Chapter 416 Life in the Valley 18
At noon that day, Shi Yunxin stewed a pot of pheasant and mushrooms in a stone pot!

The wild fat pheasant, super tender mushrooms, and all the sauces she brought, the taste is simply amazing...

The emperor and Shi Yunxin did not go back to the cave, but set up a pot to cook lunch by the river, and used newly made stone bowls. Except for the lack of staple food such as rice, everything was perfect...

Shi Yunxin's appetite was whetted and she was so full after eating that the two of them ate none of the chicken and mushrooms in the pot. They were so happy.

After Shi Yunxin finished eating, she leaned on the stone behind her. She was extremely satisfied and felt happy in her heart.

This is perfect.

"Your Majesty, let's go into the woods and look around when we have time. Maybe we can find wild sweet potatoes and potatoes in the fields." Shi Yunxin suggested to the emperor excitedly.

The emperor looked at her and nodded without saying anything.

Another day passed like this. Apart from looking for food for three meals, they looked everywhere in the valley. There was nothing to do in the valley. They could only walk around and see if they could find more things.

In the evening, the two of them stored enough water, brought food for the night and some fruits to quench their thirst and tiredness. They threw out the piles of grass and trees in the corner of the cave and replaced them with new ones. They entered the cave when it was getting dark. The entrance to the cave was blocked with stones.

In the evening, Shi Yunxin cooked a large pot of mushroom fish soup.

We also roasted hare, and because we had a stone bowl, we mixed some tender wild vegetables dug out of the ground.

The milky white soup gurgled in the hot stone pot, emitting steam and a rich aroma that made your bones soft.

Shi Yunxin leaned over and took a deep breath. She almost fainted and was so happy.

"Your Majesty, this is so delicious, you must try it."

Shi Yunxin served the soup in a stone bowl, and the hare was roasted aside until it was golden brown, with sizzling fat and a tantalizing aroma.The two of them drank the soup first, a thick milky white mushroom fish soup that combined the tenderness of the mushrooms with the extremely delicious fish meat. The taste lived up to Shi Yunxin's imagination, it was so delicious that it made people swallow their tongues and feel their souls leave their bodies!
After taking the first sip, Shi Yunxin couldn't help it and sighed.

In the end, the two of them drank the pot of soup without leaving any trace!
The emperor, who was accustomed to eating delicacies in the palace, also obviously liked this fresh mushroom and fish soup. After Shi Yunxin and the emperor finished drinking, they looked at each other and they both enjoyed it unanimously.

Then they shared the rabbit meat, which was roasted to a fragrant, firm and elastic texture, and extremely delicious.

In the end, the two of them ate all the food they had prepared. Although Shi Yunxin was very full from Yeguozi, he also ate two more to relieve tiredness and increase digestion.

After eating and resting there for a while, Shi Yunxin took matters into his own hands and cleaned up the mess.

After washing himself with water just like last night, Shi Yunxin turned around and saw that the emperor was already taking off his coat.

She hesitated for a moment, thinking of the emperor's behavior last night, which was nothing special. She took off her coat, looked up at the emperor, then lay in the man's arms and slept with the emperor.

The emperor's expression was indifferent, and he didn't do anything as she was afraid. His slender arms hugged her tightly, holding her completely in his arms, and they fell asleep close to each other.

However, something extremely tragic happened.

In the middle of the night, Shi Yunxin, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes in the emperor's arms.

Her eyes were blurred for a moment, and then became extremely clear. After that, her expression became extremely tangled and distorted!

oh my god

She had considered everything except what she would do in this cave if she drank too much soup at night and wanted to go to the toilet.

# # # # # #
today's update
(Think about it, Shi Yunxin wanted to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, and the point is... the entrance to the cave was blocked by stones... the emperor needed to remove the stones before he could get out...)
(End of this chapter)

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