Chapter 148 Dangerous situation
Feeling that the woman's body was trembling, Han Shi calmly held Zhu Zhu in his arms. The group of people slowly walked towards the group of snakes, one step, two steps, three steps. At this time, the group of snakes in front suddenly There was a commotion, and Han Shi stood still holding the woman in his arms. The people behind him were all excited. Shiliu looked at the snakes and bent over and retched.

Looking at the dense snakes crawling towards them, Han Shi's entire face darkened.

Dou Dou looked at the group of snakes that quickly surrounded them, his face turned pale, and he quickly counted.

"It's obviously a good luck, how could it be like this, how could it be like this."

Han Shi looked at the snake crawling towards them and was afraid of Dou Dou; "Don't forget it, protect your second brother!"

"Hey...!" Dou Dou came back to his senses and protected He Hui behind him. Looking at the colorful and endless snakes, the cold sweat dripped down his forehead. Even he was so scared, let alone someone else.Wang Rouhua only felt that her body was weak, if it wasn't for Xiong Er who helped her in time, she would have slumped on the ground long ago.

Xiongda looked at the snake crawling towards them, held the wooden stick tightly in his hand, and protected the second and third brothers behind him.For a moment, everyone looked at the snake that was crawling towards them in various ways.

Zhu Zhu buried her whole head in Han Shi's arms, telling herself not to be afraid, but not to be afraid.

Han Shi watched the snakes getting ready to attack, when He Hui suddenly shouted: "Don't panic, everyone, don't move around. These snakes just surrounded us and did not attack."

He Hui's reminder shook everyone's spirits. Sure enough, the snake just crawled around them and did not attack them.

"Brother, this thing is a little abnormal."

"Well, these snakes seem to have suddenly become humane. Let's observe and see what they want to do." Han Shi frowned as he looked at the snakes around him.

The time for a stick of incense passed, and half an hour passed, and the snakes surrounded them all the time and did not leave. Wang Rouhua and the others wiped the sweat from their faces, their bodies froze but they did not dare to move.

Han Shi frowned. He looked at the snakes around him and knew clearly that if this continued, the situation would be very unfavorable for them.

"Brother, don't worry, the hexagrams always show good luck. We must be safe this time." Dou Dou looked at Han Shi and said in a low voice. Of course, when he said this, he himself didn't believe it.

"Continuing like this is not an option. We must find a way to solve the predicament in front of us as soon as possible. I am afraid that those behind us will not be able to hold on anymore." He Hui took out a pheasant from his back basket and threw it into the distance.Some of the snakes scuttled towards the pheasant.

"This method is feasible." Dou Dou's eyes brightened slightly.

"It's feasible, but our speed is not as fast as the snakes. Even if we take out all the meat in the basket, we may not be able to feed these snakes." Han Shi looked at the snakes around him and said worriedly.

"Brother is right, we have to think of another way!" He Hui looked at the colorful snake, and his brain started working quickly.

"What's the matter, Ma'am? I heard Sisi's voice!" Wang Tiedan was blindfolded by his mother. Although he couldn't see the surrounding situation, he could hear the voice.

"'s okay!" Wang Rouhua said, her voice trembling.

Yuuji held onto one of her arms tightly, not letting her fall down.

Just as Han Shi and the others were thinking, the snakes surrounding them suddenly moved.

(End of this chapter)

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