Empress, she is the darling of the Emperor's hand

Chapter 157 She is physically disabled but strong-willed 9

Chapter 157 She is physically disabled but strong-willed 9
After hearing this, the emperor ordered the waiting guards, "Go and find out where that vicious dog came from."

Shi Yunxin also wanted to know where that vicious dog came from, and whether its sudden appearance had any conspiracy implications...

Dr. Lu helped her wash the scar with soapy water and applied the appropriate medicine, and then said: "Such a scar does not need to be bandaged. Shi Chenghui just needs to pay attention to eating less spicy food in the past few days."

Shi Yunxin nodded. If it were other people here in ancient times, they would definitely think that her two scars were making a fuss. But coming from modern times, she knew the risks of being scratched by the paws of a dog, especially a dog that looked so irritable and had the intention to attack people. …

Fortunately, the people sent by the emperor came back very efficiently. They said they had gone to the government to check, and they also sent people to check in villages one by one. They found that there had been no cases of rabid dog disease in the past several decades within a thousand miles.

With such a level of knowledge and limited knowledge in ancient times, if someone got sick like a dog, it would definitely be regarded as big news and spread everywhere, so don't worry about the news leaking. If you ask if it is true, then Just not.

This is not an epidemic area, so there is no chance that the vicious dog has rabies.

Shi Yunxin breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, someone from the palace came to report, saying that the vicious dog was not a dog of unknown origin, but a guard dog in the backyard of the palace. He behaved normally on weekdays, and until this morning, he was still there. It was normal. He somehow ran from the backyard to the front and attacked Shi Yunxin so fiercely.

When Shi Yunxin heard this, he immediately felt that this was a vicious conspiracy...

Is it so abnormal? Isn’t it man-made?

But Shi Yunxin couldn't figure out who wanted to harm her. Those concubines were right under the emperor's nose. Not to mention whether they had the ability to plot to harm her, it would be easy to find out what happened and the emperor would handle it personally. So, They were miserable.

Since no one had a deep grudge against her, Shi Yunxin felt that it was unlikely that these concubines would harm her like this.

Who could it be...did she offend someone?Could it be that Liucheng and his son have some last remaining strength that hates her so much that they want to drag her to death together?

The emperor looked at her with a calm expression on his face and said to her, "I will have someone investigate this matter. Chenghui doesn't have to worry."

Shi Yunxin quickly thanked the emperor: "I am really grateful to the emperor!"

She knew that it was impossible for the emperor not to investigate this matter. After all, putting a vicious dog that would attack people in the corridor where they lived in broad daylight would also pose a threat of harm to the emperor.

So Shi Yunxin felt that it was okay for the emperor to say that he would investigate the matter. Dr. Lu brought out the medicine for her to re-treat the shoulder wound. She hesitated and said to the emperor:

"Your Majesty, I'll take the medicine back and ask my maid to help you apply it. Don't disturb Your Majesty."

She thought it was better not to apply medicine to the emperor...

Otherwise, he would have to open his clothes again and deal with the wound on his shoulder.

The emperor is sitting here, so this is embarrassing...

Shi Yunxin said hesitantly, and the emperor's deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he said calmly: "Just apply the medicine here."

Shi Yunxin didn't expect that the emperor would refuse, and the moment he was about to get the medicine, he paused.

The emperor looked unmoved, glanced at her and said, "Chenghui better not walk around anymore, otherwise something will happen to the wound."

(End of this chapter)

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