Chapter 201
Zhu Zhu moved the stones and placed them on both ends of the ground. Little Shitou followed the example of his sister-in-law and placed the stones on the left and right sides of the ground.The two of them were busy moving the stones for an hour. Zhu Zhu waved his hand towards the small stones; "Sit down and take a rest!"

Xiao Shishi wiped the sweat from his face; "Sister-in-law, I won't move until I'm tired. We should be able to finish moving the small stones in three days."

"It won't take so long. In fact, we can plant seeds this way." Zhu Zhu panted and took a sip of water.

"This way you can sow seeds? Sister-in-law can't do it, the crops won't grow well."

"It's okay, I'm planting sorghum, and there aren't many seeds. The small piece of land between the stones is enough. Let's sow the sorghum first, and then we can slowly move the remaining stones. "Zhu Zhu looked at Xiao Shitou and told him his plan.

"Oh! I understand what sister-in-law means. I'll fetch the bucket of water first." Xiaoshi ran away with the bucket in hand.

Zhu Zhu looked at his back and laughed, wiped the sweat from her face, took out the millet and started sowing seeds. She dug a small hole with branches, planted the millet, and then buried it with a thin layer of soil.When Xiao Shitou came back and saw that his sister-in-law was already sowing seeds, he curiously asked, "Sister-in-law, don't you need to water it first?"

"No, sorghum is drought-tolerant, and the soil is very humid."

When Xiao Shitou heard that, he put down the bucket to help his sister-in-law sow the seeds. The two of them were busy all morning. During this time, they met a lot of people. Of course, Shitou greeted them first. Zhu Zhu only smiled. We met a few more people. We saw them sowing seeds, asked a few questions and left in a hurry. It was obvious that they all seemed busy.

Seeing that it was already morning, Zhu Zhu collected the remaining milo seeds and planned to plant them in the space like corn.

"Let's go! Go home!"

Hearing this, Little Stone turned around and yelled at Dashan; "Dahei is home~Dahei is home~Dahei is home."

After shouting three times in a row, Zhu Zhu and the two took advantage of the three dogs not coming back. They took the time to sprinkle water on the ground. After about a cup of tea, Zhu Zhu heard the dogs barking.

"Dahei and the others are back!"

"Well! You have worked hard today, and my sister-in-law will cook something delicious for you."

"I like to eat whatever sister-in-law does!" Xiaoshitou laughed so brightly after hearing what sister-in-law said.

Dahei came back with a pheasant in his mouth.

Xiao Shitou picked up the pheasant, touched Dahei and praised, "Dahei, you are amazing. Sister-in-law, you go back first, I will kill the chicken and then go back." "Okay!" Zhu Zhu put the ax into the barrel. He led the three dogs back first.

Xiaoshi carried the chicken and ran towards the waterfall.

After the two left, Yang Mouse came out from the dark, touched his chin and smiled coldly, turned and left.

Zhu Zhu went home and made noodles and baked ten bean flour cakes. She tasted them and they tasted good. After baking the cakes, she made another fried pork with fungus. At this time, Xiao Shitou ran back with the pheasant.

"Sister-in-law, I've slaughtered the chicken."

"Put it in a small earthen pot. Let's stew chicken for dinner at night."

"it is good!"

Zhu Zhu took five pieces of cake and handed them to Xiao Shitou along with half a bowl of vegetables; "Tell Third Master to roll them up and eat them!"

"Hey!" Little Shitou came out of the house with a bowl in his hand.

When he came back, he brought back another cake; "Third Master said, four cakes are enough."

Zhu Zhu rolled a piece of cake and handed it to him and directly made a rule: "Then you should eat more, at least three!"

"Sister-in-law, I can't finish eating, one sheet is enough."

"When you are growing up, you can eat as much as you want. You should eat more. Don't think about saving food. Our family has enough food for us until the end of the year."

Little Stone just laughed when he heard this.

Zhu Zhu forced Xiao Shitou to eat two and a half cakes before giving up. When he was asked to eat again, he refused to eat. Seeing this, Zhu Zhu had to give up!

(End of this chapter)

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