Chapter 126

Zhu Zhu took Tiedan and searched for it for a while. She found that both the branches and the grass were wet. She sighed, "It seems we can't eat bird eggs today."

"Then I'll put it away first, let's eat it tomorrow!"

"Be good!" Zhu Zhu pinched Tiedan's cheek and took his hand back to the big tree.

When the three of them were sitting under the tree eating, Han Shi came back. He waited for the three of them to finish eating and then picked up his basket.

"Let's go!"

Zhu Zhu helped Wang Rouhua carry her basket. When it was her turn, Han Shi reached out to lift her basket and helped her carry it on her shoulders.

They saw some footprints from time to time along the way, but fortunately they never met anyone. They climbed a big mountain in the morning. Normally, she wouldn't have dared to think about it. Because of the rain, the mountain road was so rough. It was quite slippery. If Han Shi hadn't helped her up from time to time during this period, she would have fallen to pieces.

At noon, Han Shi put down his backpack, wiped the sweat from his face, and frowned as he looked at the mountains in front of him.

Zhu Zhu walked up to him and asked curiously, "What's going on?"

"Let's take a rest! This mountain is not easy."

"What's in the mountains?"

"There are more than one bear." Han Shi said worriedly.

Zhu Zhu couldn't help but shudder after hearing this: "How do you usually live?"

"Use one morning or one afternoon to climb over this mountain and try to walk around it as much as possible."

"We can't climb this mountain in one afternoon?" Zhu Zhu asked, looking at the mountain in front of him.

Han Shi turned to look at her and smiled sarcastically but did not answer her question.

Zhu Zhu frowned; "Then what should we do?"

"It seems that I can only rest overnight and then go on my way tomorrow."

Zhu Zhu knew that Han Shi was in a hurry. She turned her head slightly and looked at the fallen vines from the tree, her eyes flashing slightly. "I have a way, but I don't know if it's feasible or not."

"What way? Tell me!"

"Maybe we can swing across like a swing."

Han Shi's eyes flashed slightly after hearing her words, and he turned to look at the hanging vines.

"In this way, our speed will be much faster. I think this method is feasible." Wang Rouhua thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

"I'm afraid that the vines will suddenly break, and we'll probably fall and eat shit."

"Then let Brother Han go in front and we follow behind." Wang Rouhua suggested with a smile as she looked at the two of them.

"Then let's give it a try?" Han Shi asked, looking at the woman.

"Try it!"

Han Shi walked into the mountain, grabbed a vine and pulled it. He took two steps and swung far away. After a while, Han Shi swung over again.

"It works. As long as you swing to the top of the mountain like this, the descent will be much faster."

"Well, then you are in front and we are following behind." Zhu Zhu and Wang Rouhua were both eager to try.

"Okay, you keep up, I will take the iron egg."

Han Shi picked up Tiedan and grabbed a tree vine and walked in front again, followed by Zhu Zhu and Wang Rouhua.

Zhu Zhu took a deep breath and told herself that she would be able to do it. She grabbed a tree vine, took two steps to catch up with Han Shi, and then grabbed the second tree vine and swung forward again. Zhu Zhu no longer looked like They were so nervous before and gradually gained experience. Han Shi led them to the top of the mountain in only an hour.

Han Shi stood on the top of the mountain and picked up the two women respectively; "Let's go! Don't disturb those bears."

"Yeah!" The three of them hurried down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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