Chapter 450 Life in the Valley 52
Suddenly he said: "Hey, Your Majesty, it seems that we are going back now. We have shot this deer. We can't drag such a big deer forward. Moreover, the deer's blood is all on the deer. Blood is precious, if we go back too late, it will be bad if the deer dies for too long."

This is about to go back...

Chu Tiankuo looked at her sudden expression, but nodded reluctantly, "Then go back."

The emperor seems to be able to do anything, so Shi Yunxin doesn't have to worry about his opinion, or worry that he will think she has manipulated everything.

So the two of them went back early.

Although this trip did not go very far, and I did not harvest anything valuable or rare, it was still a good experience, at least it was better than just staying in the cave and being bored.

They went there for a day and a night, but returned quickly. The emperor made something similar to a raft out of tree vines, tied the deer to it, and the two of them dragged the deer back.

In the afternoon of that day, the two of them had already left the forest and returned to the cave and valley where they lived.

Seeing the familiar rivers and caves where they had been living, Shi Yunxin magically felt like "coming home".

It seems that they chose the cave here to settle and have been living here since entering the valley, so they feel familiar with this place.

When you return to a place where you have stayed for a long time, you will naturally relax and feel familiar and friendly.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief at first, sat by the river, drank water, washed their faces, and rested for a while.

Then Shi Yunxin asked the emperor to go to the forest to see a long and thick wild bamboo, cut it into sections, and make a bamboo tube.

After washing it in the river, the deer was dragged back and its neck was slit, and then the blood was bled. The blood was poured into bamboo tubes and the tubes were ready.

Because the temperature in the valley is quite autumn-like now, the bamboo tube can be stored by placing it in the river to cool down, and the deer blood will not go bad quickly.

Why does Shi Yunxin want these deer blood?That's actually because they don't know when they can get out of the valley, and the weather is getting cooler day by day. It's still autumn. If the temperature gets colder later...

This deer blood is very good for warming and nourishing the body.

After storing the deer blood, Shi Yunxin simply cooked the venison in one go.Of course, it was the emperor who did the skinning and the deer skin was put away.

This deer was shot in the head, and the entire deer hide was still intact. They could take it into the cave after it was done!The dry cattail bed can be upgraded——

Although there is no saltwater here, it can be used for a short period of time if you scrape it with a stone several times to remove all the meat and fat, dry it, and smoke it with the scent of wild flowers.

Looking at this piece of deerskin, Shi Yunxin suddenly felt joyful and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, we can go hunting, and we don't have to worry if it gets cold! If it gets cold, let's go hunt some prey and leave The fur underneath for warmth.”

She had been worried about cooling down before!

Now suddenly there is a solution, so she is very happy.

The emperor glanced at Shi Yunxin, who was full of joy, but showed no emotion and only nodded.

The remaining fresh venison was cut into pieces with a stone knife. Because this time the quantity was relatively large and it was difficult to put it away. Shi Yunxin thought about it and went into the forest while the emperor was washing the meat. He walked around carefully for almost an hour. , finally discovered a plant spice that can prolong the spoilage of meat among a wide variety of plants.

(End of this chapter)

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