Horror game, survival candy candy

Chapter 217 Something terrible

Chapter 217 Something terrible
With some experience in previous rooms, they will also know that they cannot let go of any place.

Whether it is the floor or ceiling, it must be carefully inspected, otherwise important clues may be missed.

After inspecting the entire bathroom, the remaining detailed work was handed over to Lu Changan and Liang You.One is a lucky little fool, and the other is a careful old gentleman. The two of them match well together.

Chu Jingluo and Mo Yunfan were looking for things in the living room, while Xu Jiahui and Wu Ge went to the bedroom next to them.

In terms of area, this living room is relatively large, and there are more furnishings, so there are more places to look for.

The two of them searched together, including cabinets, sofas, carpets, the floor below, and every corner of themselves.

Even the tea cups had to be opened to see if there was anything they hadn't found.Under the sofa, Chu Jingluo found that there was something, but there was nothing suitable and accessible right now, so she was waiting to take the sofa away before looking at it.

Under the coffee table, Chu Jingluo found a doll, a broken Barbie doll.

The entire Barbie doll was in a very embarrassed state, and even her face was broken.

It can be vaguely seen that it should be a very exquisite and valuable doll.

Could it be that there are still children here?Chu Jingluo was full of doubts, but could not confirm it.

Behind the TV in the living room, you can see a painting, which is hidden in the background wall behind it.After being buckled to the wall and fixed, it was covered with the same wallpaper, so it was not easy to see.

But they tore the wallpaper apart and found the painting, a portrait of a man.

This painting looks the same anyway, although the person in the painting is facing the person looking at the painting.

In fact, this person is looking at everything in the room through the back of the painting.

Just like if there was another person on the other side of the mirror, peeking in here all the time.

When I found this painting, it felt very strange, but Mo Yunfan saw the clues.

It has to be said that the person who painted this painting is definitely very skilled, but this kind of creepy and weird feeling is also difficult to bear.I don’t know who came up with this method.

But the person in this painting is also very likely to be inseparable from the hotel they are exploring.

In the vase near the TV, Chu Jingluo found a silk scarf, which looked relatively new.

Since there is nothing else in the vase, the scarf may have been well preserved, so it looks relatively new.

However, judging from the texture of this scarf and the label on it, it is not ordinary.The people living in this room are not ordinary people, so why did they leave a silk scarf here?

Obviously, this thing was definitely placed in a vase, but what is the meaning of this?

Chu Jingluo looked at the scarf in confusion, but Mo Yunfan misunderstood it: "Do you like this thing?"

"Be more serious. Now is the time to discuss what I like!" Chu Jingluo felt helpless.

Mo Yunfan shrugged: "Because you won't tell me directly what you like. Apart from being able to buy you delicious food, I don't seem to be able to meet your other requirements. Of course I also want to ask, if you like , I can just go with what he likes." Mo Yunfan was upright in this regard. If he really didn't know, it would be better to let Chu Jingluo say something. After all, most people wouldn't say that.But this just proves that Mo Yunfan really knows nothing about love.All your love is placed on one person, so naturally you want this person to get the best.

Chu Jingluo smiled: "I don't have any feelings for this thing, but it is very beautiful."

"Having one or two is a good choice. It can be matched with clothes and play a decorative role."

"I was just thinking about how such a nice, beautiful and expensive scarf could be here."

"I feel that the person in this painting, this silk scarf, and the specimens we found are all connected."

Everything is fine, there is a painting and a silk scarf in the living room, and a pile of specimens in the toilet.And this broken doll always shows that something terrible must have happened here.

Mo Yunfan looked at the scarf: "I have heard before that some people like to collect things."

"I've also read some reports about murderers keeping victims' belongings. Could this be related to this?"

Chu Jingluo didn't know this, but what Mo Yunfan said was very possible.

If this is really the case, then why did this murderer choose such a place as his cover?This is not a wise choice, and such a place will cost a lot of money.

With doubts, they continued to search for something that could prove their guesses.

The two people in the bathroom also made some discoveries at this time, mainly from the ground.

At first, they discovered that there were some blood stains on the ground, but they didn't pay much attention at that time.

But after using the bathroom for a few days, I found that the blood stains could not be washed away by water, and it seemed that it could not be cleaned away. This was a bit strange.Of course, they could still tell the difference clearly whether it was blood stains or paint.

The whole place is like a newly formed crime scene, which makes people feel strange and inconsistent.

There are still some spaces hidden under the floor tiles at this site, and the two people have already opened them.

There are some gaps under the tiles on the bathroom floor, and there are actually many specimens placed in the gaps.

Taken apart piece by piece, from one point to the entire surface, it is really unimaginable to see such a huge number of specimens.The most important thing is that these specimens are all human fingers. There are so many specimens that it is obvious that they cannot be from the same person.

After all, they look fat, thin, long or short, but they all look like a human index finger.

Anyway, after seeing such specimens, Lu Changan felt that he was not feeling well.

But the floor tiles in this place are really well made, and there are no leaks.

They have been using hot water these days, and they haven't seen any moisture down there.

(End of this chapter)

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