Chapter 1737 Feng Hai Last 3
Under a tree with new leaves, Shi Yunxin got out of the carriage and saw that the trees were almost green, feeling that spring and summer had really arrived.

"Let's rest here?" Chu Tiankuo came down with the things and said to her, "Would you like some kidney bean cake..."

Before he finished speaking, a group of men wrapped in dark purple clothes suddenly appeared. No one knew where they came from. They just seemed to appear suddenly and suddenly appeared in front of them.

As soon as he saw the dark purple, the usually calm Chu Tiankuo's expression changed, and he blurted out: "People from Meilou? Why are they here?"

Meilou is the first one in the world who is above all other sects, with a transcendent status, and is known throughout the world for his superb ability to hide his ghostly aura.

The reason why they are said to be superior to all the sects in the world is because their ability to hide traces is so strong that they don't look like individuals.

In the world, no matter how powerful they are, no one can identify the people from Meilou.

Therefore, in fact, people who know about it in the world can't help but speculate whether the people in Meilou are really immortals in the sky, or that they must not be simple mortals, and may have some demonic and godly parts.

This is not false, because no one, including Chu Tiankuo, can identify their traces.

This is why the Meizu people suddenly appeared for some reason. Chu Tiankuo didn't notice it before, and neither did the Mo Se guards in the dark.

This is the real ability of the people in Meilou. They really have this uncanny ability to hide their traces like ghosts.

But there must be a reason why Meilou, who has such a superior status above the Jianghu, can maintain a balance with the Jianghu.

Meilou is also like a real immortal. They rarely participate in the affairs of the world and rarely appear in front of people. Not to mention their elusive ghost skills. Even if they want to go somewhere or do something, they can go there in secret without anyone knowing.

There are so many people who want to hire Meilou to do things. Many dignitaries and wealthy businessmen who know the existence of Meilou in Jianghu want to hire people from Meilou to do work. After all, Meilou’s ability is very useful in some places.

But Meilou rarely agrees, and it’s almost like choosing one out of 1, but the price is astronomical when they accept it, and they may have hidden identities and other industries, so Meilou, who is overlooking everyone, is not at all Lack of money, and even all the time had the pomp and circumstance befitting his aloof status.

As for those who want to get something but want to take revenge on Meilou - it is even more impossible. If Meilou has such ability, no one in the world can even find out where their real address is.

Therefore, Meilou has this status and ability.

Compared to the Mo Se Palace, which has rarely appeared in the world, Meilou's image is more mysterious and aloof. Their Mo Se Palace still has contacts with the world, but it is already very low-key.But Meilou is transcendent.

However, the problem is that Meilou is extremely difficult to recruit, so how could he appear in front of them and stop them?
It was Chu Tiankuo, who knew Meilou's situation, who changed his face and asked, but Shi Yunxin didn't know anything about Meilou, so he turned his head in confusion.

Who is this person, how could he cause such a reaction from Chu Tiankuo, and how could he stop in front of them——

These people in purple didn't seem to be okay. They suddenly appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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