Reborn as the crippled king's favorite

Chapter 108 Murong Man gets married, a good show

Chapter 108 Murong Man gets married, a good show

In a few days, it was the wedding day of Murong Man and Ni Yuanshan, the eldest son of Ensubo Mansion.

According to Murong Man's character, her wedding must be a bustling affair with red makeup and gongs and drums.

However, the street was not very lively today, and it seemed like a normal day. This was because Murong Man wanted to keep everything simple and get married in a low-key manner.

So that when He divorces and remarries in the future, people will forget that today is her first marriage.

One day, she will definitely marry into the Second Prince's Mansion on the grandest scale!

No, by then, maybe she will marry into the Prince's East Palace!

The days are so busy, and the so-called auspicious day chosen at random turns out to be a gloomy day. I wonder if it will rain.

"Miss, the wedding team is here."

The maid glanced at the sky outside, feeling a little worried, and then came over and cautiously said to Murong Man in front of the bronze mirror.

There was nothing festive in the bride's wedding room. Only Murong Man was wearing a bright red wedding dress and sitting coldly in front of the dressing table.

There was no smile on her face, only deep-seated hatred.

Although she knew that the second prince was sincere towards her and that he would definitely marry her, marrying her uncle Ni Yuanshan today was like a failure in her life, a shame that could not be erased!

In the future, history books will also record that she was married for the second time!

How could she not be resentful?

If it weren't for the second prince's weak cousin who often fell ill and only Murong Jiu could save her, the second prince would never have married her to a disgusting person like Ni Yuanshan!

So she hated Murong Jiu, but she hated Bai Weiwei even more.

She didn't take ugly monsters like Murong Jiu into consideration. Only Bai Weiwei was her real enemy.

If the second prince has a chance to become emperor, Bai Weiwei will definitely have an important position in the harem.

Bai Weiwei will be her lifelong rival.


The maid urged in a low voice.

There was already a commotion outside.

Although everything was kept simple, the process had to be followed. Today she was getting married, and a banquet was held at the Marquis Mansion, and many people sent congratulatory gifts.These gifts can allow the Hou family to squander it for a while.

Besides, there were only a few people who knew the inside story. The guests who came here only thought that her marriage to Ni Yuanshan was some kind of happy event. At this moment, they were already outside urging the groom to come in and pick up the bride.

Murong Man gritted his teeth and put on the red hijab.

The red hijab was specially made for her. It is just a layer of red gauze. Whether she sees others or others see her, it is very clear.

Because she wanted the second prince to see her cry and make him feel guilty for her forever.

It was for his cousin that he married into the Ensu Bo Mansion.

The maid said hello, and Xi Po came over with a smile and helped Murong Man out.

As soon as he went out, Murong Man saw Ni Yuanshan.

The other party was wearing the red wedding dress of the groom and was being urged forward by the guests. He was not tall, had makeup on his face, and had a very frivolous smile.

Just one look made Murong Man extremely sick.

She looked around, frowning slightly, why couldn't she see the second prince?
The second prince clearly said that he would come to accompany her to pick her up today, and he took her to the uncle's house as if she was marrying him today.

But the second prince didn't come?

Murong Man's face became increasingly ugly. She could only think of one possibility, that Bai Weiwei was pestering the second prince and not asking him to go out.

"The auspicious time is coming! The bride is getting ready to get into the sedan chair!"

Xipo said auspicious words loudly.

Murong Man's brother came over and carried her on his back to get into the sedan chair.

At this time, someone said loudly: "Hey, why don't you see the Marquis and his wife?" When newlyweds get married in Dayan, there is a custom of the bride crying at the wedding, and the parents need to be by the side when getting into the sedan chair.

After someone said this, everyone also discovered that the guests entertained today were all the second and third masters of the Hou Mansion, but Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou were not seen.

Murong Man was unhappy. Although she didn't take the wedding seriously, she didn't want to make a joke at her wedding. Then people would talk about her marriage behind her back and her parents wouldn't show up.

By then, those talkative women in the capital still don't know how to arrange her.

"Go find the master and his wife!"

With how much his parents loved him, it was impossible not to show up, maybe there was an accident.

Soon, Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou were helped over by the maid and slave. They were covering themselves up, with a thick layer of powder on their faces, and they seemed to be in great pain.

"I'm sorry everyone, I and my wife were so sad about my beloved daughter getting married that we almost missed the date."

"No problem, no problem, the Marquis and his wife look bad, is it okay?"

Someone cares.

"it's okay no problem!"

The two princes waved their hands.

But during the crying wedding that followed, the two of them didn't dare to squeeze out a single tear, for fear that the thick powder on their faces would be washed away.

Murong Man was a little worried and squeezed out a few tears perfunctorily.

At this moment, Jun Yuyan was standing at the window, looking at the sky outside.

The rain suddenly started to fall.

"God makes good."

He raised the corners of his lips and said.


Murong Jiu had just changed into the clothes she was going to wear to attend the banquet today. Since she was not entering the palace, she did not need to wear cumbersome princess-style clothes. However, the clothes Jun Yuyan customized for her, the materials, embroidery work and accessories were no better than those of a princess. Worse, it is lighter and more comfortable to wear, and it is not lacking in elegance and gorgeousness.

In the past, she would never have worn such conspicuous clothes.

But after the birthmark disappeared, she dared to wear bright clothes, not to attract attention, but because Jun Yuyan seemed to compensate her, knowing that her clothes in the past were all simple and low-key colors, and now she Most of the clothes are so gorgeous and dazzling.

The light purple dress she is wearing now is the first time she has worn this color. It was specially given to her by Caijun Yuyan from the closet just now.

Because Jun Yuyan was wearing clothes of the same color at this time. He was standing by the window. His body was as long as jade, his appearance was handsome, his shallow scars were almost invisible, and his whole person was as noble as the bright moon in the clouds.

"You'll know in a while."

Jun Yuyan got away with her and slowly approached her with a look of amazement in his eyes.

"Ajiu is so beautiful."

The light purple dress made her skin white and her delicate facial features soft and bright.

Murong Jiu's cheeks were slightly red.

She discovered that the skirt she was wearing was exactly the same as the fabric he was wearing, as if it was a custom-made couple's outfit.

She couldn't stand Jun Yuyan's hot gaze and quickly changed the subject: "It's raining, should we go later?"

"It won't rain heavily, Ah Jiu, don't worry, I will make arrangements."

Won't let her get caught in the rain.

After all, there is another good show going to happen today.

The arrangement that Jun Yuyan mentioned was to directly carry a soft sedan into Qiyun Courtyard, without Murong Jiu getting a drop of water on it.

By the time we arrived at Ensubo Mansion, the rain had indeed stopped.

Just as Murong Jiu was about to come down, he suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums. It turned out that the team that was supposed to pick up the bride was late.

(End of this chapter)

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