Chapter 185 Hahahahahaha 1
It was exposed on the spot that he was telling lies and slandering others to kill others. He was so vicious...

Ying Zhaorong clenched her hands tightly and suddenly said in a sharp voice, "Maybe you saved the precious person, and the precious person protected you and deliberately excused you!"

Shi Yunxin was really speechless towards Ying Zhaorong. At this point, she could still insist on attacking others. Did she really think that everyone else was a fool?

"I saved the precious person, but according to what you said, it was me who harmed the precious person. Why would she protect me?"

"And Ying Zhaorong, according to what you said, everyone is telling lies, but you are the only one who is telling the truth?"

Shi Yunxin raised her lips and smiled sarcastically, turning her head away not wanting to talk to Ying Zhaorong anymore.

The precious man was helped up by Zhu Er, and his spirits were slightly depressed, but he was no longer seriously injured.Although he has fallen into the water now, the late spring in the eastern region is no longer cold, and the temperature in the sea water is a little warmer than on land, so the precious person did not even sneeze.

Pearl put a fur coat on her dear, and supported her as she slowly wanted to go back to rest. When she turned around and saw Shi Yunxin, Pearl looked at her gratefully.

The emperor withdrew his eyes from her body and ordered in a calm tone: "Order someone to send ginger soup to the precious person. Dr. Lu, go and take a look at the precious person. Don't leave any trace of the disease."

Dr. Lu responded, and the precious man was flattered and grateful and bowed to the emperor, and then he was surrounded by the servants and went back to the cabin.

Just as Shi Yunxin turned around, she saw several officials on the deck surrounding her with beaming faces!

Damn it!What is this!
Shi Yunxin glared, and the official in the middle said in an excited voice: "You are Shi Chenghui! Where did you learn the method you just used to save a drowning person?"

"Shi Chenghui, is your method of rescuing people really sure to save a drowning person?"

"The action of pressing the chest and kissing at the same time is very rogue, but why can it save people? What is the principle behind this, Shi Chenghui, do you know?"

"Shi Chenghui..."

As soon as several officials opened their mouths, they immediately buzzed like bees vying to speak to Shi Yunxin.

Shi Yunxin looked at them in shock, leaning back unconsciously and taking a step back...

Several officials immediately surrounded her, all chattering to her!
Several officials had extremely excited and uncontrollable expressions on their faces, "Shi Chenghui, do you know how many people your method of rescuing drowning people just now can save?"

The officials of these seaside cities were all ecstatic. They had just witnessed Shi Yunxin resuscitating a lifeless person. His actions were so novel and strange, but surprisingly effective. Their hearts were trembling, and they were gradually ecstatic. full.

Many people drown every year on the beach, including fishermen, sailors, and even ordinary children and adults.Many people who live by the sea and in the eastern coastal areas have drowned. Some of them are lucky enough to have shallow water or early detection and can be saved, but most of them cannot be saved.

Now that they saw that Shi Yunxin could save "dead" people and discovered such a method of saving people, how could they not be excited and ecstatic!
Seeing Shi Yunxin rescuing a precious person, the first thing these officials in the seaside city thought of was to popularize this method of rescuing drowning people. How many people could be saved in the eastern coastal area!
(End of this chapter)

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