Chapter 614 Why should we believe you?

Jin Yunzhi really didn't know, and frowned slightly.

"Let's stop talking nonsense to her. She obviously doesn't want to admit it. It's more important to get back these three months' wages first!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and others immediately echoed, "Yes, give us our hard-earned money back!"

"Give us your wages!"

"If you don't pay us our wages, we will be stranded at the door of Ji's house. I want to see how shameless you, the future daughter-in-law of the Xie family, are!"

Seeing the excitement of those people, Jin Yunzhi felt more and more that this matter was not that simple. She thought for a moment and said, "Don't get excited yet. I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter. Please be quiet!"

But Jinyun knew how one person's voice could be worth so many people.

After she finished speaking, those people not only did not calm down, but instead pushed forward aggressively, and some even almost jumped on Jin Yunzhi.

Still a strong man.

When Jin Yunqi saw this scene, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his voice was cold, "Shut up! If you say one more word, don't even think about getting a penny back!"

When those people heard this, the crowd was silent for a few seconds, but when they recalled that Jin Yunqi was threatening them, they became arrogant again.

Someone even rushed in front of Jin Yunqi, preparing to attack him. Jin Yunqi's eyes darkened, and he grabbed the fist that hit him. He exerted a little force on his arm, turned his palm over, and the man let out a cry. , looking hideous in pain.

"Which of you dares to charge forward again?"

The crowd fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

After a moment, Jin Yunzhi took advantage of everyone's quiet moment and said calmly, "I will definitely investigate this matter. If the Xie Mansion really deducts your wages, I will definitely give you the money."

"Why should we believe you? The thing that Xie Mansion did back then was left unsolved. Who knows whether this time it will be the same as before?"

"I really don't know what happened back then. If you believe me, just wait until I find out about this matter and then give you an explanation. If you are blocking the door of Ji's Mansion today, what will I do? If you can't do it, and you can't investigate the matter clearly, then you can't even think of taking a penny from me."

If this matter is true, Jin Yunzhi will never treat them badly and will definitely replenish their wages. But if they just want to cause trouble, Jin Yunzhi will never tolerate it.

After she finished speaking, most of the people in the crowd fell silent. Their main purpose was to get their wages back.

Seeing them calm down, Jin Yunzhi understood that these people probably didn't come here to cause trouble, so it seemed that they really didn't get paid.

"Leave this matter to me, and I will give you an explanation in three days."

"Okay! Since Miss Ji said three days, let's wait for another three days!"

"I hope that Miss Ji will not disappoint us in three days! We are all lowly workers. This salary may be nothing to Miss Ji, but it is particularly important to us. If it disappears for no reason, We will fight tooth and nail to get it back."

Jin Yunzhi responded calmly, "Of course I understand."

After all the people who surrounded Ji's house left, Jin Yunzhi and Jin Yunqi returned to the study together.

She found all the account books of the Xie Mansion and investigated the bad debt from that year based on what the workers said.

But after searching around, I found that the Xie Mansion's account book from seven years ago was missing one book!
(End of this chapter)

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