Uncle Huang loves me to the bone

Chapter 636 The Uninvited Guest in the Late Night

Chapter 636 The Uninvited Guest in the Late Night

She pushed the banknote back: "Ms. Dong, I accept your and Ashi's wishes, but the issue of refugees will be resolved by the court. If there is no need for the money, keep it all to make a dowry for yourself and for Ashi to marry a wife in the future. .”

Dong Sui shook his head: "Princess, although the court provides disaster relief, how much of it actually reaches the hands of the people? I know that it is definitely not enough to rely on it alone. I don't need much money, and Ashi is still young, so the money You can still earn it slowly, and when it’s time to talk about life-long events, you will definitely have earned enough money.”

How could Yu Qinghuan use the banknotes that the dependent siblings got from selling their property, but it would not be a good idea to refuse their sincerity, so he had to accept the banknotes first and save them for Dong Shi, and then replenish them for them when they are needed later. superior.

"To tell you the truth, hundreds of thousands of refugees spend tens of thousands of taels of silver every day on daily necessities. In fact, Prince Qi's palace does not have much wealth, and everything depends on everyone's donations." Yu Qinghuan showed a helpless look.

Dong Sui looked at what the princess was wearing. Although it was not an exaggerated and crude sarong, it was not as expensive as the concubines of the Xue family in the past. How could she not believe what the princess said?More and more, she felt that as both women, she and the princess were completely different.

Being well-educated, virtuous and dignified are of no use in troubled times.You can neither use these qualities to kill the enemy in battle, nor can you sell your money to help those who have lost their homes due to the war.

Dong Sui clenched her fists and said firmly: "Princess, Ashi and I will stay with you. Although we don't have any skills, we can help you when you are busy."

The siblings carried all their assets to help her, so there was no reason for her to drive them away. What's more, the siblings were helpless and might be bullied outside, so it was safest to stay by her side.

Yu Qinghuan agreed: "I am in need of a gentle assistant to help me persuade those disobedient people to drink medicine obediently. Miss Dong, I think you are very suitable."

Dong Sui happily responded: "Thank you, Princess!"

Dong Shi said eagerly: "What about me?"

"I also need a little medicine boy," Yu Qinghuan patted Dong Shi on the head, "Ashi, when you grow up, you are a real man. If you are poor, you can be alone, and if you are rich, you can help the world. You have a heart for this great river and mountain. Brave and loyal, this is what every Daqin man should possess, Sister Chu is so proud of you!"

Dong Shi smiled, very sincerely and happily: "Sister Chu, I am from Daqin! This is what I should do."

Yu Qinghuan shook his head: "Encourage it, but don't encourage it. At any time, no matter what you do for others, you can't exceed the limit you can bear. Not everyone and everything are worthy of your risking everything. Of course, your most important person except."

"If everyone was like you and lost everything to help others, the world would still be in chaos. In fact, as long as everyone does their best, will peace be far behind? If you do this kind of thing in the future, you must leave a way out for yourself. ,do you know?"

Dong Shi seemed to understand, and nodded solemnly for a long time: "Sister Chu, I understand!"

In the following days, Dong Sui, Daoxiang, and the others followed Yu Qinghuan. They got up early and worked late at night, without any complaints.

With the help of these trustworthy people, Yu Qinghuan was able to handle things much more easily and efficiently. Under the control of her and a group of doctors, the refugees did not show any signs of the outbreak of the plague.

Everyone respects this princess who has no pretensions and puts the people first in everything, and even more likes the gentle and generous assistant beside her. Although everyone has lost their homes and left their hometowns, they are grateful for the care and hard work shown by these people who work for them. Determination gave everyone hope to survive.

They were all thankful that they could survive the disaster, but they didn't know that there was a greater danger coming.

Yujing City.

As Master Qingchen's name became known, Emperor Jiayou could no longer ignore his existence. After the meeting one day, the Holy Emperor came to Puze Temple. The host called Master Qingchen's name and asked him to entertain Jiayou. You Emperor.

Emperor Jiayou took off his dragon robe, but his whole body still showed majesty and magnanimity. He stood in a pavilion on the mountain, looking at the capital at the foot of the mountain with his hands behind his hands. He suddenly asked Master Qingchen: "Master, what is a Buddha?"

Master Qingchen smiled slightly: "Buddha is a kind of wisdom. Everyone can become a Buddha."

Emperor Jiayou laughed loudly: "This is the first time I have heard what you said. So tell me, what is the most important thing in my heart?"

Master Qingchen calmly uttered a few words: "The most important thing in your Majesty's heart is a cinnabar mole."

Emperor Jiayou turned around suddenly: "Cinnabar mole?"

Master Qingchen clasped his hands together: "There is a beautiful woman in the north, peerless and independent. Once you look at the Qingren city, and then the Qingren country, you would rather not know the Qingcheng and the Qingguo. A beautiful woman is hard to find again. Your Majesty has won the city and the country, but the beautiful woman cannot It exists again.”

Emperor Jiayou was furious. He drew out the sword from his waist and pointed it at Master Qingchen's nose: "Old bald donkey, what are you talking about?! What is your relationship with Marquis Yiyong?!"

The guards gathered around, ready to attack Master Qingchen.

Master Qingchen said calmly: "Your Majesty, poor

The monk has nothing to do with anyone. He just sees in His Majesty the regret that no amount of power can satisfy his dissatisfaction, so he comes to this conclusion. "

After a long time, Emperor Jiayou withdrew his sword, swung away the guards, and asked Master Qingchen again: "Then tell me, what makes me worse than a reckless man?"

Master Qingchen shook his head: "Your Majesty, the poor monk is a monk. How can he understand the seven emotions and six desires in this world? The only women the poor monk has come into contact with are those devout pilgrims. Your Majesty's question is really a question. It’s a poor monk.”

"It just so happens that I don't understand either." Emperor Jiayou suddenly laughed.

Emperor Jiayou had three thousand beauties in his harem, but he did not understand love in this world because he lost his ability to recognize love at the age when he should have understood it.

His deep affection also disappeared with the death of Princess Chuanping, leaving him with only an empty shell that could only be filled with ever-expanding power and ambition.Only he knew the reason why he favored Wei Shu so much, and that was because Wei Shu looked like Princess Chuanping.

Oh, he is the lord of ten thousand chariots, but he is a humble beggar in front of love.

Turning around and looking at the prosperous Jade City, Emperor Jiayou said with a stern look: "Master, the southern coast has always been uneasy. I want to lead the expedition in person. You can calculate for me whether this trip will be good or bad."

Master Qingchen dipped his hands in tea and wrote the word "Shun" on the table.

Emperor Jiayou was overjoyed: "Is it really so?"

Master Qingchen said: "Your Majesty, the poor monk has not yet explained the words to you."

Emperor Jiayou frowned: "Then you explain."

Master Qingchen said: "Your Majesty, look at this straight character. There is water on the left side of it. Your Majesty, if you go here, you may suffer from water losses."

Emperor Jiayou sneered: "You really don't know how to say nice things!"

Master Qingchen said: "There are already many people who obey and please Your Majesty. The poor monk does not want to join in the fun. Besides, if the monks do not lie, how can the poor monk violate the Buddha's mottos."

"Hmph!" Emperor Jiayou glanced at Master Qingchen coldly and left with a puff of sleeves.

As soon as I left the temple gate and prepared to board the dragon chariot, I saw Mr. Feng walking among the crowd carrying a small backpack.

Emperor Jiayou ordered the prince to stop Mr. Feng and call him to the front.

Mr. Feng saluted calmly: "Your Majesty, today is my day of rest. Please do not arrange any tasks for me."

"Look what you said, do you think it was said by a humerus minister?" Emperor Jiayou was not angry, but was amused by him.

Mr. Feng said confidently: "No matter whether you are an important minister or a minor official, you still need to rest. Once the baskets of tea leaves are baked, your majesty will be able to realize the benefits of letting the ministers take a rest."

Emperor Jiayou simply abandoned his car and walked, half a step ahead of Mr. Feng: "So, I'm going to have a good meal."

Mr. Feng said: "I hope your Majesty will not dislike it when the time comes."

Emperor Jiayou said: "I don't know how many people would rather go bankrupt to ask for the word sir. I am lucky to be able to drink the tea roasted by my husband himself. This can also comfort my heart a little."

Mr. Feng said: "From your Majesty's tone, could it be that this trip is not pleasant?"

Emperor Jiayou clasped his hands together, squeezed his palms, hesitated for a while, and then said: "Isn't it that I am preparing to go on a personal expedition? This Master Qingchen said it is unlucky."

Mr. Feng said: "Your Majesty, do you think Master Qingchen is a mortal body or a god?"

Emperor Jiayou smiled and said: "Master Qingchen eats whole grains, of course he is a human being."

Mr. Feng asked back: "But Your Majesty, you are the emperor, why should you care about what a mortal person says? If the emperor's will can be easily influenced by others, then does this world belong to the emperor or to those who are pretending to be gods and ghosts? "

Emperor Jiayou chewed these words and couldn't help but feel delighted: "Sir, I am very lucky that you can return to the court and serve as prime minister."

No matter how powerful Master Qingchen is, he is just a mortal. Maybe he has no ability at all and is just a charlatan.

So what if he could guess what he was thinking?Anyone who is older knows that there was a time when he did not love the country and loved the beauty. What is so surprising about guessing that?

Emperor Jiayou originally wanted to go south to repel the pirates and establish his great cause, so Mr. Feng's words spoke to his heart, which immediately made him determined to go south.

At this time, when he was preoccupied with history books, how would he describe his great achievements, but he never thought that everything Master Qingchen said was true.

People, that's it, are all too self-righteous, and self-righteous people often don't end well.

However, no matter what the future holds, the matter of the emperor's personal expedition has been finalized.

And because of Emperor Jiayou's decision, the court caused another uproar.

Princess Hexia, who had been neglected for several months, also quietly sneaked in an uninvited guest late at night.

"You..." Princess Hexia was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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