Song Youtuo was the only daughter in her family. She was raised in the palm of her parents' hands and pampered by her parents. What happened in Shiwo Village was like a ghost story to her.

She crossed her arms with both hands, and goosebumps arose:
"How can there be such parents in the world? Even if they don't love their children, they still push her into a pit of fire."

Lin Hanxiao curled up into a thin smile.

Isn't it because she is now a "slut" that is ridiculed by the entire Internet because of her biological parents?
Shen Liangzhi raised his hand and patted the back of her hand.

Lin Han smiled and gave her an indifferent smile:
"I'm fine. I've been used to it for a long time. It's just a pity when I see these three little girls."

The conversation between the three people was not hidden from the camera.

Seeing with their own eyes the tradition of favoring boys over girls in Shiwo Village, enthusiastic netizens immediately searched for the census results of the past ten years.

[I always thought that only some backward and impoverished mountain villages had the phenomenon of favoring boys over girls. Until I looked at this table, it was too easy to say "eating people without spitting out their bones"]

He posted a form.

The male-to-female ratio of newborns aged 0-10 across the country is imbalanced in all but four or five provinces.

Places with serious imbalances are all marked in red. On the map, City C has become a dark red mass, as rich as dried blood.

[Have you noticed that the birth rate of boys in the third and fourth births is particularly high, but the probability of giving birth to a boy or a girl is almost the same, so what about the remaining girls...]

【Thinking and fearful】

[I can’t believe that in this day and age, there are still so many remnants of the Qing Dynasty]

Many girls from City C came forward to speak out.

[This is so normal. My boss’s wife gave birth to a daughter, and the mistress gave birth to a son. On the day the son was born, the boss’s family immediately forced the main palace to sign a divorce agreement]

[This is our tradition. When my younger brother gets married and buys a house, my older sisters have to pay for it]

[The most disgusting thing is that they keep saying that having a son or a daughter is the same, but when the child grows up and wants to buy a house, parents give priority to buying a house for their son]

[You are all too low-class, here we still have the tradition that girls are not allowed to eat at the table]

[Suddenly I understand why Lin Hanxiao ran away from home. Such a deformed native family will only be sucked to death if they stay]


the next day.

Shen Liangzhi took everyone on foot for an hour and a half to the only school nearby.

The principal is a 49-year-old woman with short ear-length hair and simple rimmed glasses. When interviewed in front of the camera, she speaks clearly and logically, and it is obvious that she has extremely high educational quality.

It was lunch time in the cafeteria, and the children would hold their own lunch boxes and call out "Mother Zhang" sweetly in their tender voices when passing by Shen Liangzhi and Principal Zhang.

"They all call you mom."

Shen Liangzhi wore a white sweater jacket, jeans and white sneakers today. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail. She looked particularly youthful and beautiful.

Principal Zhang pushed up the glasses frame with loose screws that slid down the bridge of her nose, nodded to the children who kept greeting her, and replied:
"This year, the school has admitted a total of 233 students, 209 of whom are left-behind children, and 8 children are orphans whose parents went to the city to work and never came back...

For their childhood, the role of parents was missing. I asked them to call me mom because I wanted to make up for the lack. But after all, I was not their biological mother, so the effect was limited. "

Principal Zhang took them to the cafeteria. The master in the cafeteria took out stainless steel plates and served food to several people.

Stir-fried lotus root with pork, braised potato stew, vegetarian stir-fried carrots, and a seaweed and egg drop soup.

Principal Zhang picked up his own plate and led several people to sit down, without deliberately showing off:
"In the past two years, due to the development of the Internet, more and more caring people are paying attention to left-behind children. The situation in the school has improved a lot. There are charity lunches and donated clothes. At least food and clothing are guaranteed."

In just a few minutes of contact, Shen Liangzhi already had a rough understanding of Principal Zhang.

She sat opposite Principal Zhang and spoke slowly. "I would like to ask, are your family and children here too?"

Principal Zhang was stunned, then smiled and shook his head, a look of nostalgia flashed across his strong face.

"My husband was a domestic abuser. I was divorced and had a daughter. She was born with a congenital heart disease and needed treatment for several years, but she finally passed away."

When she mentioned her daughter, her eyes were very gentle.

Shen Liangzhi: "Sorry."

Principal Zhang shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it's not a taboo. I have long accepted it after so many years."

The dead are gone, so are the living.

"Her name is Tinker Bell, and she will also be happy if she knows that I have helped so many brothers and sisters."

Shen Liangzhi could feel her love for Dingdang and forwarded it to the students:
"You are a great mother, both to your students and to Dingdang."

Before she came, she had read Principal Zhang's resume.

I graduated with a master's degree from 985 University and worked as a senior executive in a company. Later I chose to leave my job and go into the mountains, where I have been taking root for 23 years.


After dinner, Principal Zhang had something to deal with, so Lin Hanxiao led a few people around the school.

"Principal Zhang was at school when I was ten years old. When she first came here, she still had beautiful long curly hair, like a city girl. Later, she cut it short because she didn't want to waste time taking care of it."

Back at school, surrounded by the innocent and excited sounds of children, Lin Hanxiao was affected and felt much more comfortable.

"When we were young, we called her the old witch because she was too strict. Every time we skipped class, she always punished us.

Only when I grow up do I understand that deep love comes with deep responsibility. She really wants us to get out of the mountains and change our destiny, so she is so strict..."

Get out of the mountains.

To others it is just a slogan.

But these are the 23 years that Principal Zhang will never get back.

A woman's best years are spread in the mountains.

The children's laughter was very clear, and above the playground, there were blue skies and white clouds.

Shen Liangzhi looked at the rolling mountains not far away and felt the wind blowing in front of him:
"She really treats you as her own children."

Lin nodded with a smile:
"So she is great. I can't do it when I go back to this mountain village to teach and educate people."

She just wants to escape.

"Teaching as a volunteer sounds very noble, but only if you experience it yourself will you know that it is nothing but chicken feathers."

"Students are naughty and difficult to manage, and parents are unappreciative and cause trouble to the school."

Troubles come out of poor mountains and bad waters.

This sentence is very suitable to be placed in Shiwo Village.

"Obviously the school does not charge tuition fees, only room and board fees, but parents feel that you are persuading your children to go to school with bad intentions and to make money."

She turned around and looked at Shen Liangzhi and the others with a wry smile.

"Isn't it ridiculous?"

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