Chapter 311 The Women's School Starts
Three female dolls in the village were selected, Xiaoyu, Li Xiangxiu and Zhaodi, the daughter of the Hou family.

Fan Simei took it for granted that she lost the election. Aunt Fan was still a little worried, but Fan Simei was extremely happy.

I heard that gentlemen who can't learn things will still beat them. This one is not allowed, and that one is not allowed. Those female gentlemen all have serious faces, and they look more scary than their mother.

She didn't want to go. Anyway, it was not a loss for her because she got new clothes.

After discussing with her family, Fan Sanmei decided to work in a shop in the county, and she stated her purpose straightforwardly.

Aunt Fan saw that she was convinced of her words and that she believed in her daughter's beauty. There were few men who didn't like her, so she let her go.

Monkey drove the carriage to send the girl and Tian Guihua to the school in the county. Fan Sanmei shamelessly squeezed into the carriage.

Fan Sanmei still restrained herself in front of Tian Guihua. She did not take the initiative to cause trouble, and Tian Guihua was too lazy to get along with her.

It was also the first time for the three little girls to leave their parents, and they seemed to be wilting on the road.

The adults also wanted to give it away, but it was only a carriage and could not accommodate so many people. After all, not everyone was as shameless as Fan Sanmei.

Fu Jiujiu looked at the wilted girls. They were all older than him, and the youngest was ten years old. They usually either worked at home or took care of their younger siblings, so they had no time to play at all.

"Grandma Fu, I heard that the female teachers in the school are very cruel and know how to beat people?" Xiaoyu asked softly. She is the most favored girl among the girls in the family because she is the youngest in the family. Help with the work, but you don’t have to take care of your younger siblings.

After all, sometimes when younger siblings cry, adults still have to scold the older sister.

Tian Guihua smiled and said, "Oh, Grandma Fu doesn't know this, but if you study hard, your husband won't beat or scold you."

Li Xiangxiu nodded, "Anyway, even beating and scolding is fine. If I learn this skill, I won't go back home. My parents will beat me every day."

Zhaodi didn't dare to answer. After all, it was her father who was driving the car outside. If he talked too much, he would be beaten when he got home.

In fact, all the female dolls in the village envied Fu Jiujiu. She didn't have to work or be beaten or scolded, and she was pampered by her parents, brother and sister-in-law. Even the male dolls in the village liked to play with her.

Li Xiangxiu looked at Fu Jiujiu and said, "Grandma Fu, your little aunt will definitely not be scolded by your husband. She is so smart, she will definitely learn it immediately, and she has the county magistrate's wife to support her."

Tian Guihua smiled. This child is the oldest among the three and is more thoughtful. "It's hard to say. Sir, we treat everyone equally. If we don't learn well, we will also be beaten and scolded."

Although she was reluctant to part with it, she had to say it so as not to make everyone think that her home was being used through the back door.

The little girls were not very talkative at first, but they couldn't stop chattering as they talked. They began to wonder how they would spend their money after they learned their skills.

Fan Sanmei thinks they are too naive.

What skills should a woman learn? It is more important to dress herself up and marry a good man.

"Auntie, I'll send you and your sister off first." Monkey didn't forget who was the boss and who gave the money.

Tian Guihua refused, "Send the children off first."

It is true that the children are more important. Besides, my big house is really not small, even a countryman would be jealous.

Tian Guihua always remembers not to reveal her wealth and acts in a low profile.

This is the reason why her family could buy a few servants to rush back, but she didn't buy them.

Now hello, I'm hello, everyone, once someone's life exceeds our level, it will easily cause jealousy.

"Then give it to me first, Tao Ji Gouache Shop." Fan Sanmei said politely.

"Sanmei, I'm so sorry. I haven't been to the city a few times and I only know the way to the school. Why don't you go down and walk by yourself?"

It's not that Monkey doesn't care about women, it's because he knows that he can't afford to offend people like Fan Sanmei, so it's better to stay away from them.

The reason why monkeys are called monkeys is because their brains work quickly and people are clever.

"It's okay, I remember the way." Monkey didn't dare to make the decision, after all, his job didn't include this, "Auntie, look..."

"Then let's send her off first."

Fan Sanmei smiled, but didn't even say thank you.

"Sanmei, your family has made a fortune? Do you buy rouge and gouache every day?"

Fan Sanmei smiled. She didn't want to say where she was going to work as a waiter, "If a woman dresses up well, that's for her future plans."

"Brother Monkey, I think your daughter-in-law looks pretty good. You, if you have time, why not let her dress up properly."

Monkey smiled and said, "She is still young, let's learn something first."

When is dressing up not okay?
At this time, it is rare for someone to teach me skills without asking for money.

After Fan Sanmei got off the bus, Monkey sent the three little girls to school.

Tian Guihua also got out of the car. She was not going to let the monkey see her off, so the two of them strolled all the way back.

"No, aunt, Sanmei is so embarrassed, how can I let you go in your own carriage?"

Fu Jiujiu understood what I meant, "Brother Monkey, I want to take a walk."

"Oh, that's it, then you can play."

Monkey hurriedly sent his three little girls in and found the place where they lived. After all, his own daughter was also there, and the other two were just there to help.

Tian Guihua lowered her head and looked at her little girl, "Tweet, tell me when you are tired, and she will carry you away."

"You're not tired, Mom, Jiujiu has grown up, there's no need to hold her or carry her on her back."

Tian Guihua is very pleased. Many three-year-old babies need to be held by their parents. Her daughter is rarely held by her parents after she is more than one year old.

It is truly a blessing gained from past lives.

There were many people coming and going at the entrance of the school. Fu Jiujiu didn't want to join in the fun and see Qin Shuangyue at this time. Anyway, he would be able to see Qin Shuangyue at any time since he would live in the county for a long time.

Tian Guihua pulled the small breast dumpling around. Anyway, she was not in a hurry, and the two of them were not tired from walking around.

"Daughter, do you want something to eat?"

There are many vendors in front of the school. They probably came here because they knew there were many dolls today.

However, many people do not have much business, which is not necessarily the case if it is a school for boys.

After all, there are people who are not even willing to pay fifty cents, so they will give their daughter more pocket money to buy this or that?
Fu Jiujiu stood there. She was indeed a little hungry and was thinking about what to eat. A fat girl walked towards her, followed by an old lady.

"Grandma, grandma, I want to eat this."

"I'm coming."

The road was narrow and the man was fat, so Fu Jiujiu was knocked down.

The fat girl looked back but didn't say anything. The old woman behind her said coldly, "Get out of the way and stay out of the way."

Fu Jiujiu didn't say anything after being hit. Is the person who hit someone still reasonable?

How could Tian Guihua let her daughter be bullied? She tried to reason with the old woman, but when their eyes met, the old woman laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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