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Chapter 168 Shen Tingzhou’s hesitation

Chapter 168 Shen Tingzhou’s hesitation
Amidst Qian Yun's scoldings, the four high-spirited boys in front of him gradually lowered their heads, like quails.

I thought Qian Yun could be considered a "devil" in his usual appearance.But it wasn't until today that they understood Qian Yun's expression when he heard them nickname him behind his back -

Compared with now, his usual appearance is not too gentle!

After three hours of extra practice, the words "Let's stop here today" sounded like sounds from nature, and the four of them sat down softly on the ground.

"My grandma, I'd rather not choose!"

Only when Qian Yun walked away did Wang Yuheng dare to complain.At this moment, he couldn't care less about his own image, and just lay sprawled on the ground.

"It's up to you, don't get the advantage and act like a good boy! Believe it or not, if you ask around in our team, I'm sure there will be a group of people who want to change with you."

Lin Chuanqing's situation at this time was not the same.The bangs on his forehead were soaked with sweat, and there were even beads of sweat dripping down to the ground. It was particularly uncomfortable to have wet clothes sticking to his body, but he didn't even have the strength to get up and change clothes.

"Didn't you see how disappointed those who were named by Lao Qian just now, especially Dacheng? If you trade with him, he will definitely be happy!"

"Forget it then... As a senior, it's up to me to bear this kind of hard work, hahaha!"

The three people were silent, and the only sound left in the entire venue was their breathing heavily.

"Let's go?"

It was Shen Tingzhou who recovered first. He stood up and looked back at the other two companions who were lying on the ground twisted like loaches.

"Sure enough, it's better to be young!" Wang Yuheng dragged Shen Tingzhou to stand up, and then began to sigh, "I just don't have enough physical strength when I get older!"

"That's just you, but don't take me with you! I'm still strong!"

Lin Chuanqing hurriedly objected and stood up staggeringly.

"Oh, by the way, what are you doing on Friday?"

"Friday? What?"

Shen Tingzhou didn't react for a moment. "That's it! That one!"

Wang Yuheng also reacted, winking and joining in the fun.


After two seconds of reaction, Shen Tingzhou's brain wave signal finally connected with the other two.

"How do I know... I'll tell you then."

In fact, as early as Qian Yun selected them tonight, Shen Tingzhou had a vague suspicion in his mind.

As expected, Qian Yunxia still planned to give them "extra meals" every night.

Shen Tingzhou couldn't decide whether to accompany Song Yumian to the final night of "January CP" or to participate in special archery training in order to stand on the competition field of her dreams.

Shen Tingzhou stayed awake all night.

He wasn't wondering what to do that night.

On the contrary, it was precisely because he had a vague answer in his heart that he could not sleep.

Shen Tingzhou has always believed that archery is the only goal in his heart, and he has always worked hard in this direction.

But last night, the first thought that popped into his mind was:

If I hadn't gone to the appointment, wouldn't Song Yumian be the only one left at the "January CP" event?

If I weren't here, wouldn't Song Yumian's original bet have failed?

Then does she have to perform a musical solo in front of the public?

Of course she could blame all of this on me...but how could someone with such a strong appearance like her reveal the actual reasons?
(End of this chapter)

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