Chapter 105 Houniu Village

It was almost noon when Uncle Xu drove the carriage back. Several brothers got out of the carriage and greeted the family members one by one.

However, Qibao could tell that the atmosphere was a little different, because Mrs. Lin got off the carriage, her eyes were red, and she had obviously cried.

As soon as Xu Laosan saw his daughter-in-law's red eyes, he immediately stepped forward and asked nervously: "Daughter-in-law, why are you crying even though you are fine? Did you get bullied by others when you went to town? If you dare to bully my daughter-in-law, Xu Laosan, I will fight for it." Even if you risk your life, you have to give the other party some color!"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she raised her hand and patted her son on the shoulder, saying, "No, I will think about all these things. If your wife is bullied, I, as the mother-in-law, can still ignore it."

Xu Laosan said anxiously: "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Lin said with some sobs: "Today I met an aunt from my natal village in the town. The aunt told me that my father had a cold and couldn't get out of bed. He was seriously ill and kept coughing, so my mother asked me to help him. That aunt helped me grab some medicine, ugh...if that aunt hadn't told me, I didn't know about this, and my parents definitely didn't want to trouble me, so they didn't come and tell me..." After that, tears flowed down again.

Both Zhang and Li sighed. After all, they had a brother in their natal family to take care of their parents, but she was the only daughter in the third sibling's family. She had no one around to take care of her when she was sick. How could the third sibling not feel heartbroken...

Mrs. Lin added: "I want to go back and take care of my father, but I really can't rest assured."

Xu Laosan took Lin's hand and said, "Let's go, I'll go with you and take care of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. This year we will celebrate the New Year together!"

Lin's eyes were red and hesitant, wondering if her mother-in-law and father-in-law would agree...

Seeing her daughter-in-law's hesitation, Mrs. Wang immediately said, "What are you still hesitating about? You and the third child go together and pick up the in-laws and others."

The old man also said: "Yes, the wind and cold can be big or small. If you don't take careful care, the condition will become more and more serious. In addition, the weather is so cold, our home is warm, which is perfect for recuperation!"

Ms. Lin cried with joy and said, "Thank you very much, parents. I will set off with my husband right away."

Wang said: "If you drive, you can get there earlier."

Qibao said: "Mom, dad, I'll go with you!"

Mrs. Wang touched her daughter's face and said, "Be good, Qibao, Mom will be back soon. It's cold outside, so don't go!"

Qibao said: "Mom, if you want grandpa and grandma to come to the house directly, they probably won't agree. Even the fact that grandpa is sick is hidden from mom. Obviously, he doesn't want to worry mom. Now we already know that grandpa and grandma are the most painful. I’m here, I’m here to persuade them, and they will definitely come!”

Lin hesitated for a moment, but Wang said: "Just take Qibao with you, this girl is smart and can talk!"

Xu Laosan carried his daughter into the carriage without saying a word. Mrs. Lin also got into the carriage, said hello to her family, and drove away.

Lin's natal village is called Houniu Village. It is as poor as Xujia Village before, but the current villagers of Xujia Village are much better off than the villagers of Houniu Village.

Driving a carriage through the village, some villagers saw a carriage coming to the village. They were all curious about whose house the carriage was going to, and they all whispered to each other.

At this time, a man said: "This is Xu Laosan from Xujiacun. His family paid for the road construction in Xujiacun. I recognize him!"

An uncle said: "That's right, he is Old Man Lin's son-in-law. I haven't seen him for a while and I almost don't recognize him!"

"I heard that the Xu family is now rich and has opened stores in the town."

"The villagers in Xujia Village are able to work and earn money in the village. I heard that the wages are not low. It's all because of the Xu family!"

"It seems that Old Man Lin has found a good son-in-law! How enviable!"

"But old man Lin is still ill in bed. I guess Mr. Xu is here to see his father-in-law and mother-in-law!" "Yes, this son-in-law is really filial!"

Xu Laosan stopped the carriage at the door of his father-in-law's house. Lin and Qibao also got off the carriage. Looking at the low adobe house in front of them, Lin's eyes became sore again.

Xu Laosan said: "Come on, wife, let's go in and see how my father-in-law is doing!"

He stepped forward and knocked on the door bolt.

"Who is it? Come right now!" A woman's voice came from inside.

Mrs. Sun opened the door and saw her daughter and son-in-law coming with Qibao. She was surprised and said: "Honglian, Yicheng, why are you here? Come in quickly!"

Qibao stepped forward and took Grandma's hand and said, "Grandma, I miss you so much!"

Sun smiled and said, "Grandma misses us Qibao too!"

Mrs. Lin asked: "Mom, where is dad?"

Mrs. Sun said a little unnaturally: "Your dad didn't sleep well last night and is catching up on his sleep in the house now! Let's not disturb him and let him sleep more!"

Mrs. Lin didn't expect that her mother was still hiding the truth from her at this time. Tears suddenly fell down and she said: "Mom, I know everything. How could you hide it from me? You two elders have raised me so big, just... As a daughter, why didn’t my father tell me when he was sick?”

Mrs. Sun sighed in her heart, stepped forward and wiped your daughter's tears and said, "Mom, I don't want you to worry. I will take care of your father. I have asked your aunt next door to help me get some medicine. If you drink it, you will be fine!"

Mrs. Lin said: "Mom, I'm going to see how dad is doing now. I'm a little worried!"

Several people entered the old couple's room. The temperature inside was almost the same as outside. Lin looked at the cracks in the wall, which were larger than before she got married. Cold wind was blowing in through the cracks.

Old man Lin was lying on the bed at this time, his face was red, his eyes could not open, and he was coughing.

A thin and whitish quilt covered her body. Mrs. Lin stepped forward and grabbed Old Lin's hand, choking and saying: "Dad, my daughter is here to see you. If you are not feeling well, my daughter will take you to the town to find a doctor. "

Old man Lin heard his daughter's voice, his voice was hoarse, and he said weakly: "Dad is fine. When the medicine is brought back, dad will be fine after drinking it. Girl, don't cry."

Qibao stepped forward and touched his grandfather's forehead. It was hot, and the temperature was not low. Judging from the voice of his grandfather just speaking, he probably had an inflamed throat, so he said: "Grandpa, you have a serious fever. You can't just drink the herbal medicine." Okay. Does grandma have warm water?"

"Yes, I'll get it now!"

Qibao entered the space with his mind, took out an antipyretic medicine from the medicine box, waited for grandma to bring warm water, and quickly stuffed the medicine into grandpa's mouth. Xu Laosan helped the old man up and leaned on him to feed the water to old man Lin. Down.

Qibao said: "Grandpa, what I just gave you is antipyretic medicine. After taking it, the fever will subside soon."

Mrs. Lin finally felt relieved. High fevers have always caused people to be burned to death, so she was very worried. She had never seen the white pill that Qibao just took out, and she probably got it from her master. It's definitely not ordinary, Qibao will definitely quit if he says he will!

Mrs. Sun said: "You guys sit here first and eat here at noon. I will cook."

Mrs. Lin grabbed Mrs. Sun and said, "Mom, you don't have to do it at home. I'm here today to take you to the Xu family! I'll take care of dad's illness!"

Mrs. Sun was surprised and said: "How can that happen? There is no reason to go to the in-laws' home to recuperate. Didn't Qibao already give your father antipyretic medicine? Don't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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