Chapter 507 Princess of the North Desert vs. Tang Jue
Fu Jiujiu saw a girl in red clothes standing there. Her head was decorated with animal hair, and there was a drop-shaped ruby ​​on her forehead.

The necklace around her neck was made of dozens of turquoise and beeswax, with an animal tooth hanging from the bottom. Judging from the length, it was either a tiger's tooth or a wolf's tooth.

The girl is both delicate and heroic, she is really beautiful.

"It's you,"

"My name is Atuxiu. She is the eleventh princess of the Northern Desert. The King of the Northern Desert is my brother. My name means Mingyue in your country."

Atuxiu pointed to the round moon in the sky, and Fu Jiujiu remembered that today was the fifteenth day.

I wonder if the Northern Desert King deliberately chose such a day to reunite people with the full moon.

Atuxiu raised her hand, with a furry decoration on her finger that looked like a rabbit tail, which made her look more playful.

Tang Jian looked at the girl, his eyes flowing, and there was no trace of surprise in his eyes, "The famous Princess Mingyue is indeed worthy of her reputation, and her country is beautiful and fragrant."

"You speak so nicely. I learned your stuff from Mrs. Wang, so I know you are praising me."

"I'm just praising you." Tang Jue replied unabashedly.

"We people in the Northern Desert don't like girls like you to beat around the bush. If you say I'm pretty, I think I'm worthy of it."

"Of course." Tang Jue said: "Princess Mingyue is the most beautiful woman in the Northern Desert. I have heard about it for a long time."

"I was indeed the most beautiful woman here before, but after my sister-in-law Wang came, I couldn't compare to her. But I think I'm not bad either. The women in our Northern Desert are much stronger than the women in your Li Dynasty."

In the Northern Desert, strength is regarded as beauty, and the strongest person is the most beautiful person. Of course, even in the eyes of the public, Princess Mingyue is a beauty, the kind of heroic beauty.

"I believe that beauties should come in all kinds, fat and thin, each with their own desires."

"What about you?" Atuxiu asked.

Fu Jiujiu really admired the folk customs of the Northern Desert. He really said whatever he thought, and the little princess didn't even blush.

"I..." Tang Jian deliberately prolonged his voice. If Fu Jiujiu was not present, of course he could answer without any scruples, but now, he couldn't.

"I like people who are kind-hearted."

Atuxiu was very satisfied with his answer, "I... am not bad either."

"A girl who is beautiful at heart is truly beautiful."

Tang Jian's words were a bit greasy, and Fu Jiujiu felt like vomiting after hearing them, but they were very useful to the simple-minded Atuxiu.

"Can you ride a horse?"


"Then I will take you to ride a horse tomorrow and show you the scenery of our northern desert."

Tang Jian lowered his head and glanced at Xiaonuituanzi, and Atuxiu also looked over, "Who is she? Didn't you say that you are the only one who comes to our Northern Desert? Why is there a little person?"

In line with the principle that there is no harm in being sweet, Fu Jiujiu said in a sweet voice: "Hello, princess, I am Fu Jiujiu."

"Jiujiu? What's this name? Why is it so fun?" Atuxiu squatted down and looked at Xiaotuanzi, "You people in Li Dynasty are not polite in naming people. Your name... sounds like a bird Yep, I think we should just call him Fu Xiaoniao."

I can thank you.

Fu Jiujiu muttered in his heart, but on his face he looked like a carefree person, "The little bird is not as nice as its chirping."

"How could that be? I think little birds sound nice!"

"No, just tweet."

"Yes, yes, you can name your name as you like, but I still like to call you little bird. We girls in the Northern Desert are as free as little birds." "Princess, the king is still waiting for the fifth prince and the county master. Woolen cloth!"

"County lord? Little bird, are you the county lord? County supervisor or something?"

Fu Jiujiu didn't bother to correct him, "I'm in charge of farming."

"Are you... such a small farmer?" Atuxiu was amused by the little breast dumpling, "The kids in your Li Dynasty are really interesting and quirky."

"Did I describe it correctly?" Atuxiu raised his eyebrows at Tang Jue with a trace of pride on his face.

"Yes, the princess learned very well."

"Humph, of course. Sister-in-law Wang said that I am very smart, but being smart is useless. In your dynasties, women who were good at reading could not be officials, and women who were good at fighting could not be generals. They could only do embroidery at home, which was very boring."

Fu Jiujiu also feels that this needs to be improved.

"Let's go quickly. Sister-in-law Wang has been waiting for a long time, and my brother Wang will be unhappy."

Fu Jiujiu heard what she said. It seemed that the eldest princess was quite favored here?

And it seems that Bei Desert seems to be more equal between men and women.

The smell of barbecue wafted over, and Fu Jiujiu guessed that the palace where the banquet was being held was not far away, and sure enough, he arrived within a few steps.

Tang Jian saw that the King of Bei Mo did not have to kneel down to salute, so the two held hands and bumped their chests. This was the etiquette of equality between Bei Mo men.

When the two let go, Fu Jiujiu imitated the etiquette of Beimo, put his hands on his chest, then bent down and said, "I have met the king."

The King of Bei Mo didn't expect that a small-breasted dumpling would actually salute their Northern Desert. To be honest, he didn't care whether the little breasted dumpling saluted or not, after all, she was really too young.

"Oh... the little county master is really smart, he actually learned the etiquette of our Northern Desert." The Northern Desert King laughed loudly, his voice was hearty, but it was different from what Fu Jiujiu thought.

"Get up quickly, you are distinguished guests from afar, you are welcome."

Tang Jian sat on the left side of Beimo King Xishou, Fu Jiujiu sat on the left side of Tang Jian, and then several accompanying officials from the Li Dynasty.

While Tang Jian was exchanging greetings with the Northern Desert King, Fu Jiujiu had the opportunity to secretly look at the Northern Desert King Atule.

He was a brave man, tall and strong, and spoke informally. Sitting beside him was a beautiful woman, dressed in a sharp dress. Fu Jiujiu knew that this was the eldest princess Tang Yin.

Tang Yin was quiet and gentle. When he saw Xiaonuituanzi looking at him, not only was he not angry, he even smiled back.

Fu Jiujiu felt her kindness and smiled at her.

Atule saw Tang Yin smiling and was in a good mood. He invited everyone to have three drinks together.

The feelings are deep, one sip is boring, and three bowls of wine are gone.

Tang Jian had the courage to drink it too.

Atule glanced at the little breast dumpling, and then looked at Tang Yin, but Tang Yin's smile suddenly became far-fetched, but as a princess of a country, she would not be ignorant of the general situation, so Tang Yin still maintained his smile.

Atule's eyes paused for a moment, and he used laughter to cover up his embarrassment, "Ayin, do you like the little county master?"

Fu Jiujiu saw the tenderness in the rough man's eyes. Tang Yin seemed to be a beautiful and fragile crystal statue beside him. He was greedy but cautious.

Tang Yin nodded, "This child looks so pretty when he smiles."

"She is good-looking, but not as good-looking as you, Ayin. If you like her, let the little county master come to the palace to accompany you tomorrow, okay?"

Tang Yin glanced at Xiao Nai Tuanzi, not wanting to impose anything on others. Just when he was about to refuse, Xiao Nai Tuanzi nodded, "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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