Chapter 463
While eating the barbecue, Xiongda gasped.

"It's delicious, so refreshing. Is this red chili sauce? It's so delicious."

"Then eat more!" Zhu Zhu took a piece of cake and sat next to Han Shi.

Han Shi cut a piece of roasted meat and gave it to the woman.

"Sister Zhu's craftsmanship is getting better and better. The food cooked by my uncle and aunt is not as delicious as Sister Zhu's. I really envy Xiao Shitou." Wang Tiedan sighed while eating the pancake.

Everyone laughed when they saw him talking like an adult despite being a child.

After dinner, Han Shi and the others became even more busy. They will set off to the market tomorrow. Everything that needs to be prepared must be prepared in advance. Those who did not go to the market brought the supplies that had been prepared. At the same time, It was a very cumbersome matter to tell He Hui and Dou Dou what they needed and they would record it in the book. It could be said that the whole valley was in motion.

Zhu Zhu prepared Han Shi and Xiao Shitou's things. It was already dark.

Han Shi looked at the piles of things at home, ordered the four little guys to watch, and hurried out of the house.

In the Zheng family, Zheng Juan was startled when she saw Han Shi suddenly arriving; "Brother Han, why are you here? Come in quickly."

"Sister Zheng, I won't go in. I'm here today to ask you something."

"What's the matter? Brother Han, just tell me, no need to be polite." Zheng Juan was so happy that Han Shi was able to take the initiative to visit her.

"Tomorrow, we three brothers will leave the valley. It will be a month before we leave. I am a little worried about leaving Zhuer alone in the valley, but I can't take her to the market, so during my absence , please ask Sister Zheng to take more care of her."

Zheng Juan was slightly stunned after hearing this. She looked at the request in Han Shi's eyes, suppressed the sourness in her heart, patted her chest and said with a smile, "Brother Han, don't worry! For your sake, I will do the same." Take good care of her."

"Sister Zheng, I'm sorry for your trouble. What do you need? I'll replace it for you."

"If there is a sickle, Brother Han will bring one back for me."

"Okay, I'll make a note of it. I won't disturb you as it gets late." Han Shi left in a hurry after saying that.Zheng Juan looked at Han Shi's back, took a deep breath, turned around and went home.

When Han Shi returned home, He Hui and the others were already here, and Zhao Lan'er was busy cooking.

Half an hour later, they sat down to eat together and talked some more. They agreed on a departure time tomorrow and made sure they didn't miss anything. Dou Dou and the others left. He Hui whispered to Zhu Zhu before leaving. After a few words, Zhu Zhu looked at him and nodded with a smile: "Don't worry! I will take good care of my siblings."

He Hui smiled and saluted his sister-in-law, and left with his wife.

Han Shi returned to his room after putting together all the things he would take away tomorrow.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?"

"Of course I'm waiting for you." Zhu Zhu said, her whole body hanging on Han Shi's body.

Han Shi hugged the woman and laughed; "It's not like I went on a far journey and came back in a month. Besides, a month goes by very quickly."

"I want to go with you."

"No, how can you climb mountains and wade with me when you are pregnant with a child?"

"I knew you wouldn't agree, so I just thought about it." Zhu Zhu said while finding a comfortable seat in Han Shi's arms.

"During our absence, if anything unsolvable happens in the valley, you can go to Zhuzi and sister Zheng."

"Understood, you have eliminated Ren Sisi and Yang Shuzi. Except for them, no one in the valley will harm me. You don't have to worry about me. I will take care of myself."

Han Shi laughed when he heard the woman's assurance, but he was still worried after all. He told the woman everything he could think of, and he didn't even notice when the woman fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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