Chapter 1742 Feng Hai Last 8
Feng Lielie, including Chu Tiankuo himself, and the Chong Shi Mo Color Guards who were watching were very confident about this situation.

Ji Er is gifted with hearing, so he should be able to find their flaws when facing Meilou people with special powers, right? !
Ji Er fell in the air and looked at the circle outside Chu Tiankuo's inner energy shield.

Everyone's attention is focused on this, because it is obvious that the Meilou people must be shuttled around Chu Tiankuo now, looking for flaws in his internal force shield attack.

It's just that Zhongshi and the others couldn't see the Meilou people, and they couldn't blindly attack Chu Tiankuo, otherwise they would be breaking through Chu Tiankuo's internal energy barrier.

All hope now lies in Ji Er.

The breeze was blowing, and no movement or sound within a hundred miles could escape Ji Er's ears.

His ears seemed to have been given special powers by God. Even the slightest sound could make his ears twitch.

Ji Er's calm gaze swept across the calm area outside Chu Tiankuo's inner force shield, where no one could be seen.

There was nothing there, and there was no flaw in the figure of the Meilou people.

But the wind brought sounds... Ji Er's ears moved extremely slightly and caught a trace of movement.

it is true!With his natural hearing, he can hear the voices of Meilou people hidden in the traces!
The secret method of hiding the figure of the Meilou people is really not that the whole person disappears completely, but is similar to a blind method, so that people can't see any trace of them in front of them. In fact, they are still there!

So from a hearing perspective, we can detect their traces!

It really works to use hearing to catch the flaws in Meilou people’s secret method of invisibility!
Ji Er's eyes suddenly focused on a certain place, that's where... There was a sound there just now. It should be that someone raised his foot and took a step to the left.

The fabric rubbed against the threads of the fabric and made an extremely subtle sound, almost like energy fluctuations, but Ji Er heard it.

He can capture the traces of Meilou people.

As the internal force resisted, the surroundings were filled with wind.

Originally, he had caught the traces of the Meilou people, so he would immediately take action and easily deal with the Meilou people.But at the end of the wind, a glance from the corner of Ji Er's eyes swept across Shi Yunxin's fair face in Chu Tiankuo's arms...

Shi Yunxin was calm and not too scared, because she had known for a long time that not being afraid was the best thing for her to do when facing this kind of situation with Chu Tiankuo.

Something floated in Ji Er's mind. His eyes did not change, but he raised his head and looked away. He did not make any move, as if he did not notice any breath.

In the midst of the wind, the hopeful Chong Shi Mo Se guards all looked at Ji Er, only to see that he was just standing there, not moving at all.

Chu Tiankuo's eyes sank when he saw Ji Er's reaction. He knew that Ji Er had been listening without any reaction or action, which meant that Ji Er didn't hear any sound.

A terrible situation happened. Even though he was gifted with hearing, Ji Er could not detect the traces of the Meilou people!

What to do about the current situation? It is unrealistic to remain in such a stalemate. Not to mention how quickly his internal energy is exhausted. The hidden Meilou people have been looking for flaws. Who knows what they will do. .

He and the Meilou people were in a stalemate. If Ji Er came out, that would be his advantage. But if Ji Er had no other options and became helpless, that would be the Meilou people's advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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