Chapter 329 Real Account Book, Fake Account Book

The man's hand was very strong, as if he wanted to strangle her to death.

Fu Jiujiu realized that this was not Lin Wei next to Tang Qi, and the smell was wrong.

The man has martial arts, and although she also has it, she can't use it at the moment. Moreover, she doesn't even have time to react when the man makes a move, which means that this man's martial arts is far superior to hers.

She was still a little baby, so she was at a disadvantage in close combat.

Fortunately, she was prepared. The bracelet Bago gave her contained a poisonous needle.

Fu Jiujiu continued to kick his legs randomly to lower his opponent's defense, and then looked at the right moment to press the trigger and shoot the poisonous needle.

But at this moment, the man's hand relaxed.

Fu Jiujiu couldn't figure out what was going on for a while. He just gasped for air, then turned around and looked at the man warily.

She doesn't know.

She knew that running was useless. If a man wanted to catch her, it would only take a minute, so let her run 99 meters first.

"Jiujiu, it's you!"

Fu Jiujiu had pressed the mechanism just before the poisonous needle was launched, and then reset it again.

Her face is so deceptive. After all, no one would think that a little baby can be scheming, especially a stranger.

"Who are you?" Fu Jiujiu asked.

The man's voice was soft and gentle, and he made a silent gesture towards her, "Shh... I am Tang Qi's guard Feng Ji. You met me when you were a child, do you still remember?"

Fu Jiujiu had indeed seen Feng Ji, but she remembered Feng Ji's face.

Although she was still young at the time, she was sure it wasn't Feng Ji.

This man pretended to be Feng Ji and didn't kill himself, so he must have his purpose.

It would be unbelievable for a three-year-old baby to remember people he met when he was less than one year old.

So, Fu Jiujiu shook his head, "I don't remember."

"It doesn't matter. It's okay as long as uncle remembers you. I'm Feng Ji. It's okay if you know that I am the master's person."

Fu Jiujiu chose to deal with him quietly. After all, if he killed one of him, more people would come.

"Oh, Seventh Brother seems to have said that, then who did you say came with Seventh Brother last time?"

The man thinks that the child is quite smart and even tests himself, but he is still a child after all.

"Lin Wei, we are all the master's subordinates."

Fu Jiujiu nodded, "You are really from the seventh brother. What about the seventh brother?"

"Master...he is in the capital and sent me to find something."

It turns out it was for this. Fu Jiujiu was wondering, what important things did Tang Qi leave here?

"Then why doesn't Brother Qi come find him himself?" Fu Jiujiu wanted to inquire about Tang Qi's situation, but this person might not tell the truth.

"He's busy."

The man glanced at the little breast dumpling and said, "You and the master are so good, you must know where his things are, right?"

"What are you looking for? Let me help you find it."

After finishing speaking, Xiaonuituanzi started rummaging around on the bookshelf.

The man also showed a sinister expression after she turned around.

However, he was very gentle when he spoke, "Have you seen an account book?"


Fu Jiujiu rolled his eyes, "What is the account book?"

"Is it delicious?"

The man cleared his throat, "It's not food, it's account books. Account books are just... keeping a bunch of accounts." Fu Jiujiu shook his head, "Uncle Fengji, I didn't understand what you said. What is an account? Are you just kidding? ?”

"It's not for fun! It's just account books, account books, Mr. Kong's greedy account books." The man shouted angrily.

Fu Jiujiu understood, but she really didn't see it yet.

"Who is Mr. Kong? What does being greedy for ink mean? Uncle, why can't I understand what you are saying?"

The man was a little overwhelmed by her question about Keen Company, "I...I don't know. Anyway, have you ever read the account books?"

Fu Jiujiu's eyes widened. She already liked acting. Sometimes she thought that if she were allowed to travel back to modern times, she would definitely have another career, that of an actress.

Tears come as soon as you want, and you can shed tears within 1 minute without relying on eye drops.

She twitched and looked at the man, "Uncle, you are so fierce!"

The man really wanted to strangle this little girl to death, but he had been searching here for two days, even digging three feet without eating or drinking, and still couldn't find her.

"Okay, okay, uncle, I'll apologize to you, don't be cruel anymore."

The man regained his composure and smiled reluctantly, "The account book is... like this book, with names of people on it. Can you read?"

Fu Jiujiu nodded, she already had an idea, "Seventh brother taught me some."

"That's good. There are a bunch of numbers on the account book... Think about it, have you seen it? Where did he put it?"

"Oh, I have names and numbers at home."

The man looked at the pretty little girl in disbelief and slapped his forehead, "How stupid, why didn't I think of it? He would give it to you."

The man curled his lips and said, "Then you take uncle to get it?"

Fu Jiujiu shook his head, "No."

"Why?" The man regained his cold expression.

"Uncle, Brother Tang Qi won't let me give it to anyone else."

The man was a little suspicious just now, but after hearing what she said, he was sure that the account book was in the Fu family.

"It's okay. I'm Feng Ji. I belong to him. The master asked me to get it."

"Really." The man assured again, but he also thought that the little girl didn't know Feng Ji, but the Fu family must know Feng Ji.

Are you still not showing up?
If his master hadn't been able to alert the enemy, he wouldn't have left a single member of the Fu family alive today.

The reason why they were kept alive was that the master wanted to play a big game.

"Jiujiu, why don't you go and get it? It's not convenient for uncle to show up."

"Why? Uncle, although you are ugly, it doesn't matter."

Men grit their teeth, you are ugly, and your whole family is ugly.

But this little girl is really not ugly.

"Jiujiu, my uncle has other tasks." The man took out a notebook from his arms, "The master asked you to keep this. Take this back and take back the account book. Do you understand?"

Fu Jiujiu nodded with a confused expression, "Oh, then you wait."

Fu Jiujiu returned home with the account book and took out the accounting book used by the fourth sister-in-law. The strawberry seedlings had been distributed anyway, so the account book was of no use.

When the man saw the account book, he opened it and looked at it. Fu Jiujiu was actually quite nervous. After all, this thing was different from the account book.

Unexpectedly, the man took a look and laughed, "No wonder I haven't found it yet. It turns out that not only is the account book hidden, but the recording method is also so secretive. If you don't look carefully, you won't even know it is an account book."

Fu Jiujiu looked at the man, brother, are you okay?

The man closed the ledger, and a puff of smoke flew up, but he didn't notice it.

"Tweet, Uncle Fengji is gone. Remember to keep this account book. If anyone comes to pick it up, remember to give it to him."

Fu Jiujiu nodded, she seemed to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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