Reborn as the crippled king's favorite

Chapter 287 Uncle Yun Guo is such a villain!

Chapter 287 Uncle Yun Guo is such a villain!
Murong Jiu then went on to talk about many evil things the Yun family had done.

The more Jun Yuyan listened, the more upright he sat and his brows furrowed tightly.

After Murong Jiu finished speaking, he ruffled her hair and said to her: "The Yun family has done so many evil things and we cannot stay here any longer. I will go and make arrangements now to try to bring down the Yun family as soon as possible."

"Yeah, go ahead and don't forget to come back for dinner."

Jun Yuyan smiled and pressed a kiss on her forehead, then strode out.

The study room next door was his office, but if he had anything to discuss with his staff and secret guards, he would go to the yard next door. Since they were close, they would not disturb Murong Jiu and the children.

Murong Jiu watched Jun Yuyan hurriedly leave through the newly made glass windows. The snow under the bamboo forest had not yet melted. Kaixuan was having fun inside, and his body was covered with snow.

She glanced at the gloomy sky. It was a cold winter this year, but the snow had stopped and it should not fall again. However, the temperature was low and the snow would not melt. In a few days, the snow under the bamboo forest would harden and cake. Shi Kaixuan can no longer play so happily.

I wonder what the scene will be like in the court hall when spring warms the earth.

"Princess, Princess! The newly picked corn is cooked! Eat it while it's hot!"

Chuntao happily ran in, carrying the food box. As soon as she opened it, she could smell the rich aroma of corn.

Murong Jiu also became energetic. The corn in the glazed greenhouse had matured several times, but it was not growing well. There were only a few corn kernels on a cob.

However, the corn that has matured in the past few days was planted later and is growing better than before. She has eaten it twice. It is tender and crispy, a taste she has never tasted before.

Moreover, there are two types of corn, one is crispy and can even be eaten raw, and the other has a soft and glutinous texture when cooked. Master likes this texture best and eats it with praise. She likes to eat crispy and tender corn. , it tastes unique to the aroma of corn, which is really a treat on this cold winter day.

What Chuntao brought was crisp and tender corn. She skillfully tore open the outer leaves and beards, revealing the crystal clear corn kernels, exuding heat.

Murong Jiu thought to himself, no wonder the first person in Dayan who saw it called it corn, and it lined the whole cob like jade. For those who didn't know, they thought it was a strange jade carving carved from jade.

Murong Jiu finished a stick of corn, and the rest was divided between Chuntao and Hongyi.

She doesn’t need to explain that the master, father and brother all have a share of the corn in the glass shed, but no one dares to eat more. These corns grow well and need to be kept for planting so that they can start growing in April and May this year. The seeds were sown in Dayan's land and implemented.

The temperature inside the glass shed is suitable, so there is no need to care about the season. However, the cost of building the glass shed is too high and it is impossible to promote it to the common people. In the end, these crops still need to be planted according to the changing seasons.

"Kang Sinong said that after a while, the corn will be old and dried. Some of it will be used for seed production, and some of it can be ground into cornmeal for you, Princess, so you can have a taste."

Murong Jiu smiled and nodded: "Okay, I also want to know how much corn can be ground to produce one pound of cornmeal. But don't grind too much and leave more for seed."

"Don't worry, Si Nong and Jing Niang are eager to cultivate new seedlings every day and get more seeds before they can be sown on the land outside!"

"They are working really hard, Chuntao. You and Hongyi should go and help me every day. You should also let them balance work and rest. You don't have to do everything yourself. You can leave it to the people below."

Chuntao and Hongyi responded with a smile.

Murong Jiu often asked them to go to the outer courtyard recently. In fact, he had selfish motives. It was time for Chuntao and Hongyi to see each other, but neither of them wanted to leave the palace, so they had to look inside the palace.However, she thought it was okay to let it happen and didn't make any special arrangements.

She couldn't let the two of them sit in her yard all the time. If they didn't go out for a walk, how could they find someone who could look at each other.

While talking, Kaixuan opened the door with his head and came in.

The snow on its body had been shaken off long ago, but its hair was a little wet. Murong Jiu wiped it clean with a towel, and it lay comfortably on the carpet and started snoring after a while.

Murong Jiu laughed. After wiping it clean, she combed it with a wooden comb. After washing her hands, she heard crying next door. She was very familiar with this cry. It was the two children who were hungry and looking for food.

The crying stopped immediately, and not long after, the two little guys who had eaten and drank enough were picked up by the wet nurse.

When the parent-child time came, Murong Jiu smiled and teased the two babies. They were overflowing with motherly love and kissed them again and again. They did not dare to kiss the faces casually, but only dared to kiss the forehead and the hair on the top of their heads. Their hair grew very vigorously. Several nannies He also said that he had never seen a baby with such fine hair.

They are older again, they wake up longer than before, and their eyes can see further.

On February [-], the dragon looked up.

This is the time when the cold turns to warm, everything revives, and farming begins. Dayan has a tradition of making wine to worship the God of Jumang and pray for a good harvest.

God was kind, and in the early morning of this day, a drizzle began to fall from the sky, like a dragon stretching out to spread rain on the flying clouds, which was a sign of good weather and a bumper harvest.

Xiaojin Xiaoyu also took advantage of today to get a happy head shave. It is an auspicious time for the dragon to raise its head, which can protect the healthy growth of children.

However, they only shaved their heads symbolically, not into a round bald head.

The palace was enjoying the festival because of the dragon raising its head, but what happened outside was like a thunder, causing the people in the capital to be in uproar and astonished.

The reason is that when Uncle Yun Guo went out this morning, a man suddenly rushed out, cut off Uncle Yun Guo's roots with a kitchen knife, and cursed loudly at him for killing his whole family in order to snatch his wife. He went out to do business and returned home. When he was returning home, he encountered a bandit and was stabbed and rolled down a cliff. Fortunately, he survived.

There were a lot of people near the Yun family at that time, and there happened to be soldiers and horses patrolling nearby. Before the servants of the Yun family could take action, the man was subdued and taken into custody.

This incident spread throughout the capital within half an hour. Everyone was discussing whether it was true or not. They felt that Uncle Yun Guo did not look like such a person. At this time, someone whispered in the crowd.

"Of course this is true. Uncle Yun Guo looks like a fairy, but in fact there are twenty or thirty women in his backyard. Most of them were taken by him by force. Do you know how? ? Just like what the man said, he directly kidnapped the woman, killed her family, and burned it all in a fire. The woman had nowhere to go, so she had to follow him. Some of the fierce-tempered ones went into the clouds. If you don’t believe me, go and see how many bones are buried in the backyard of Yun Mansion!”

"What! Is this true?"

"No wonder there have been frequent fire tragedies in recent years. Most of the time, a whole family was burned to death at night. It was not an accident, but Uncle Yun Guo's doing?"

"I suddenly remembered that I heard that the flowers in Yun Mansion are particularly beautiful. Could it be that they really use corpses as fertilizer! How terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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