Chapter 215 So here comes the problem
In fact, everyone was still a little resistant yesterday, but after last night, everyone felt that this was a good thing.

It is good for the body and can enhance the relationship between husband and wife. This good thing is a free gift from the owner. It really makes me laugh out of my dreams.

Everyone was happy when they came to work all day long. When they finished work in the evening, they went to He Jiuniang’s place to give feedback on how they felt after the whole day, including their comfort level and so on.

After all, this is the first version. Some people feel that the back area is a little hard and the skin hurts. Some people feel that the shoulder straps are long or short. There are problems, but they are minor problems. He Jiuniang immediately adjusted them and prepared to make the second version. Second edition.

This proves that everyone has been able to wear new ones recently, and they are so happy that they are confused.

Some people think this thing is so good that when it is officially published, they will buy some more for their mothers and sisters to wear.

There is a welfare price for employees to purchase, which is almost as low as the cost. The same is true for the previous feather clothes. Anyway, the female workers have no shortage of clothes at home.

Some people were happy, and naturally some lemon spirits said some unpleasant things. Seeing the women of the Lu family and the female workers in the workshop, they suddenly stood up. Some bitter women in the village made irresponsible remarks, calling the Lu family themselves shameless, and even Others are shameless, this is something that corrupts the folk customs.

All the female relatives of the village chief's family were working in the workshop. They were fine after hearing this, but the village chief and his sons came to the door directly and had to teach him a lesson.

After such a fuss, everyone in the village knew that the newly made clothes by the Lu family not only enhanced the relationship between husband and wife, but were also good for the body. They were exactly what long-bodied little girls should wear, which made many women who had never worn them eager to try them.

This wave is a wave of free advertising for the Lu family.

After the third version of the finished product came out and everyone confirmed that there was no problem, mass production began. As long as there is enough inventory, it can be sold.

Well, the problem is coming.

After dinner, several women crowded into He Jiu's house and talked quietly, but in fact they were not private words. They all revolved around family business.

Everyone felt that such intimate clothes were not suitable for selling on the street and were indeed immoral, so they all came to He Jiuniang for advice.

He Jiuniang said: "There is nothing to worry about. Our family can just go to the city and buy a shop."

"Is it too expensive to buy a shop? Should I rent one first?"

Yu felt that she didn't have a lot of money at the moment, so buying a shop would definitely be expensive. If she wasn't sure whether the clothes would be easy to sell, it would be better not to buy a shop.

Others also nodded, but He Jiuniang disagreed.

"Sooner or later, we have to buy a shop. Once we buy it, it becomes our family's property. We can do whatever we want. After all, we are selling clothes, so we will definitely need to decorate it. If we rent it, the owner will inevitably cause trouble. Besides, our Lu Hei Ya There should also be a store, so my suggestion is to buy two adjacent stores, which can be easily managed together and increase sales."

When He Jiuniang said this, everyone felt that what she said was reasonable. However, if they met an unreasonable host, they would be annoyed to death in the future.

But this shop is not something you can just buy. It costs a lot of money to buy the shop and decorate it. Everyone was instantly worried.

He Jiuniang said: "This is the reason why I paid more money before. I have wanted to buy the shop for a long time. After buying the shop, our business will be on the right track."

After all, this is a food business. Setting up a stall all the time is too unhygienic. A gust of wind will easily collect dust. If you want to continue the business for a long time, you must show great sincerity.

"But wouldn't it be too wasteful for our family to buy a shop that only sells black ducks?"

“Then we’ll sell other things, such as chili sauce, potato chips, etc. We can also set up a few small tables in the shop and serve tea. Some people like to eat in the shop, or take a rest after shopping. "

He Jiuniang's intention is to create a snack bar similar to a post-modern leisure bar, and the business is absolutely booming.The most important thing is that He Jiuniang has wanted to sell milk tea for a long time!
She could take it out of the space and drink it secretly, but it would not be a long-term solution. If the milk tea culture did not develop in this era, it would always be a bit unpopular.

After hearing He Jiuniang's words, everyone no longer had any doubts. Anyway, she said so, so just do it and follow her, you will definitely make money.

"Then I'll go shopping in the shops tomorrow, and if I find something good, I'll buy it."

Mrs. Yu took the initiative and said that she could not leave everything to her third younger brother and sister, as that would be too hard for them.

"Okay," He Jiuniang nodded, "Then try to buy on the main street. It doesn't matter if it's more expensive, but the flow of people must be large!"

"Don't worry, third brother and sister, I can still do this little thing well."

He Jiuniang then told Lianhua: "Before our store opens, don't rush to sell these clothes at home. I should go to Fucheng in the next two days, and we will talk about everything after I come back."

Lianhua nodded hurriedly: "Okay, Aunt Jiuniang."

Before, He Jiuniang thought that she could sell it in Boss Yu's shop first, but that would reduce a lot of the novelty. Most importantly, she was afraid that Boss Yu didn't understand this stuff very well, and the publicity would be wrong, which would ruin the business.

After much deliberation, He Jiuniang still wanted to maintain the first sales right.

She didn't know when there would be news from the medical center. After everyone dispersed, she took a pen and paper and started writing down the things she needed to decorate the store. Since she was selling clothes, she must have a mirror.

Bronze mirrors were mostly used in this era. People's faces were yellowish and distorted, not to mention a good-looking figure. He Jiuniang planned to take a few pieces from the space when she came back from Fucheng. When I brought the glass full-length mirror back, I said that I had spent a lot of money to buy it from a Persian businessman.

There is a full-length mirror at this time, which is the only one in the city.

It was a coincidence that He Jiuniang thought it would be a few days later. Who knew that early the next morning, the carriage from the medical clinic came, saying it was going to take her to Fucheng.

He Jiuniang hurriedly handed some of the requests she had written yesterday to Mrs. Sun and asked the men in the family to deal with them. Mrs. Sun nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Gou'er was just about to go to school. Knowing that He Jiuniang was going to Fucheng, he ran over and hugged her thigh and asked: "Mother, won't you take me with you this time?"

Gou'er nodded and shook his head. He didn't really want to go because he still had to go to school, but when he thought about his mother going alone, he wanted to accompany her, which made him a little confused for a while.

"What does this nodding and shaking of the head mean?"

He Jiuniang found it funny and rubbed his little head.

"I want to go, I want to stay with my mother!"

He immediately answered loudly that although he liked reading, he could not let his mother go to Fucheng alone.

"Okay, okay, I know you are filial, but you can't delay your studies. Go with your mother. She won't be able to take care of you, so you can just stay at home and your brothers and sisters will play with you."

After the last experience, He Jiuniang was a little afraid to take him out now.

(End of this chapter)

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