Chapter 355 Cross-stitch stitch skillfully solves the mystery

Mrs. Han snorted coldly, "It seems that the whole family is going to fight together. To say something that shouldn't be said, Mr. Zou and Mrs. Zou really made a mistake."

Mr. Yu was puzzled, "What does this matter have to do with Mr. Zou and Mrs. Zou?"

Mrs. Han didn't answer him, so he went to see Zou Yuansong.

"Jiujiu is our god sister."

Mr. Yu was secretly shocked, why didn't he know about this?

Many human rights dignitaries in the county know this, but Mr. Yu is just in a different circle from them.

He thought that the Fu family were poor people in the countryside. No wonder he wondered why the Fu family all wore ordinary clothes, but this little girl wore a gold collar.

In fact, he had this doubt just now, but he didn't have time to think about it carefully.

"Mrs. Han, let's just discuss the matter without involving irrelevant people." Xie Guangwen said solemnly.

"Mrs. Fu, since you have admitted that this mask was made by you, what do you have to say?"

"Dean, what I did is true, but we really didn't put anything that shouldn't be put on. Both of our children are wearing them."

"Dean, look, this is what my mother made for me. It doesn't contain what she said." Fu Tianfu took out a mask from his arms. This was used when he was cleaning the toilet at noon.

Xie Guangwen took the mask and was looking for something to tear it open. He really didn't have anything sharp in the room, so he saw Xiao Naituanzi take out a small sword that was very thin and no longer as long as the palm of his hand.

He doubted whether this thing could cut through the mask, but unexpectedly, this thing was extremely sharp.

When he returned the small sword, he couldn't help but tell him, "It's better not to touch such sharp things for such a small baby."

Then his attention was focused on the spices in the mask sandwich, and when he looked over, the small sword had gone somewhere.

He took two masks and looked at them. They were made of the same fabric and made the same way. They were not available on the market. The only difference was that the one Fu Bajin brought over did not contain the Datura seeds that Mrs. Han mentioned.

But there was a mask in Mrs. Han's hand.

"No? Haha, of course you can't let it go if it's for your own children. Who doesn't understand such a simple truth?" Mrs. Han said coldly.

Tian Guihua was also puzzled. Her mask was sewn with many small grids, and each grid contained spices. The same was true for Mrs. Han's mask. A small grid was opened on the spot, and there were actually Datura seeds inside.

"Look, I didn't accuse you wrongly, so you don't have to say we let it go ourselves."

"Fu Bajin, Fu Tianfu, you two are really... really... ugh... how could I teach students like you? You would poison your classmates just for such a trivial matter."

Mr. Yu turned to look at Xie Guangwen, "Dean, we cannot keep people like this."

Xie Guangwen took a deep breath, looked at Fu Liujin with complicated eyes, and shook his head slightly, "You guys really disappoint me, alas!"

"Wait!" Fu Jiujiu suddenly shouted.

"Don't make trouble." Mr. Yu was about to succeed, and there was no room for others to stop him. Moreover, he could see that the dean was about to announce that the boys from the Fu family should leave the academy.

However, several more looks were directed at him, and those were the ones he didn't dare to offend.

Fu Jiujiu pointed to the mask in Mrs. Han's hand and said, "It doesn't seem like my mother sewed that one."

"Your mother admitted it and you still deny it. You lied at such a young age. I really don't dare to think about it in the future." Mrs. Han used the topic.

Tian Guihua knew that her little girl would not talk nonsense, "Madam, can you show me your mask?"

"What are you looking at?" "Mrs. Han, we are all here. Aunt Fu can't do anything, so what's the harm in looking at it?" Zou Yuansong said.

"Yes, let Mrs. Fu take a look." Zou Zhongbai agreed.

"Look...look." Mrs. Han dropped the mask on the ground. The spices in the opened diamond grid were scattered all over the floor, and a few datura seeds fell on Xiaonuituanzi's feet. side.

Tian Guihua bent down and picked up the mask on the ground. After taking a look at it, she showed a happy expression, "I didn't sew this. This... this material belongs to our family, but... someone has tampered with it."

"Impossible." Mr. Yu said in a panic, "Mrs. Fu, it's useless to deny it at this time. Maybe the dean will forgive you for admitting your mistake."

Tian Guihua straightened her waist and said, "Sir, we didn't inflict the poison, so why should we admit it?"

The mask was sewn by her herself and was not poisoned at all. Her son and grandson would not harm anyone even if they were naughty.

She believed it from the beginning, but had no evidence and didn't know how to explain it.

Now this mask is the proof.

"Mr. Yu, let her continue."

Xie Guangwen was vaguely looking forward to it, but remained calm.

"Dean, this stitch is cross stitch. My little girl made it when she was playing with needlework. It's just two stitches, two threads crossed."

Xie Guangwen didn't understand this, but it looked like it.

"But there are many ways to embroider two stitches that look like they are crossing. What I like is to embroider them diagonally first, and then embroider another stitch together when the stitches are finished. This way it is easier to remove. If you don't believe me, take a look."

Tian Guihua struggled to hold the thread with her fingernails, but her eyes were a bit blurry and she failed to hold the thread several times. Little Tumpling Tuanzi once again managed to get a needle out without a trace.

Xie Guangwen thinks why does this child always play with such dangerous things?

Tian Guihua excitedly took the silver needle from her little girl and picked out a few threads to show to Xie Guangwen.

Then, she untied the thread of Mrs. Han's mask.

Xie Guangwen, anyone who doesn’t understand female celebrities can see that after the threads of Mrs. Han’s mask were removed, there were crosses and crosses missing, while the mask in Tian Guihua’s hand had crosses missing on one side, and the other side was after a row. aside.

The two acupuncture methods are indeed different
"Dean, it's true that our children sold masks to Mr. Han. This mask may be that one, but it has clearly been taken apart and sewn by someone."

Fu Liujin picked up the small breast dumpling and shook it vigorously. Fortunately, his little sister noticed it in time, otherwise he would not be able to explain it clearly.

"Then...did you do that on purpose?" Mr. Yu asked.

At this time, the Fu family did not need to speak, Xie Guangwen had already answered, "Even if Fu Bajin and Fu Tianfu deliberately tricked Han Ziwang into buying masks, they were not sure whether they would buy them that day. How could they deliberately sew them like this in order to distinguish them?"

There is no way to justify it.

Mr. Yu had nothing to say.

At this time, Fu Erjin and Fu Wujin also rushed over.

When Xie Guangwen saw Fu Wujin's face, he immediately drooped, "Who asked you to come?"

Fu Wujin bowed his hands and said, "Dean, I heard that someone was poisoned by Datura. As far as I know, the poison of Datura will react after smelling it. My eighth brother put on the mask many days ago. I sold it to Mr. Han, it’s been so many days, I won’t be able to get rid of the poison!”

"So, if he got poisoned today, someone must have done it yesterday." Fu Wujin said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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