Fast time travel villain purification in progress

Chapter 1129 Celestial Master Female Supporter VS Pluto Villain 2

Chapter 1129 Celestial Master Female Supporter VS Pluto Villain 2
Unable to bear all the ridicule and bullying in her family, Yin Ruyue ran away from home in grief, and then met the male protagonist who was seriously injured.

The male protagonist, Bei Mingyan, was originally the lord of the underworld. Because the villain coveted his position, he launched a rebellion. Bei Mingyan almost died at the hands of the villain, but finally managed to escape by using a secret technique.

Despite this, Bei Mingyan was still injured, and the injury was serious.

Although the heroine is a loser, she has a special constitution, and her blood is the best healing medicine for the Lord of the Underworld.

The heroine rescued Bei Mingyan, who was seriously injured. Naturally, Bei Mingyan could not return to the underworld while he was recovering from his injuries, and then the two of them walked together.

After getting along, the two experienced various setbacks and finally fell in love.

The ending is that Bei Mingyan regained the throne and became the Lord of the Underworld again, while the heroine became the Queen of the Underworld.

If the female protagonist is a loser among the heavenly masters, then the original owner Yin Ling is a genius among the heavenly masters.

In this generation of the Yin family, the most useless one is the heroine, and the most genius one is the original owner. The two of them are in the sky and on the ground, forming a sharp contrast.

And often, this kind of supporting character who forms a comparison group with the protagonist does not end well.

The original owner met the female protagonist and the male protagonist on the way out for training.

On the day they met, the male protagonist was killing a few people who bullied the female protagonist.

The original owner recognized that the male protagonist was a member of the Underworld, and also determined that he was an evil ghost who killed innocent people indiscriminately, so he wanted to capture him and kill him.

So, she started fighting with the male protagonist over a disagreement.

In the end, of course the original owner lost.

The male protagonist originally wanted to kill the original owner, but the female protagonist thought that the original owner and she were from the same family, so she stopped the male protagonist.

Then, the original owner was not dead.

Although the original owner saved his life because of the heroine's persuasion, the original owner was not at all grateful to the heroine.

Seeing that the relationship between the male protagonist and the female protagonist seemed to be quite good, the original owner decided that the female protagonist had fallen into disgrace and joined the underworld.So, the original owner sent a letter back to the family and informed the family elders.

After the family received the letter, they sent people out to investigate and found out that the heroine was really close to people from the Nether Clan, so they completely removed the heroine from the family.

The female protagonist cried very sadly when she found out. The male protagonist felt sorry for her, but the female protagonist didn't allow him to take action against the original owner, so she secretly bought a murderer with 500 taels in order to kill the original owner.

In the plot, the original owner was not killed.

The killer saw that the original owner was good-looking, so he became interested and wanted the original owner to follow her.

Of course the original owner refused, so the killer wanted to rape her.

The original owner was unwilling to be humiliated and wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but at the critical moment, he was saved.

It was the villain who saved her.

After that, a series of things happened, and the original owner finally joined the villain, became a member of the Hades, and became the villain's right-hand man.

Later, he faced off against the male and female protagonist several times, and in the final outcome, the original protagonist was killed by the male and female protagonist.

After reading the plot and memories, Yin Ling asked the system, [So, what is the mission of this world? 】

[In the script, the male and female protagonists have a happy ending, but in fact both of them died in the end, and the world almost collapsed. The reason has not been found, so you need to find the reason and prevent the world from collapsing. 】

[Of course, the main task is to purify the villains. 】

After hearing this, Yin Ling nodded slightly and agreed, [Okay. 】

Standing up from the bed, he caught a glimpse of the charred man lying on the ground from the corner of his eye. Yin Ling raised his foot and gave him a kick.

(End of this chapter)

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