Chapter 517 Details
The old man took a slow sip of wine and said: "Then you must not know, but I am different. My wife used to be the cook of Yuhua Town, Qi Yuan's wife's family. I know more about the things in Yuhua Town." learn."

"Is the old man from Yuhua Town?" Song Shiyun asked curiously.

The old man shook his head slowly: "No, I am from Wutong Town, but my wife works in Qi Yuan's maternal home."

"I just heard what the old man said. Is there any hidden secret about what happened in Yuhua Town?" Song Shiyun asked.

The old man twitched the corners of his lips and said meaningfully: "Hidden story, isn't there a hidden story?"

He took a sip of wine and started talking drunkenly.

The old man and his wife turned out to be from Wutong Town.

However, the couple had more children, so in order to support their family, they worked everywhere.

It happened that Qi Yuan's wife and concubine were pregnant at the same time, and their appetites changed greatly. Both ladies could not eat the food cooked by the original cook.

Qi Yuan's family was open to the outside world and paid a lot of money to recruit cooks.

At that time, almost all the women in Wutong Town and Yuhua Town who were good at cooking went to Qi Yuan's maternal home.

In order to find three suitable cooks, Qi Yuanwai asked the cooks who rushed to cook three meals for his wife and concubine to taste.

As long as they feel good, they will stay and appoint them.

The old man's wife, Ge Shi, is a good cook. She was also a stable mother in the past, so she is familiar with the changes in the appetite of pregnant women.

Naturally, she stayed at Qi Yuan's maternal home.

Qi Yuanwai's treatment of the cook is very good.

A full month of ten taels of silver.

This is outside, but it's a beauty that you can't find even with a lantern.

Moreover, the three cooks can take turns going home for two days of rest every seven days.

In addition to cooking for their wives and concubines, they usually do not need to cook for others.

Don't take it easy this day.

At that time, the old man and Ge Shi were very happy and thought they had taken advantage.

Later, not long after, Ge stayed at Qi Yuan's maternal home for seven or eight days. When he came back to rest, he looked not quite right.

The old man saw that something was wrong with her mood and asked her what was wrong.

Ge Shi sighed and told the old man that the wife and aunt in the house were not dealing with each other and were secretly competing with each other every day.

Today, my aunt praised Cook A, so my wife had to punish Chef A.

Tomorrow's wife praised Ge's cooking for being well-cooked, and my aunt was critical of the food Ge's sent.

In addition to these, Ge Shi also said that the aunt and wife seemed to have some problems with the medicine they took.

The medicine both of them took smelled like blood.

Ge Shi had been a midwife and had killed cattle and sheep. She could smell that the medicine definitely smelled of blood.

However, the decoction and medicine were not the responsibility of Ge and other cooks. Ge thought it might be a special birth control prescription and didn't think much about it.

But later, Ge Shi came home again, his face even worse. He was trembling and his eyes were wandering, as if he was afraid of something.

The old man asked a few questions. Geshi was impatient at first, but then suddenly became angry and said, "I'm afraid someone will die!"

"I'm afraid someone is going to die. What do you mean by this?" Song Shiyun frowned and asked.

The old man said in a daze: "I also asked my old lady, she told me... that she saw the child's broken limbs in the kitchen..."

Song Shiyun and Li Hong were both shocked.

"Really or not?" The waiter couldn't help but exclaimed in shock.

The old man took another sip of wine, "I didn't believe it at first..."

He asked Gurashi.

But Ge Shi had a sullen face and hesitated to say anything.

He also said that if he told this matter, he might die, so he asked the old man to keep it a secret and pretend that he didn't know anything.

Not long after, Ge Shi rested at home for a while and then rushed back to Qi Yuan's maternal home.

However, after going back that time, Gemini never came back.

"Why haven't you come back?" Li Hong asked hurriedly.

The old man said: "The old woman sent a message back, saying that the wife and aunt at home are sick and they really can't leave. They and the cooks have all been left behind."

Not long after, the news came out from Qi Yuan’s maternal home that the aunt and the unborn child were dead.

Not long after, although the wife gave birth to a child, she lost her health and both the child and the child became extremely sick.

Qi Yuan's family was even more busy.

For a while, no one could leave.

Geshi never returned home.

The old man originally planned to go to Qi Yuan's maternal home to see Ge's wife, but his daughter-in-law was also pregnant and the family needed help to take care of her.

The old man couldn't leave for a while.

No one thought that this delay would mean goodbye forever.

Not long after, word spread that everyone in Yuhua Town began to fall ill.The disease spread quickly.

out of control.

Some people say it may be an epidemic.

The county magistrate immediately sent people to control the entrances and exits of Yuhua Town, preventing outsiders from entering again.

When the old man heard the news and rushed to Yuhua Town, it was already too late.

He waited outside full of worry for several days.

I heard that all members of Qi Yuan's family died, and not even the servants survived.

"Then they still died of illness?" The waiter asked puzzledly, "Isn't there any other way to die?"

The old man glanced at him, "Qi Yuanwai's concubine and child were killed. Later, Qi Yuanwai's wife even hung her child together."

Song Shiyun frowned and asked, "How did the old man know about this?"

The old man explained: "Because, not long ago, my old lady asked someone to send me a message."

At that time, Ge asked a fellow villager to come back and bring a message to the old man.

It is said that Yuan Qi’s wife and child were hanged, and the mansion is very busy now.

But after being busy for a while, she should be able to go back, so the old man shouldn't worry.

As soon as the old man heard that Qi Yuan's maternal home was in chaos, he originally wanted to go and have a look.

Unfortunately, did not catch up.

"The lady and the child were hanged together?" Li Hong couldn't help but frowned: "How is this possible?"

The old man said that it was a fellow villager who came back from a message and told him.

It is said that this incident caused quite a stir in Yuhua Town at that time.

When the fellow went to find Ge, he heard some mutterings from the servants of Yuan Qi's maternal family.

It is said that the woman who found Mrs. Qi's body was the mother-in-law who usually served Mrs. Qi.

The mother-in-law originally went to wake Mrs. Qi up and help her wash up, but when she got up early in the morning, she couldn't knock on Mrs. Qi's door.

Realizing that something was wrong, the mother-in-law knocked open the door.

As soon as he entered, he saw Mrs. Qi hanging from the beam with her child in her arms.

The child looked peaceful, without any sign of pain or illness, as if he was asleep.

But when he reached out and touched it, it was already cold.

Mrs. Qi's whole body was even more stiff.

In this case, the child should have fallen from her arms.

However, Mrs. Qi held the child tightly.

At that time, the servants of Qi's maternal wife said that the child might have died in the middle of the night. Mrs. Qi was so sad that she hung herself with the child in her arms.

Some people think this is very evil.

How can anyone hang themselves with a child in their arms?
This is definitely not something that normal people can do!

There were rumors at the time that it was haunted.

Some people even said that it was the ghost of my aunt who came to claim her life.

"Why is my aunt's ghost here to claim her life?" Song Shiyun asked doubtfully, "Is it possible that there is something hidden in this?"

The old man was so dizzy that he couldn't even open his eyes. He slowly shook his head and said, "No, I don't know..."

This was all a rumor at first.

Exactly how, no one knows.

Everything the old man learned was based on transmissions.

Moreover, at that time, there was a lot of commotion in Qi Yuan's family, and people were in panic, and everything was said.

Yuan Qi then forbade anyone in the family to mention the rumors of strange powers and chaos.

No one knows exactly what happened.

However, combined with what Ge Shi said before, the old man guessed that the death of his aunt must have been caused by his wife!
One of my aunt's corpses killed two people, so my aunt's soul came back to take revenge and wanted both mother and son to die.

The more the old man thought about this matter, the more he felt that everything in Yuhua Town was caused by his aunt's ghost.

Later, everyone in Yuhua Town died, and everyone spread rumors that Yuhua Town was haunted.

It’s not like the old man hasn’t thought about visiting Yuhua Town.

However, his family did not let him go.

They all feel that Yuhua Town is really haunted, and if they go there, they will definitely die.

But the old man couldn't feel relieved and went to stay outside Yuhua Town for a few days.

During those few days, he always heard the sharp cries of women and children coming from Yuhua Town.

He became more and more certain that it must be the ghosts of his aunt and the child who were causing trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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