Dressed like a loser and went to raise a baby

Chapter 601: Those who do not work shall not eat

Chapter 601: Those who do not work shall not eat
A quarter of an hour later, all the women in the village gathered in the main hall of the village. Leng Luoyue sat in the middle, on the stone chair where the Decepticons usually sat.

"Ahem..." Leng Luoyue coughed twice and cleared her throat. She glanced at the women standing in the room and said, "I have called Da Da together for a meeting today because I want to discuss with everyone what we should do in the future?" Plans for the future.”

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and your eyes fall back on Leng Luoyue.

Although many of them expressed their willingness to live in the mountains, how will they live in the future?They have never thought about it. Their current thoughts are just muddling through, and they have no plans for the future.

The main reason is that they themselves feel that people like them have no future, so what plans are needed.

Seeing that they were silent, Leng Luoyue continued: "I took a look at the situation in the village today and found that there are about three or four thousand kilograms of rice in the warehouse, which should be enough for two months. We can't go down the mountain now. In order not to worry about it in the future. Starving to death, we must take action now.”

"How to act?" The person with a stronger desire to live asked, but the others looked indifferent.

"Create wasteland and cultivate self-sufficiency." Leng Luoyue said her plan, "I see there are a lot of flat wastelands on the left. I have traveled around in the past two years and got a kind of corn and sweet potato from a foreign businessman. The seeds have a high yield and are delicious. As long as they are planted in the wasteland, it will be enough to feed the people in our village for a year or two."

She also has some sandy sweet potatoes in her space, which she added directly on the homepage during a limited time sale. In the past two years, she roasted and ate half of them, leaving about twenty or thirty kilograms left, which was just enough to make seeds for planting.

She originally wanted to give the corn seeds to Feng Chengjue, but she never had the chance to give them out, so she kept them in the ring space.

Leng Luoyue continued: "Don't you also plan to live in the mountains in the future? You must be self-sufficient to live well in the mountains."

"If you don't have any objections, we will start weeding and reclaiming wasteland tomorrow." Leng Luoyue said and glanced at everyone.

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, thinking that the benefactor has been thinking so hard and actively planning for their future lives.If they continue to act like they don't want to do it, they will be a little heartless and ignorant.

"Okay." Everyone nodded and spoke, but Leng Luoyue could see that their emotions were not high, and they just agreed to not let her down.

But it doesn't matter, she will find a way to lift their emotions and make them fall in love with the sense of satisfaction they get from hard work.

"Very good. Since everyone has no objections, let's start the division of labor and cooperation now. The first is the person responsible for the logistics work. The person responsible for the logistics work has to do the work of collecting firewood, cooking, and cleaning the public areas after washing. This It takes six people to do the work. The six people work in groups and rotate every ten days, so at least one person in each group must know how to cook.”

The reason why Leng Luoyue made such an arrangement was that she understood a truth, that is, if the world is united, it will eventually divide.If everyone keeps eating and working together, sooner or later some conflicts will arise.But many people don’t know how to cook. Let one person take care of six people because they want people who can’t cook to learn how to cook in the process.

When they are separated one day, they can also cook for themselves.

Everyone takes turns to do it for the sake of fairness.Some people who have never done what others have done will feel that their own work is tiring, and they will complain if others do it easily. If everyone takes turns, it is relatively fair, and there will be no Complained.

So the question is coming?

Since they will be separated sooner or later, why does Leng Luoyue let everyone eat and work together?

That's because too many of the people in the village are world-weary and not enthusiastic about living.If we let everyone live separately and live their own lives, this situation will only become more and more serious. It is easy to have random thoughts when you are alone. Maybe within a few days, you will be trapped in negative emotions and can't think about it and kill yourself.

At this stage, it is definitely better for people who share the same disease to get together, eat together, work together, chat together, hug each other for warmth, and struggle forward than each living alone.People with a positive attitude towards life will also influence and inspire others.

Leng Luoyue first asked those who could cook to stand up, and then divided them into seven groups. There was one more person in the last group, and the extra person was Liu Yan'er.

Just use one group, two groups...seven groups to name. Each group has a group leader. The group leader is elected by the group members, and the group leader has the responsibility of supervision.

Leng Luoyue also made the first rule in the village, that is, those who do not work shall not be allowed to eat. Everyone agreed and felt that this was how it should be.

Liu Yaner felt that the rule that those who did not work could not eat was put forward specifically for her.

For the next ten days starting tomorrow, the first group will be responsible for logistics, the second, third, and fourth groups will be responsible for pulling weeds, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh groups will be responsible for hoeing.The work of pulling weeds and hoeing is also done in groups.

After the meeting was over, Leng Luoyue found a whetstone and took a few people with her to sharpen the rusty sickle, hoe and rake.

Xiaomao'er, accompanied by Dabai, Xiaobai and Xiaobaibai, went into the forest to pick mushrooms with a few little guys who were walking more steadily than barking.

Small animals can basically identify poisonous mushrooms. Kittens who can communicate with small animals have already mastered the skill of identifying poisonous mushrooms.

"Red umbrella, white pole, walk across the board after eating..." The little cat carried the basket Weiwei made of hay and sang while looking for mushrooms. "Lie down on the board, sleep in the coffin, and then bury them in the mountains. Bury the mountains, cry and shout, and eat with relatives and friends. During the meal, we have an umbrella, and we lie down together on the board."

Other children also sang along, "Red umbrella, white umbrella..." Everyone knows that mushrooms with red umbrellas and white umbrellas cannot be picked up. They are poisonous. If you eat them, you have to lie down on the floor.

A group of little guys picked up a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Xiaomao asked Dabai and Xiaobai to catch a few pheasants. Caiwei checked if there were any inedible mushrooms and picked out the ones that were inedible.

In the evening, I made fresh mushroom stewed chicken with mushrooms. The main dish was noodle soup, with a spoonful of fresh mushroom stewed chicken toppings. It was extremely delicious.

After dinner, Leng Luoyue taught everyone how to identify eggs that can hatch chicks.

Her way of distinguishing them is to shine the eggs with an oil lamp. When you shine the light on the eggs with embryos, you can see shadows inside them, but if there are no embryos, they are so transparent that you can't see them.

Many people were surprised to find that there was a real difference. They held the eggs and shined them against the oil lamp again and again, and found them very interesting.

More than 200 eggs were photographed, and only [-] were capable of hatching chicks.

Leng Luoyue got some withered grass and placed the fifty eggs in the wing room of the yard where she lived, and let Dabai and Xiaobai take turns hatching the eggs.

What was detrimental to the majesty of the wolf clan was that they naturally refused to do it, but under the threat of Leng Luoyue's fist, Dabai still groaned and slept on the grass nest where the eggs were hatched in great humiliation.

The two wolves have a clear division of labor: one hatches at night and the other hatches during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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