Chapter 169 Complain

When the sky was gray and bright, Han Shi slowly opened his eyes. He gently touched the woman's sleeping face. He never thought that he would be so crazy, thinking about the extreme ecstasy of yesterday. The happiness made him reluctant to let her go. It wasn't until she passed out that he regained his senses.

From then on, she was his woman. He was no longer alone, but also had someone to protect and protect. He felt that the burden on his shoulders seemed to be heavier again. Thinking about what his second brother had said to him before, It wasn't until this moment that he truly understood the profound meaning contained in those words.

He carefully opened the quilt and saw the bruises on the woman's body at a glance. A trace of guilt flashed in his eyes. He put on his clothes and carefully opened the door and walked out.

It was already broad daylight when Zhu Zhu woke up. She felt as if her whole body had been crushed by a stone, and everything hurt.

She didn't expect Han Shi to be so ferocious. In the end, she couldn't bear it and fainted. Sister Wang had hurt her. If she had known that she was the one who suffered, she wouldn't have teased Han Shi.

He sat up and put on his clothes with trembling hands. Just as he was about to get out of bed, he saw Han Shi walking in carrying a bucket. Their eyes met, and Han Shi hurriedly looked away.

"Sister Wang said that you should feel better after taking a bath!"

"Hmm! Help me up!"

Han Shi heard that he helped the woman up. Seeing her frown, he asked tentatively, "Does it hurt?"

"Of course it hurts. It must be the first time for me. You can't be gentle with me. I begged for mercy last night. still don't let me go. It's up to you if you can't walk the mountain road for a while."

Han Shi looked at the woman who complained like him and smiled pitifully.

"I'll carry you on my back if I really can't leave later!"

Zhu Zhu looked at the man who smiled gently, put her hands around his neck and kissed him quickly.

"Get out! I'm going to take a shower."

"Yeah!" Han Shi looked at the woman's small mouth, thinking about what happened yesterday, and his ears slowly turned red. He let go of the woman, turned around, and hurried out, closing the door with his backhand.

When her whole body was soaked in hot water, Zhu Zhu couldn't help but sigh. Knowing that Han Shi would not come in, she poured some spring water into the bathtub. Thinking about what happened yesterday, she felt happy and took a picture. Look at your face and tell yourself not to think nonsense.While taking a bath, she drank a bowl of spring water and ate a steamed bun. She had some food in her stomach. She felt much better. She yawned and walked out of the tub. She quickly wiped her body, put on her clothes and opened the door. He saw Han Shi sitting at the door.

"Sister Zhu, are you awake? Come and eat quickly!"

Wang Rouhua heard the sound of the door being pushed, and came out of the kitchen with a meal.

She and Han Shi walked all the way to the main hall.

"feel better now?"

Seeing the concern and worry in the man's eyes, Zhu Zhu smiled and nodded.

When Zhu Zhu walked into the main hall, she realized that the breakfast was very rich, including hot rice porridge, meat and white flour steamed buns.

Han Shi looked at the food on the table; "Uncle, aunt, you are too polite. You are not treating us like outsiders."

"Don't think too much about it. We didn't do this for you. The second and third children are married. Naturally, we must have a good meal on the big day. Hurry up and sit down."

This time they did not divide the table. Zhu Zhu was full after drinking a bowl of hot porridge. As for the steamed buns and vegetables, she did not touch them.

"Sister, why don't you eat? Are you looking down on our Xiong family?" Xiongda asked, looking at Zhu Zhu with his eyes rounded.

"Brother Xiong, no matter how wide your eyes are, I'm not afraid of you. I don't eat much in the morning, and it's not like you don't know."

"Brother, don't give in. Sister Zhu did eat very little in the morning." Wang Rouhua hurriedly said something for Zhu Zhu.

(End of this chapter)

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