Chapter 572 Self-help
That year, just after her ninth birthday, she pestered her father, the queen, and her mother to go on a trip to the mountains.

As the youngest princess in the royal family, both her father, queen, mother, brother, and sister were very indulgent to her, so they naturally agreed to accompany her to the mountains.

However, the Queen Mother, who had always disliked her, was very dissatisfied.

She believed that the emperor's behavior would affect the government and did not agree with the emperor and the empress accompanying Jin Yunzhi out.

Emperor Nanque has worked hard since he ascended the throne and never dared to relax for a moment. This trip was the first time he went out to relax in more than ten years.

Even so, the Queen Mother still disagreed and even scolded Jin Yunzhi, criticizing her as useless.

Emperor Nanque felt sorry for Jin Yunzhi, so he disobeyed the Queen Mother's order and accompanied Jin Yunzhi to leave the palace and go to the mountains to play.

The accident happened on the way to the mountains. Jin Yunzhi was kidnapped and disappeared for more than a month.

The days after being kidnapped were the most painful and difficult days Jin Yunzhi had ever spent in his life.

She was knocked unconscious and taken away. When she woke up, she appeared on a ship, surrounded by boys and girls who were tied up and unconscious like her.

Jin Yunzhi has always been smart. Even though she has lived in the palace for a long time and is not familiar with worldly affairs, she still understands her current situation.

She didn't cry or fuss. When she heard the noise outside, she immediately closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

After the men came in, she heard their conversations.

"This girl is really handsome. When we get to Fengchu Capital City, she will definitely be able to sell it for a good price!"

"Yes! Look at this face, she's so tender that she can squeeze out tears. The gentlemen in the capital love this little girl the most!"

Jin Yunzhi, who was pretending to sleep, felt an inexplicable chill down his spine when he heard this.

At that time, she actually didn't understand why the master liked the little girl.

But when she heard the word "sell", she felt scared and thought to herself, she must run out!
Definitely not to be sold!
After those people left, Jin Yunzhi opened his eyes, walked to the pillar, put the rope tied in his hands against the pillar, and kept rubbing it.

Soon, the rope was disconnected, and Jin Yunzhi ran to the door quickly. She saw someone guarding outside and did not dare to move.

They were dumped in a warehouse.

There are thick and big oil drums in the warehouse, and the oil drums are all heavy.

Jin Yunzhi woke up a taller boy. Before the boy could react, Jin Yunzhi covered his mouth and said, "If you want to survive, just listen to me and don't make any sound."

The boy was frightened.

But he soon realized his current situation.He followed Jin Yunzhi's instructions, and the two of them pushed all the upright oil barrels to the ground and rolled them to the door.

At this time, Jin Yunzhi looked at the scenery outside the window. They were almost reaching the shore. Even if they jumped into the water, they would not be drowned.

Taking advantage of the half-way time, Jin Yunzhi woke up all the unconscious boys and girls.

After everyone woke up, a group of little guys were huddled in the warehouse.

There was a little girl who was so frightened that she wanted to cry, but Jin Yunzhi covered her mouth with a firm look in her eyes, "If you cry now, you will never see your parents in this life."

The tears in the little girl's eyes were held back by her.

Just as the ship was about to dock, Jin Yunzhi and several other teenagers worked together to slam the oil drum into the warehouse door.

The heavy oil drums slammed open the door of the warehouse. Before the people outside the room could react, the oil drums rolled towards them one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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