Chapter 434 Life in the Valley 36
The two picked up a large basket of chestnuts. Yes, it was a large basket. Because the chestnuts were too scattered and could not be wrapped in big leaves like sweet potatoes, Shi Yunxin was having a headache how to transport them back.

Unexpectedly, the emperor pulled a few rattan sticks nearby, his slender fingers flew around, and in a few strokes, he actually made a small basket!

"Your Majesty!" The two words in Shi Yunxin's heart were actually: Damn it!

Chu Tiankuo raised his head and glanced at Shi Yunxin, thinking that her next sentence was going to ask him how an emperor could master such skills.

Then I heard Shi Yunxin shouting: "Your Majesty, you know this, why don't you use it early in the morning? Then we don't have to go to so much trouble to transport sweet potatoes and prey and store things!"


Sure enough, everything she said was not what he thought.

The emperor paused and replied to her: "Then why didn't Liuliu call me early in the morning?"

A question mark popped up in Shi Yunxin's mind: "?"

Then he said: "!!!" Damn, she was really convinced. What kind of overbearing and forced logic did the emperor have... How did she know he would do it?
But okay, you are the emperor, whatever you say is right!
After that day, it was sunny for the next few days and it never rained again.

Shi Yunxin and the emperor spent two days like that in the valley.

Then Shi Yunxin went to the entrance of the valley every day and leaned against the boulders to listen for sounds, but never heard anything.

Shi Yunxin couldn't help but feel worried. There was no movement at all. What should I do?They don't know what the situation is outside.

And the assassination that day when I fell into the valley...

Shi Yunxin glanced at the emperor beside her, and as she thought about it, a terrible thought suddenly appeared in her mind, but she did not dare to say it.

"Tell me, what do you want to say again?" However, at this moment, Chu Tiankuo glanced at her and said lightly.

Shi Yunxin: "..."

"Your Majesty, do you have any idea about your assassination?"

Since he asked her to say it, she would say it, Shi Yunxin asked sincerely, looking into the emperor's eyes.

"Your Majesty, if we don't know what the real situation is, maybe the incident is not only that simple, but also has follow-up arrangements, such as the person behind the incident after returning to the court. Will they talk about the emperor's life and death, fabricate the scene in the valley, say how bad the valley is, and that the emperor will definitely die if he falls into the valley... to make everyone believe that the emperor is dead, and then not even come to rescue him? "

Shi Yunxin had a very dark thought: "Your Majesty, if no one is actually rescuing us outside now..."

The emperor's eyes darkened and he looked at Shi Yunxin.

In her own opinion, Shi Yunxin's thoughts may be too much, or she may think that her thoughts are too dark, too baseless and outrageous.

But in the eyes of those court strategists, this was not the case. Instead, they praised Shi Yunxin for thinking deeply.

Her mind is quite complex. After all, most people would not dare to think about these dark thoughts.

However, he knew that no matter what the consequences of the assassination were, he was the emperor and the king of a country, and he would never fail to save someone.

Chu Tiankuo looked at Shi Yunxin and was about to speak.

But Shi Yunxin thought for a while and said with admiration: "Ah, I thought wrong. It's impossible. Major General Gao is outside and won't allow anyone to mess around!"

"Your Majesty, we don't have to worry." Shi Yunxin smiled confidently and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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