Empress, she is the darling of the Emperor's hand

Chapter 1689: Martial Arts Tournament 9

Chapter 1689: Martial Arts Tournament 9
Chu Tiankuo still refused without thinking: "Don't worry too much, I won't leave Madam behind, Madam will follow me."

Of course, it was impossible for Shi Yunxin to be willing to stay in Mose Palace to raise the baby alone. She could stay there.

What's more, Chu Tiankuo couldn't accept letting her leave him.He also knew very well what Shi Yunxin was thinking. She would never agree to stay alone in Mose Palace.

Chu Tiankuo had already made his decision without Shi Yunxin saying anything.

Liu Yuqing paused and bowed, her slender and beautiful waist drawing extremely beautiful lines in the air. She lowered her head slightly and said: "Yes, Palace Master, I am just a little worried. My wife is pregnant and following you around." .”

Chu Tiankuo shook his head and said: "You can bear it, and I won't let anything happen to her. There are people in Chongshi who have medical skills."

It turns out that he had already planned it!Liu Yuqing said no more and responded respectfully: "I understand."

After the food was served, Chu Tiankuo accompanied Shi Yunxin to eat. He knew that Shi Yunxin didn't have so many rules, and he himself didn't pay attention to them outside. He only wanted those clear rules in the palace.

He told Liu Yuqing: "You should also sit down and eat."

Liu Yuqing stood aside respectfully and dutifully, and responded respectfully: "How dare you, my subordinates."

She didn't go overboard in any way.

Shi Yunxin took a chopstick and Chu Tiankuo picked out the fish bones and gave her the most tender fish belly meat and said: "Sit down and eat, we can't finish all the dishes."

She barks so much just because she wants to eat everything==
Chu Tiankuo originally asked her to sit down and eat, but who would have thought that Shi Yunxin would also speak later. Liu Yuqing's back stiffened again for no apparent reason. Then, in favor of Shi Yunxin, he took two steps forward lightly without any further speculation. He sat down and said gratefully and respectfully to Shi Yunxin: "Then thank you, Madam, Master, for your grace."

Shi Yunxin nodded and continued to eat. She was really hungry. She was able to eat well after being pregnant.

After Liu Yuqing sat down, he was able to catch all their movements -

Chu Tiankuo hadn't eaten yet, so he brought a bowl and put the most tender and tangy steamed sea bass in front of him into the bowl. Then he picked out the big spines on the belly of the fish one by one, and then put it into the bowl. A whole piece of extremely tender and delicious fish was put into Shi Yunxin's bowl.

Shi Yunxin ate with chopsticks by herself. When she wanted to eat a piece of cabbage with soup stock, she would use the chopsticks to pick it up.After eating the fish belly, Chu Tiankuo first took off the whole fish head, and used chopsticks to accurately take out the most delicious fish head inside——

Then he turned around and asked Shi Yunxin softly: "Do you want to eat fish this time?"

Shi Yunxin shook his head, "No, I'm lazy this time."

Chu Tiankuo nodded, and put the best piece of fish head out into a long dish first, soaked in the fragrant steaming sauce, and then put the fish head into Shi Yunxin's bowl.

Then put the fish meat back into the dish and start picking up the meat on the back of the fish that has many spines but is also very tender.

The fish back meat is different from the fish belly meat. He carefully and patiently picked out all the small thorns inside, making sure that no thorns would choke Shi Yunxin before putting the fish back meat into her bowl.

When Shi Yunxin finished eating the fish back meat bit by bit, Chu Tiankuo pointed his chopsticks at the fish tail meat and asked her: "Do you still want to eat fish tail meat? Are you tired of it?"

The fish tail meat is also very fragrant. As long as the spines are picked out, it is also delicious.But Shi Yunxin stretched her chopsticks towards the pork elbow and said, "I don't want to eat anymore. I'm tired of it. I want to eat the pork elbow with sauce and chicken with scallion oil."

# # # # # #
Chu Tiankuo: I am very patient and good at serving others. There is no conflict at all between being an emperor and being able to serve others.

Liu Yuqing: Even if you are patient, why would you still do this! !Others are serving you, how do you know what to do? !

Chu Tiankuo: I have served her once. I have served her once before. Why not? ? ?

Liu Yuqing: ...Grass.

Chu Tiankuo: Don’t say bad words. My children can’t listen to bad words.

Liu Yuqing:…………

(End of this chapter)

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