Empress, she is the darling of the Emperor's hand

Chapter 753 Winter Solstice Palace Banquet 5

Chapter 753 Winter Solstice Palace Banquet 5
When the emperor said this, the concubines had no chance to refute, they just sat there with blank expressions on their faces.

After the emperor finished speaking, he said nothing more and ordered: "Have a banquet."

The palace people immediately filed in and were presented with steaming dishes that were fragrant and fragrant.

Because it was cold winter, the palace people waited for the emperor to give the order before serving the dishes to prevent the food from getting cold quickly.

The banquet was quickly filled with dishes that were full of color, flavor and taste. The red and green decorations were very beautiful and looked extremely tempting under the bright lights.

The other concubines had no reaction yet. As soon as Shi Yunxin saw the various fresh hot dishes on the table, her appetite immediately surged and her saliva came out. I wonder if it was because of her pregnancy that her appetite for food became stronger. many.

Shi Yunxin, of course, didn't care about anyone else. She was so excited that she spoke with gleaming eyes: "Your Majesty, I want to eat the anchovy fin in the middle and the braised beef tendon with golden sauce!"

At the same time, she had already picked up a large piece of steamed, tender and plump mandarin fish with her chopsticks, and put it into her mouth with a small ball of crystal soft white rice. It was so beautiful.

After listening to her words, the emperor held up his chopsticks without changing his expression and stretched out his long arms to pick up the two middle dishes she asked for.

Tonight's banquet was held in a table-by-table format, and the tables were occupied by the concubines with the highest status.Shi Yunxin also sat here because she was pregnant with Long Si.

The palace servant at the back was originally supposed to step forward to help the master with the dishes, but Shi Yunxin disliked the busyness of the palace servants around, and always liked to pick up the dishes himself.Of course, if she couldn't do it herself, the emperor would do it for her.

A table, no, it should be a palace of concubines, all watching with helpless eyes, the emperor naturally stretched out his chopsticks, picked up the two dishes Shi Yunxin wanted, and put them in her bowl.

Shi Yunxin didn't have any special reaction when she ate the dish that the emperor brought to her. She put on the piece of sauce-colored beef tendon that the emperor brought to her, mixed it with a ball of rice, and took another bite into her mouth.

The concubines at the banquet couldn't tell how they felt.

Seeing the emperor serving food to Shi Yunxin like this, the actions between the two were so natural and normal!They were all suddenly a little surprised...

Moreover, the biggest feeling in the hearts of the concubines at this time was: Lu Ji seemed to be eating so casually and having fun. Could it be that the emperor likes to be relaxed and casual like this?Is this why Ryuki is so favored? !
The concubines looked at Shi Yunxin eating happily at the banquet with a calm expression. They began to believe this statement in their hearts, and then they couldn't help but also relaxed and ate the delicious food with all their heart.

The banquet suddenly became very humane. The concubines relaxed and ate the food at the banquet, which turned out to be quite harmonious and lively.

By the time the concubines came to their senses, Shi Yunxin had already finished a satisfying meal. She was full, leaning there comfortably and contentedly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor was beside her, picking up vegetables and serving soup for her during the whole process. As long as Dr. Lu said it was okay to eat, Shi Yunxin was allowed to eat it, and Shi Yunxin was left to eat until she was full.

The emperor gave it to her and ate it himself, and he actually ate enough without any delay.

That perfect scene made some people across from them grit their teeth.

So uncomfortable.

It was just too much to bear.

The excitement of this palace banquet made one's heart go crazy ten times. The pain was so intense that it was almost difficult to sit still. The heart was so painful that it was so painful that the expression could hardly be stretched.

# # # # # #
today's update
Although the chatter has been going on all day, the plot is slowly developing
You shouldn't be running out of ideas tomorrow, right?Because I had a midnight snack tonight hehehe

I feel like there should be no jams tomorrow. Stay safe, guys.

(End of this chapter)

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