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Chapter 150 Meeting the Department Chair Again

Chapter 150 Meeting the Department Chair Again

The three of them followed Qian Yun to the indoor shooting range.

"Gather together, gather together!"

After entering the door, Xu Chu seemed to have changed his face and quickly stood at the designated position.As he moved, he shouted the assembly command.

Hearing his voice, the others immediately put down their bows and arrows and lined up with him as the leader.

Song Yumian's eyes were immediately locked on Shen Tingzhou's figure.

It looks like he should be fine.

Seeing Shen Tingzhou staring in his direction, Song Yumian frowned subconsciously and forced herself to turn her head away and look away.

Qian Yun cleared his throat and began his daily lecture.Song Yumian and Pei Pei were like his two guardians, standing behind him on the left and right.

Wait until Qian Yun finishes talking about all the recent precautions.He looked back at Song Yumian and Pei Pei, and then said:
"Our team leader Pei Pei had a lot of things to deal with because of her own club. So I asked Song Yumian to take over for a while..."

"...Let us welcome Pei Pei's return with applause!"

Qian Yun rarely talked a lot of nonsense, and Song Yumian was the first to applaud him out of respect.

But this move had a different interpretation in Qian Yun's eyes.

He glanced at Song Yumian sideways, and then said:

"Of course, everyone also applauds to thank classmate Song Yumian for her efforts during this time!"

Listening to the warm applause, Song Yumian thought this was some kind of large farewell party.

When Shen Tingzhou heard that "Song Yumian's acting team leader has ended", Shen Tingzhou frowned immediately.

He intuitively felt that this matter was related to the disagreement they had last night.

Shen Tingzhou wanted to take a few steps forward to ask clearly, but Qian Yun's speech was not over yet.

Finally, when Qian Yun announced "continue training," the archery team members dispersed as quickly as the tide.

Song Yumian also took advantage of this opportunity and ran away.

When Shen Tingzhou walked out of the team, he found that only Qian Yun, Pei Pei, and him were left in the middle of the field.

"What are you doing standing around here? You don't need to train anymore!" Seeing Shen Tingzhou standing there upright, Qian Yun's brows raised and he yelled at him.

"Also! Keep shooting a hundred arrows for me today!"


Shen Tingzhou nodded immediately.Then trotted back to his place.

Song Yumian came out of the sports academy feeling fine and relaxed.

She walked on the school road with her hands behind her back, stepping on the golden fallen leaves to make a crunching sound.

"Song Yumian!"

She suddenly heard someone shouting behind her.

It seemed to be the voice of Xiao Zhongliang, the head of their department.

Song Yumian seemed to have some lack of confidence, her steps were messed up and she almost tripped herself.

Looking at her appearance, Xiao Zhongliang still frowned:

"Come with me to the office!"

"How about forget it...Teacher, I'm going to the classroom right now!" Song Yumian wanted to try to bargain.

"Look what time it is now? By the time you get to the classroom, it will be time for school to end at noon!"

Song Yumian felt guilty, but she was unwilling to give in.She whispered:

"Then I went to the office with you, and it's lunch break time."

"It's okay if you don't want to go to the office." Xiao Zhongliang seemed to have a good ear, "Then we will talk here."

As he spoke, he sat down directly on the stone tooth on the roadside:
"Choose one yourself."

Seeing such a down-to-earth side of the department head, Song Yumian didn't want to be polite to him and sat down next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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