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Chapter 160 Watching Movies

Chapter 160 Watching Movies

A dinner party that everyone was looking forward to ended unexpectedly.

Song Yumian, Fu Wenxin, and Pei Pei finished paying the bill, looked at the almost intact food on the dining table, and reluctantly picked up their clothes and left.Pei Pei still felt a bit sorry and waved to the waiter to ask for some take-out boxes.

The three of them were silent all the way.

Pei Pei wanted to find some topics to talk about and ease the weird atmosphere.But she was not a warm-up assistant, and after searching for a long time, she couldn't think of anything to talk about.

It wasn't until the three of them finished washing and were about to turn off the lights and go to sleep that Yu Jiajia opened the door to the dormitory.

But she didn't seem to be in high spirits.

Even Song Yumian sent a private message of concern on WeChat, but she didn't reply.

The next day.As usual, Song Yumian opened her eyes before 07:30.

She thought she was the first one to wake up in the dormitory, but when she got up from the bed, she found that Yu Jiajia on the bed opposite had long disappeared.

"Is this a sex change?"

Song Yumian raised her eyebrows, but didn't pay too much attention.

Rolling off the bed, Song Yumian's eyes were attracted by the colorful hand-knitted ropes placed on the table.Looking at the unfinished work, Song Yumian felt a little hesitant at this moment.

You can't let this man get used to you, he's easy to get into trouble with.

Perhaps thinking of the couple Yu Jiajia and Lin Ziheng last night, Song Yumian's face suddenly became much uglier.

He grabbed the braided rope and threw it into the bottom drawer.

Out of sight is in the eye!

The stinky man is not worth my time to make a gift.

At this time, Shen Tingzhou, who was in the archery hall, was training under Fang Ze's supervision while thinking about watching a movie with Song Yumian in the afternoon.

At this moment, he had no idea that a gift he was about to receive would be lost just because of an unrelated passerby. "I said, are you not practicing anymore?"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Shen Tingzhou retrieved the arrow and began to pack his things.Fang Ze on the side saw it and couldn't help but stop him.

"There's something wrong with you. Weren't you very active in training before? Today you brought me here because you said you wanted to practice more."

"You're just going to practice for a little while?"

"Well, I still have something to do." Shen Tingzhou replied while cleaning up, "Didn't I increase my training volume in the past two days? If it's not enough, I'll come back tonight and make up for it."

After saying these words, Shen Tingzhou carried his equipment and walked out.

Fang Ze was left standing there stupidly:

"Hey! Hey! You called me over at eight o'clock in the morning, and then you left after practicing for less than a whole morning?"

"To be in such a hurry..."

Shen Tingzhou disappeared all of a sudden.Looking at the direction he was leaving, Fang Ze couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He looked down at the clinical medicine review materials in his hand, struggled for a moment and then sat back down:

If we go to the library at this time, we will definitely not be able to grab a spot.It's better to just stay here, at least you still have your own exclusive place.

What Fang Ze will do next is not at all within Shen Tingzhou's consideration.He put the arrows back in the equipment room, took his arch back to the dormitory and put it away, then took the time to wash up.

After wiping away the water and coming out of the bathroom, Shen Tingzhou touched the water mist on the mirror, but his eyes were attracted by the hair wax placed by his roommate on the sink.

"Cheng Li, let me borrow something from you on the stage!"

Shen Tingzhou shouted to his friend through the door.

(End of this chapter)

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