Horror game, survival candy candy

Chapter 384 Peace during the day

Chapter 384 Peace during the day

It sounds like they are asleep. These hyphae seem to have regained their vitality. In short, they have calmed down.

Mo Yunfan opened the door of the castle in front of him and saw completely silent white mycelium.

Chu Jingluo thought about what she had done last night, so she suggested using blood to stimulate it to see what happened.

Although these hyphae appear to be asleep, it is not known whether they are actually asleep.

Chu Jingluo concluded that this hyphae reacted strongly to blood and became very excited.They should have little intelligence. If they are responsive, they will definitely be responsive even if they are not asleep.

So after this proposal was approved, Lu Changan cut his hand and dripped blood.

After the hand is cut, blood gushes out, and the smell also comes out. Of course, these hyphae can be felt.

However, they didn't react at all and remained silent, seeming to have really taken a rest.

Lu Changan found it quite magical: "Jingluo, you said these things would react to blood, right? Now it seems that when these things become silent, they won't react to anything, right?"

Chu Jingluo nodded: "That's probably true. This also gives us a chance. We can go up." There must be something they need in this castle, and the door is now open, giving them a chance. Then cherish this opportunity.Since these hyphae have lost their attack power, it is better to give them a good opportunity.

If they want to know what kind of secrets there are in this castle, they have to search carefully.

Everyone agreed to this proposal. They couldn't stay here forever and needed to find what they needed to find.

After all, they were only staying in this place for a short time, and they had to find the door and key to leave here.

Of course they must seize the opportunity while these hyphae are not aggressive at all.

Everyone carefully bypassed the mycelium at the door and slowly entered the castle.

It was very quiet inside the castle, and the places they passed by were basically covered in mycelium.The most amazing thing is that inside the castle, there is nothing except mycelium.

If it’s here, it must at least be furnished, right?There was no furniture in sight.

It can be said that it is almost a flat river. You can see how big this place is at a glance.

Chu Jingluo felt very strange, so she didn't know what was going on here. There was nothing.

The situation in this place is obviously a bit strange. The most important thing is that this is the palace.There is no way that there is any furniture in such a castle.

It seems that the secret of these hyphae must not only be as simple as killing people, but may also have other functions.

Of course, they don't plan to continue trying such a dangerous thing, and they will put it aside no matter what effect it has.

Nothing was found on the first floor, so their target was naturally placed upstairs, and they wanted to take a closer look.

Every detail, every place, may hide something related to the door.

According to Mo Yunfan's speculation, there must be something related to the door hidden in the most important place in this country.The key to leaving here should be something related to a fairy tale, it must be something very obvious.So after they came in, the most obvious thing that had something to do with fairy tales was the kingdom.

Of course there are mermaids, mermaids are the most iconic, but nothing was found nearby.

So there should be another very iconic thing in this place, and I am the key here.

But now, there are big problems in this country, and I don't know if the key to their departure is easy to find.

Everyone followed the stairs to the top and encountered a big problem again. Some rooms could not be opened.

If the door cannot be opened, it is naturally difficult to know what is going on inside, and it is impossible to find key things.Xu Jiahui looked around: "I think it's so quiet here that it makes people feel uneasy."

Wu Ge nodded in agreement: "Especially those hyphae, although they are quiet now, they will not always be quiet."

Now it seems that these hyphae are not aggressive, but it is such silence that makes people feel uncomfortable.

It might be better if the noise started and the fighting started all the way, but now I always feel something is wrong.

Mo Yunfan here, after looking at the surrounding situation, also felt that something was wrong with the quietness.

But if you look carefully, you can't tell what is wrong and what makes people feel uneasy.

Mo Yunfan took Chu Jingluo's hand: "Follow me closely and don't let go of my hand. If there is danger, it will be easier to deal with it. The environment here is complicated, and these things around us are not very easy for us to deal with." You know, but you still have to be careful when dealing with it.”

Chu Jingluo nodded: "The question is, if the door and key are here, where will they be?"

They didn't see anything related to the door in other places, and they didn't encounter anything along the way.

Since it is a fairy tale world, many things must be related to fairy tales, and of course it also includes ways to leave.

Chu Jingluo's doubts also existed among others, especially Lin Qinghan, who didn't know what to do at all.

The first time he came to this game, Lin Qinghan had no idea how to solve the problem.

And how could he leave? Lin Qinghan didn't have any experience, so of course he wanted to follow in the footsteps of others.After seeing someone die, Lin Qinghan of course valued his own life even more.

Arriving upstairs, Mo Yunfan saw an iron door, which was incompatible with this place.

Liang You also noticed this door: "What is going on? How can such a door still exist?"

Lu Changan looked at him in surprise: "So you can also ask questions. I thought you had everything figured out."

Liang You glared at him: "What am I? I am also an ordinary person, and I don't know everything! And in such a situation, no matter who you are, you will be very curious. This should not be like this. Now The problem is that it can't be opened, and we don't know what's going on in the house. But if this door appears here and looks out of place, there must be something wrong with it."

Lu Changan shrugged: "If there's a problem, there's nothing you can do if you can't get in. These mycelium are already spread everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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