded immediately when she heard that. After the two cut some chestnuts, they began to transport them to the He family. They were still transporting them when Zheng Juan came to the door.

Seeing Zhu Zhu sweating profusely, Zheng Juan hurriedly stepped forward to help and asked her to sit aside and rest. Zhao Laner looked down at this scene and laughed.It was originally a sunny day at noon, but it did get cloudy in the afternoon. Seeing that it looked like it was going to rain, Zheng Juan hurried home thinking about the chestnuts and wild fruits that were drying in the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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