Chapter 468 Leaving the Valley and Returning to the Palace 6
Someone came back to report that Shi Yunxin had an accident and was knocked down the valley by an assassin and disappeared. The people in Yunwai Pavilion also fainted on the spot, and then started crying in despair and fear.

Later, they heard that Shi Yunxin had lived in the valley with the emperor. Taoyao and others were shocked and worried. They had been waiting for news in Yunwai Pavilion in panic every day for more than ten days.

Fortunately, the emperor's safety was the top priority. At that time, no one had any intention to pay attention to the issue of who was living abroad with the emperor. They were all afraid that something would happen to the emperor and that he would be destroyed if he could not come back.

So nothing happened to Yunwai Pavilion, and the ten days passed smoothly.

Shi Yunxin stayed in Yunwai Pavilion and rested comfortably for a day. After figuring out all the situations, she knew what was going on and was not afraid to deal with various situations.

Now that the emperor has returned to the palace, the entire palace seems to have been injected with life again. There is no need to worry about the emperor's safety anymore. The former dynasty and the harem are all alive.

There was a big stir among the concubines in the harem. They were all talking eagerly and looking forward to news about the emperor. However, the emperor had just returned to the palace after leaving the palace for more than ten days. He must have dealt with the official affairs of the court first. , I don’t have time to step into the harem.

So the concubines in the harem turned their attention to Shi Yunxin. Now that the emperor was fine, the concubines in the harem remembered that it was Shi Yunxin who had been living alone with the emperor for more than ten days this time.

What would happen after living alone for more than ten days? !

The concubines in the harem were thinking and talking, and they all became jealous. (Shi Yunxin was really speechless, because she really thought that nothing substantial had happened...)
Even the concubines in the harem wanted to know what had happened in the past ten days when the emperor and Shi Yunxin were living in the valley, and what was going on with the emperor now, so they wanted to go to Shi Yunxin to see what was going on.

However, after Shi Yunxin returned to the palace, she hid in the Yunwai Pavilion and told the outside world that she was ill. She had just returned to the palace from an adventure with the emperor, and it was normal for her to need to recuperate. No concubine could force her to go to the Yunwai Pavilion to treat her. do what.

So after Shi Yunxin and the emperor returned to the palace, everything was so intense and calm.

After returning to the harem, Shi Yunxin rested for three days.To be honest, when she returned to the palace, she was in great spirits and not tired at all.

So she stayed in Yunwai Pavilion for the past three days without moving, just because she was lazy...

However, after living at home for three days without doing anything or going anywhere, when Shi Yunxin came out to see her vegetable patch again, she felt as if she was in another world.

It's not anything else, but looking at the scenery in Hanshan Palace. It's also trees, flowers, grass, soil and vegetable fields. When I returned to the palace, the scenery around here was completely different from that in the valley...

She was still living in the valley three days ago. She went into the woods and the river to spear fish and wash things every day, and she and the emperor were looking for things to do.

Thinking of the emperor, Shi Yunxin's eyes flickered for a moment, then she curled her lips slightly, clicked her tongue, and then continued to look at the green vegetable patch that she had been taking good care of for more than ten days, as if she was not thinking about anyone else.

A few days after the emperor returned to the palace, he still had not set foot in the harem. The previous court kept sending news about what matters the emperor had dealt with, where he was at different times, and which palace he went to to deal with political affairs.

Of course, news also came that Concubine Fan went to the Long Ao Palace in front to visit the emperor with chicken soup, and the emperor met Concubine Fan.

# # # # # #
There will be

But it will be quite late. I suggest you go to bed first and get up to watch tomorrow.
If the subscription results are good tomorrow, I will continue to update all day long and write more as much as I can.
Okay, now the young master is going to have a midnight snack again, hahaha, he is as exhausted as if he were in a war.

I was wrong. After eating the late night snack, I was so sleepy that I couldn't hold on any longer... I'd rather go to bed first and get up again tomorrow morning. Really, really! !
(End of this chapter)

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