Reborn as the crippled king's favorite

Chapter 420: Having feelings for two men

Will the emperor regret it?

Concubine Jing smiled and passed.

The emperor actually didn't tell her at the beginning that she was just a stand-in. She wanted to be rich and favored.

At that time, she was young and immature. Of course she was greedy for wealth, because she was tired of being insulted by Mei Yuzong's mother. She felt that nothing she did could win their favor, because from the beginning, she was in their minds. She is a seducing little prostitute. She is afraid that she will still behave unruly in the future, so she won't let Mei Yuzong marry her no matter what.

It was certainly true that Mei Yuzong was good to her, but as long as Mei Yuzong was away, his parents would make things difficult for her in every possible way. In order to make her leave Mei Yuzong voluntarily, they would do anything.

Of course, at that time, she never thought about leaving Meiyu Sect. This man treated her so well. There was no man in the world who treated her better than him. Where could she go if she left Meiyu Sect? Go home and farm? Her reputation was already bad, and the family might marry her off to a widower.

By then, her life will be a hundred times more difficult than it is now, and she may be tortured to death early.

When the emperor usurped her, she was devoted to Mei Yuzong. She resisted fiercely, but to no avail. The emperor was in his prime and was very rude, not as gentle as Mei Yuzong.

So she was bleeding, and the emperor thought she was a yellow flower girl.

She even wanted to jump off the sedan and commit suicide at that time, but the emperor said that he was the Emperor of Yan, the king of a country.

She was just a little village girl, and the greatest officials she had ever seen were the county magistrate and the king, who were further away than the sky to her.

At that time, Chen Honglian was extremely shocked.

When the emperor asked her about her life experience again, she saw the blood stains on the emperor's robe, and she lied.

She said that both of her parents were farmers, out-and-out farmers, and her family was poor, so she stayed with her cousins.

Yes, she was actually very smart. She described Mei Yuzong as her cousin. If the emperor sent her back and met Mei Yuzong, the emperor would not suspect that she was living with other men at a young age.

From the moment she lied, she had already wanted to leave Mei Yuzong, but she was still reluctant to do so.

As expected, the emperor sent her to the entrance of the alley. Before leaving, he told her to give her three days to think carefully.

In the past three days, she had been struggling mentally. Mei Yuzong and his father also happened to go out to sing for people. With the help of Mei Yuzong's mother, she also made up her mind.

It can only be said that fate plays tricks on people. If Mei Yuzong had been at home during those three days, she might not have made such a decision. Mei Yuzong was very good to her. If he had been at home, he would have seen traces of the emperor's abuse on her body. She solves problems together.

After leaving the emperor, she regretted and worried at first. Of course she couldn't let go of Mei Yuzong, and she was also afraid that Mei Yuzong would resent her for the rest of her life.

But soon, she no longer had the mind to think about those things. The days she spent following the emperor to the north were almost extravagant. The emperor also loved her extremely much along the way. She was the only woman. In addition, the emperor was sometimes majestic and sometimes gentle and affectionate, which gave her a lot of love. It feels like being pampered by the Emperor of Kowloon.

Of course she will be tempted.

Because she thought she was unique among the emperor.

Until she followed the emperor to the capital.

She was left by the emperor in a house in the capital, and some strict nuns came to teach her etiquette, teach her how to read, and serve her like a slave.

She originally dreamed of being taken into the harem by the emperor, becoming his concubine, and becoming his master, but what about the reality? The emperor asked her to be a maid!

If she hadn't deliberately seduced the emperor many times and "accidentally" got pregnant, she might have been the emperor's little palace maid in her previous life.

After getting pregnant, she was not as favored as she imagined. At that time, there were many pregnant concubines in the harem, but there were too many to keep the children. Thanks to the queen's jealousy, the emperor wanted to protect her. At that time, she thought that the emperor treated her very differently, because there was a tunnel under the palace where she lived, which was directly connected to the Emperor's Palace of Cultivation of the Heart.

The emperor would visit her often.

She felt that it was a good thing that no one else cared about her, and no one would plot against her. The emperor's love for her was also special. No woman in the palace was treated like her, including the most beloved Concubine Qi. .

She was pregnant, enjoying the emperor's care, and dreaming of spring and autumn dreams.

Her love for the emperor reached its peak at that time.

It's ridiculous to think about it now.

How happy she was at that time, but how painful and shocked she was the moment she saw the Queen Mother.

She never dreamed that she was actually a substitute for another woman, and this person was the Queen Mother!

She finally understood why the emperor liked to reward her with pure clothes and jewelry, give her Buddhist beads, give her Buddhist scriptures, and ask her to pray for the emperor on the first and fifteenth day of every lunar month.

What's even more sad is that she doesn't dare to make trouble because she has already given birth to the third prince.

She was afraid that the third prince would be rejected by the emperor, and she was afraid that she would really live here near the cold palace for the rest of her life.

The emperor didn't care about her thoughts at all that day, and even said what he said to her just now - saying that he only had her and the third prince in his heart.

After hearing these words too many times, Concubine Jing couldn't tell whether she cared or not. However, she still had feelings for the emperor in her heart. He was the only man in the palace. If she didn't look forward to the emperor, who could she look forward to?

So later, when the Queen Mother entered the palace, she was stupid enough to use her own life as bait and take poison to see who was more important in the Emperor's mind, her or the Queen Mother.

The emperor chose the Queen Mother without hesitation, and from then on, Concubine Jing gave up completely.

Who could be as important as the Queen Mother in the Emperor's mind?

There won't be anyone.

Whether she regrets it or not, it's all fake. It's just what the emperor said casually when he opened and closed his mouth. If she really believed it, she would be really stupid.

She was already devastated. Her heart was with the third prince. As long as the third prince could inherit the throne, her life would not be in vain.

But she didn't expect that after so many years, she would see Mei Yuzong again in the palace.

She was very scared, fearing that Mei Yuzong would ruin her relationship with the third prince. Now she was just one step away from doing so. She thought Mei Yuzong still resented her.

Who knew that Mei Yuzong not only didn't hate her, but also always remembered her.

Her heart came to life again.

Facing the emperor, she felt nothing but disgust in her heart.

Looking at the emperor's sinister face and the "love words" he spoke, she was not moved at all. She just thought about how it would be great if the emperor could make the third prince the prince as soon as possible and die as soon as possible.

That way, she and Mei Yuzong could stay and fly together.

When she got tired of living like that, she would still be the most noble woman in the world when she returned to the palace. No one could surpass her.

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