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Chapter 175 Trying to Leave

Chapter 175 Trying to Leave
Chu Jingluo hugged Mo Yunfan's neck and gave him a kiss full of emotion.

Others looked at this situation and hesitated to speak, knowing that there was no way to interfere.

Wu Ge also hugged Xu Jiahui tightly, but Xu Jiahui was now difficult to control.

Not having such good luck as Mo Yunfan, Wu Ge had no choice but to control his girlfriend tightly.

When Lu Changan saw it, he quickly pulled Yang Rui to study the door, and then discovered that there was a very clear pattern on the door, and the pattern also had a groove. Before that, Liang You As I said, demons need sacrifices.

These people who need demonic power have sacrificed a part of themselves in order to get what they want.

At this time, such a groove was discovered. Thinking of the previous situation, Liang You couldn't help but think more.

Chu Jingluo pushed Mo Yunfan away: "The blood of the devil should be of great use."

"But now, we don't know who is the real devil." Chu Jingluo's words made people feel strange.

While Xu Jiahui was about to attack Wu Ge, he explained: "Actually, not all of us are demons. So it seems that we have to try one by one. Only the blood of real demons will be useful."

Looking at the groove on the door, Wu Ge couldn't bear it. That was his girlfriend.

Chu Jingluo was very determined: "I have to give it a try no matter what, because the next step will definitely be more troublesome."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Zihan had already broken free from the bandage, and his body had changed.

Her originally thin body began to be supported by muscles, and she had completely lost her mind.When she once again extended her clutches to Yang Rui and almost strangled Yang Rui to death, Lu Changan managed to save him.

The people here were in a hurry, and before the problem was solved, they saw Xi Lianxue starting to take off her clothes.

This greatly stimulated Mo Yunfan. Of course he couldn't accept the thought of Chu Jingluo doing this.

Liang You dragged his injured body down, trying to shield Xi Lianxue, but she was very uncooperative.

The whole room suddenly fell into chaos. The four girls had already made the place unpeaceable.

Mo Yunfan knocked Wang Zihan unconscious with one punch, held Chu Jingluo with one hand, and knocked out Xi Lianxue, who was very uncooperative.

Wu Ge stopped Mo Yunfan's movement: "Try Jiajia's blood first. She can still control it now. Don't worry about the two who fainted. I think Jingluo can be put at the end. Her willpower has always been They are all very strong.”

This decision still made Mo Yunfan very satisfied. He did not want to hurt Chu Jing at all.Xu Jiahui's blood continued to spread along the grooves until it filled the entire pattern.She didn't feel much pain during the whole process, but she became very weak afterwards.After waiting for a few minutes and not seeing any changes, Liang You asked Yang Rui to clean the groove as quickly as possible.

Wang Zihan was also brought here. In a coma, doing such a thing felt a bit cruel.

But in order for everyone to get out and get rid of the current situation, there is no way.

Chu Jingluo looked at Wang Zihan's blood stains, covering the entire groove, but did not notice any changes.

However, Liang You feels that this makes sense. After all, girls want to be beautiful and attractive.Such a strong fighting power is of little use to many girls.

The next one, naturally, was Xi Lianxue's turn. Yang Rui complained about her, so naturally he wasn't too polite. The whole process was quite rude.Different from the color of other people's blood, Xi Lianxue's blood turned out to be strangely purple.

This also makes people feel more hopeful. After all, it is not an ordinary color of blood, it is more like a demon.

When the blood filled the entire groove, Pandora's box was opened again.

Only this time, no one else touched it. As it opened, several figures emerged.

Completely different from human appearance, more coquettish, more evil, and more cruel.Three things that couldn't be called human at all appeared in the room, making people wary.

And their appearance caused everything in the house to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The originally elegant house was now like hell, with red and black intertwined.

Obviously Xi Lianxue's blood was not the best choice, and it also touched a very serious organ.

These three are probably the three girls in this room who made a deal with the devil, but they are no longer human.

As soon as the three demons appeared, they were very satisfied with everything around them, but they were very dissatisfied that other demons broke into their place.Of course they welcome these men, but girls are what they hate.

The devil in red clothes stretched out her hand towards Wang Zihan, and Wang Zihan was grabbed by her.

Just as Lu Changan was about to make a move, a knife was thrust into his hand, so he quickly slashed at the demon.

The devil's hand was cut off, and Wang Zihan fell to the ground and was quickly dragged back by Yang Rui who was nearby.

Fortunately, this time, Yang Rui was a little wiser, otherwise Wang Zihan would definitely have died.

The red-clothed devil was very angry, and the green-clothed devil beside him was also furious, and swung a whip towards Lu Changan.This whip is not simple. Not only is it covered with barbs, it is also stained with circles of flames.

Liang You quickly pulled Lu Changan to prevent him from being burned by the flames, but his clothes were also burned.

With just a little contamination, Lu Chang's belt instantly turned into ashes, which made people feel frightened.

Chu Jingluo quickly urged: "Yang Rui, clean this place quickly and use my blood!"

None of the three people's blood could be used, so only Chu Jingluo's blood could be used.No matter how reluctant Mo Yunfan is to give up, it is impossible for Chu Jingluo to not be injured at all in this situation.Xu Jiahui couldn't help her much at this time, so Wu Ge didn't need to worry about her. He asked Liang You to look after her for the time being, while he went to help solve the problem with the door on the other side. At this time, the scene was really too chaotic.

The pink-clothed devil smiled seductively, causing Lu Changan who was approaching her to lose consciousness for a moment. Fortunately, Liang You pulled her back and stopped walking towards them stupidly.But Yang Rui seemed to be affected by it and actually took the initiative to arrest Wang Zihan.

Chu Jingluo was scratched by Mo Yunfan, and the blood slowly flowed in the groove, which made Mo Yunfan very distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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