Dressed like a loser and went to raise a baby

Chapter 607: Intermarriage between close relatives leads to destruction

Chapter 607: Intermarriage between close relatives leads to destruction

It was already dark. After washing, Leng Luoyue and Xiaomao'er were half lying on the bed looking at the bamboo slips in their hands.

Xiaomao'er, who was looking at the bamboo slips, frowned, turned to his mother and asked, "Mother, why are so many of the children of the Yin family either dead at birth, or stupid or crippled?"

The little cat is very smart, the kind of smart that belongs to a genius. He can remember words he has read once and has a photographic memory, so he can already read by himself when he is less than four years old.

Leng Luoyue turned her head and looked at Xiaomao'er and said, "Because they are intermarrying."

She had been reading the Mountain Chronicles in the past few days and had a rough idea of ​​why the Yin clan lived in seclusion.

People of this clan don't know whether it's because of their extraordinary talents or their pure blood. They have been learning Yin and Yang Taoism and psychedelic formations since ancient times, and they are very capable.

800 years ago, the head of the Yin clan was still the national master, and the mother of the country in that dynasty was always a daughter of the Yin clan.

The monarch trusts and the people respect him.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, the Yin daughter who became the queen was unable to have children.

After the prince who was not born to a daughter of the Yin clan ascended the throne, he began to suppress the Yin clan, wanted to destroy the entire Yin clan, and even framed the imperial master.

As the leader of the tribe, the national master set up a trap to protect the tribe and let them all escape. He also said that the queen could not have children and the disaster that befell the Yin family was the backlash of the Yin family's consumption of Taoism and political law. He ordered the tribesmen not to practice any more. Only by practicing Taoism and formations and living away from the world can the Yin clan be preserved.

Therefore, the Yin clan members fled to Yuanzhou, quietly built passages in the mountains, built houses on the mountains, set up formations, and escaped from the world.

However, it is obvious that the words of this ancestor of the Yin clan cannot be believed. Although the special characteristics of the Yin clan allow them to live in isolation, it is indeed a way to protect them.

But because he lives in seclusion, the village is full of relatives. If the child wants to get married when he grows up, he can only marry someone in the village.

Then the tribe members basically intermarry, and the children they give birth to are genetically defective, die young, are stupid, and have more birth defects than normal children.

As a result, the number of members of the Yin clan has become smaller and smaller. The Yin clan has slowly declined in the mountains and is heading towards extinction. From a large clan with nearly a thousand people, five years ago, there were only about twenty people left.

"Children born from incestuous marriages will die young and become fools. Are they still disabled?" Xiaomao'er asked curiously.

Leng Luoyue nodded, "Yes, the children left by incest marriages will most likely have genetic defects. Such genetic defects will lead to the child's death, stupidity, and disability. So you must not fall in love with yourself in the future. cousin."

In this era, it was very common for cousins ​​to marry in order to become closer to each other. In dramas and storybooks, there were many stories about cousins ​​loving cousins ​​and cousins ​​loving cousins.

So Leng Luoyue felt that it was necessary for her to vaccinate the kitten in advance.

"I don't know how." Xiaomaoer tilted his head and said, "And I don't have a cousin either."

Leng Luoyue thought for a moment and said, "That's right." After all, his uncle was dead.

Two years ago, she took Caiwei to the mountains to recuperate. After Caiwei woke up, she learned that she had a twin brother, and that the author had designed such a hidden plot.

Because her twin brother was disabled, Leng Tian treated him as a shady stain and was kept outside without being recognized, so his heart gradually became twisted, and he even thought that she had picked out his eyeballs in his mother's womb.

All he wanted was to let Fengcheng die in the cold, and then control Xiaomao'er to control the government and complete what his father had not finished.

But his ideals were very full, and the reality was very skinny. Nothing was achieved, and in the end he was beheaded.

Leng Luoyue didn't feel anything about Leng Yun's head being chopped off. After all, she was not the real Leng Luoyue, just an ordinary book-wearer.

Leng Luoyue suddenly thought of Feng Zhaoer who was married to Tianqi Kingdom, and said, "I guarantee you will have it that day." The daughter Feng Zhaoer had with the baby-faced prince was actually his cousin.

Xiaomaoer tilted his head and thought for a moment, is it possible?
"I wouldn't have fallen in love with him, because the cat's favorite person is his mother." Xiaomao'er said, putting down the bamboo slips in his hand and making a heart sign to his mother with his hand.

"My mother's favorite person is also a cat." Leng Luoyue kissed the little cat on the forehead and hugged him again.

After releasing it, he took away the bamboo slips on the bedding and placed them on the small cabinet beside the bed. "Okay, I won't read anymore. It's getting late and it's time to go to bed."

"Yes." Xiaomao'er nodded, raised his neck and kissed the young man on the face, "Good night, mother."

"Good night."

In the dead of night, everyone in the village fell asleep.

Because they had worked during the day, everyone slept deeply, including Alan.

"Oh, oh, oh, mother, don't let me go..."

A burst of crying woke up Alan, who was sleeping soundly. She opened her eyes, and under the faint moonlight, she looked at the shadow of the sleeping figure next to her, with her head shaking from side to side, thinking that he was having a nightmare. Yet?He called out twice: "Little stone, little stone..."

Xiao Shitou didn't respond, he was still crying for his mother.

Alan hesitated for a while, stretched out his hand and gently patted Xiao Shitou's body, and whispered unnaturally: "Don't cry, mother, I'm here!"

"Woo, mother, ho ho ho..." Little Shitou seemed to have not escaped from the nightmare, still whimpering and calling his mother, and breathing heavily in his throat.

Alan suddenly realized that something was wrong. He moved his hand up and touched Xiao Shi Shi's face. The scalding temperature told her that Xiao Shi's hair was high.

She was suddenly shocked. After being kidnapped in the village for so many years, she had also witnessed children in the village die due to high fever.

Because there is no doctor in the village, when the child is sick, he can only take common medicines that bandits secretly sneak into the city to catch.But this kind of medicine is basically useless when children take it. Not only is it useless, it sometimes worsens the child's condition.

Alan panicked. She quickly got out of bed and lit the oil lamp on the table.

He walked to the bedside with the lampstand and took a look. He saw that Xiao Shitou's little face was burning red, and the sweat on his forehead was burning, making his hair wet.

"Little Shitou..." Alan's hands trembled as he wiped the sweat from Xiao Shitou's forehead. He was so confused that he didn't know what to do.

When she thought that Xiao Shitou might have a high fever and die of illness like other children in the village before, her heart dropped so hard that it hurt her heart.

"Little Shitou, don't scare your mother." Alan said tremblingly, the panic in her heart reminding her that deep down in her heart, she also had feelings for this child and did not want to lose him.

Xiao Shitou was so burned out that he couldn't hear anyone speaking at all. He only knew that in his nightmare, his mother left him behind.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Alan kept asking herself, and suddenly her eyes were fixed, "Ah Yue, my benefactor, my benefactor is so powerful, maybe she can save Xiao Shitou. That's right, find the benefactor, find the benefactor .”

With that said, Alan put down the candlestick first, picked up the small stone, and planned to go to the benefactor with the child in his arms.

Even though there was moonlight outside, she could still see clearly. She even took the oil lamp, but as soon as she went out, the oil lamp was blown out by the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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