Chapter 327 The power of the fourth daughter-in-law of the Fu family
Ms. Zhou became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke, "I'm telling you, if you come to bother you again, our family's Sanjin will lead the troops and arrest you in prison."

Since ancient times, people have been afraid of officials, especially military attaches.

The Tian family was frightened, so they left with a tacit understanding with just one look without any discussion.

"Then... let's leave like this. The child won't be able to bear it." Xiao Zhang moved the child out again.

But some things work well once but not twice.

Wu sighed, "We are all mothers. If you are willing to bring it, you should know it well. If you don't feel pain, why do you expect others to feel pain for you?"

Fu Jiujiu pouted, this family is really interesting.

The Tian family went to the street and asked specifically whether any of the Fu family's sons were officials?

Does Mr. Zhang think being an official is so easy?

Why can Fu Baiwan and Tian Guihua take the wheel?

But the answer hit her hard in the face.

Fu Jiujiu didn't say a word, even compared with the answers given by people in the village, she still kept it quiet.

Only this time did the Tian family know the true strength of the Fu family.

The matter with the Tian family was just a minor incident. It was now spring planting time, so the Fu family turned around and got back to work.

But they also knew that the Tian family would not give up so easily.

After all, they all have experience with Fu Baishan.

When it was time to plant strawberry seedlings, Fu Dajin first went to each house to pull out all the strawberry seedlings, and then called on the villagers to collect them according to the predetermined quantity at that time.

"He Guangwen's family has one hundred trees." Meng Yan said while looking at the account book.

On the other side, Fu Dajin and Wu took it out according to the quantity. Fu Jiujiu also helped. At this time, the wide courtyard was full of people.

"Zhu Shun's eighty trees."

"Wang Liujia 110 trees..."

Whoever had received the gift came to Meng Yan to have her fingerprints pressed. Meng Yan looked up and saw Aunt Fan's big face, grinning with bared teeth.

Meng Yan was startled, but because of her gentle temperament, she was not startled. She was just stunned for a moment and said, "Aunt Fan, your family doesn't have one."

When Fu Wanwan called on the whole village to plant strawberries, Aunt Fan kept singing the opposite tune.

They also roped in a small gang, including Li Jinfeng. Song Kangfa was still the village chief at that time, and Li Jinfeng often spoke ill of the Fu family behind their backs because of their refusal to engage their two children.

At that time, Li Jinfeng thought that his man would be the village chief for the rest of his life, so his family would not have to farm, so he was the core member who opposed strawberry planting.

But who thought so much had happened.

However, relying on their previous savings, the Song family could live a pretty good life without growing strawberries, so they came to help today.

"Hey, Four Gold Wife, I think there are so many more, why don't you give them to me first, I won't miss you any money."

menu If you don’t have it, you just don’t have it.”

"You kid, why are you so stubborn?" Aunt Fan smiled, "How about I give you more money, and you just give it to me. Who is selling it to?"

Fu Baiwan wanted to go over, but Tian Guihua stopped him, "The fourth daughter-in-law can do it."

Fu Baiwan looked at Meng Yan, who spoke softly, and decided to take a look first.

Meng Yan shook her head, "Aunt Fan, don't tell me it's written in black and white. Even if it's not, you have to be trustworthy."

"What kind of credit? Let me tell you, the old couple of the Liu family got seriously ill last year and can hardly afford to eat. How can they have the money to buy these strawberries?"

Last year, some people made reservations for strawberry seedlings. Some paid for them, and some didn't. The Liu family just didn't pay for them.Meng Yan glanced at the yard, and sure enough she didn't see the Liu family.

Aunt Fan said proudly: "Look, I didn't lie to you. No one is here, so they must not be able to afford it. Just give me as many trees as they have."

Meng Yan took a deep breath, "Four golds, four golds."

Fu Sijin raised his head from a pile of strawberry seedlings and asked, "What's wrong?"

"No one has come to pick up Uncle Liu's strawberry seedlings yet. They are not in good health. Go and deliver them to them."

"Okay." Fu Sijin stood up and carried the strawberry seedlings in a wooden basin and left.

" child is so stubborn. There's no point in sending it away. Their family can't afford the money."

Meng Yan smiled and said, "Then I'll give it to you when the strawberries are sold."

"Then...what should I do?"

Meng Yan didn't know about Aunt Fan being a demon before, but after she got married, she saw with her own eyes that Aunt Fan and her daughter were capable of bad things, and she disliked them very much.

"Aunt Fan, you can make a reservation for next year."

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces after taking the strawberry seedlings, Aunt Fan became anxious, "Then we can't make money until next year?"

Meng Yan said softly: "Then why were you unsure before? My father should have told the whole village, right?"

Aunt Fan pursed her lips, unable to find any excuse.

"Then...then I don't believe that the strawberry seedlings are just right. I'll buy the rest."

Meng Yan curled her lips and said, "Don't wait any longer. We will grow the remaining strawberry seedlings ourselves. Go back. If you make a reservation now for next year, I will record it for you."

Aunt Fan thinks that the fourth daughter-in-law of the Fu family looks honest, but she is not. She is more difficult to deal with than the other two. She always smiles when she talks, and even if she doesn't quarrel with you, she just rubs you off.

"No more." Aunt Fan left angrily.

Meng Yan shook her head. Some people always have to remember, "Next, there are two hundred trees in Brother Guan Wu's house."

Tian Guihua bumped the stupid man with her elbow, "Well, let me just say that the guy from the fourth family is a capable guy, right?"

Fu Baiwan wiped his face, "It's really good. You solved the problem without speaking loudly?"

In one morning, all the strawberry seedlings sprouted, and Fu Dajin personally demonstrated what everyone should pay attention to when planting.

Some people took this year's strawberry seedlings and had already booked next year's strawberry seedlings. Meng Yan wrote them down one by one and handed them to Fu Baiwan with the account book.

"Dad, since I haven't paid back the money to the three families, I will make the decision myself and ask them to pay back the money after the strawberries are sold."

These families are really in trouble. Fu Baiwan nodded, "You did a good job."

Meng Yan knew that her parents-in-law were not stingy people, so she was not afraid at all when she made the decision. At the worst, she and Si Jin could make up for it for them.

"Aunt Fan didn't give it to me. I feel that if I gave it this time, it would make those who ordered strawberry seedlings last year feel unfair, and they would have to make a last-minute decision next year."

Fu Baiwan nodded, "You are thoughtful and you have done a good job in this matter."

Meng Yan was a little embarrassed to be praised. After all, her father-in-law didn't praise others very often, "Dad, I still have to have you here to make me feel at ease."

If it were another father-in-law, she was afraid that she would be constrained when doing it.

Fu Baiwan nodded, "I'm worried right now. There are so many people growing strawberries. If the strawberries pile up and cannot be transported, they will rot. What should I do?"

"Canned strawberries, strawberry jam." Little Milk Dumpling said as he entered the door.

She had already thought about it for her father.

(End of this chapter)

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