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Chapter 177 Change the order (2)

Chapter 177 Change the order (2)

Change it?

The four members of the Jinbei team repeated these two words in their minds.

"Stop changing, come on!"

Lin Chuanqing was more conservative. Seeing that the referee at the other end had begun urging and counting down, he seemed a little nervous.

Wang Yuheng always regarded Xu Chu as his leader.At this time, he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but turned to look at Xu Chu.

"Compared with Zhao Li Ang? How confident are you?"

Xu Chu frowned.

"Seventy percent."

"We have to make a quick decision. If I play now, we can't change the order later."

Shen Tingzhou didn't dare to make a guarantee, but estimated a relatively conservative figure.

But this number is already radical for the other three people.

"Seventy percent? Shen Tingzhou, are you making trouble? Even my brother Chu is probably not sure about this."

Wang Yuheng suddenly became anxious, "Stop worrying here and get on the stage quickly!"

As he spoke, he pushed Shen Tingzhou towards Bai Xian.

Shen Tingzhou didn't answer, but his eyes stared straight at Xu Chu.

That look seemed to urge the captain to make a decision quickly.

What are they doing!

In the audience, Qian Yun couldn't help but frown when he saw the commotion here.The guys from the archery team sitting behind him didn't have that strong determination.

Seeing Shen Tingzhou's delay in coming on stage, everyone stood up and craned their necks to look around.

"Shen Tingzhou...what are you going to do?"

Almost all the team members remembered the same voice.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Not only the players, but also the audience in the auditorium could not understand his operation.

"Did he get sick before playing?"

"Could he be an undercover agent sent by another school?" "I think he just knows that Tsubei can't beat Aoki, so he simply doesn't want to play."


There are many comments on site.

"Aren't you in a hurry?"

A member of the photography club sat next to Song Yumian, touched her with his elbow, and then asked.

"What's the hurry, no hurry."

After several months of getting along, Song Yumian was particularly confident in Shen Tingzhou.It's not that she became a roundworm in Shen Tingzhou's belly and knew what Shen Tingzhou was thinking.The only thing she knew clearly was that Shen Tingzhou was particularly concerned about the opportunity of this competition, so no matter what decision he made, the purpose must be to win the competition.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Over there, the referee has already started counting down.

Hurry up!

Everyone is urging.

"You go first!"

Just when Shen Tingzhou was about to step into the archery area, Xu Chu finally spoke.

He said this to Wang Yuheng.


"Just do as he says."

Xu Chu actually had no idea.

But Shen Tingzhou was right. With Wang Yuheng's level, there was only a three to five point gap between him and Chen Zhou, so he could still do it if he gave it a try.

As for Shen Tingzhou, although he had no experience in competitions before,... he was indeed a dark horse, especially a dark horse with a flexible mind.

Xu Chu remembered the rookie match with Shen Tingzhou at the beginning of school.Although he didn't want to admit it, Shen Tingzhou did have the ability to create his own advantages.

If you want to keep the archery team and even keep your old money, you still have to rely on Shen Tingzhou at critical moments.

Wang Yuheng broke the can, grabbed his bow, gritted his teeth, crossed Shen Tingzhou, and stepped into the archery area.

But when he looked past Shen Tingzhou, his eyes were as real as they were, terrifyingly serious.

(End of this chapter)

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