Uncle Huang loves me to the bone

Chapter 486 We are surrounded

Chapter 486 We are surrounded
The water bandits were startled. Just as they rushed forward with their knives and started hacking away, the oiled boat quickly caught fire, and the raging fire continued to spread. Soon they were forced to protect themselves, let alone do anything bad.

Yu Qinghuan's face was covered with a towel, revealing only a pair of big and smart eyes. She came out to investigate the situation after receiving a warning from Hui Hui, but she never wanted to destroy the good intentions of this group of thieves who wanted to burn their ship.

So she treated the other person with her own way. Relying on her excellent light skills, she used the fire oil that the water bandits prepared to do bad things, doused the water bandits' pirate ship, and killed the water bandits by surprise.

Seeing that the fire was getting higher and higher, Yu Qinghuan jumped out of a small boat, cut the rope and let the boat go with the waves. When the boat was about to catch up with the boat she was sitting on, she jumped up and looked back at the boat. The farther away pirate ship smiled.

The current was a bit turbulent and the boat was moving very fast. It didn't take long for the fire to be left far behind.

She doesn't worry about the life and death of those people. After all, if they don't strike first, they will be the ones who suffer.

She sees the simple truth clearly. Sometimes if you want to survive, don't look for kindness in bad people. Don't be so naive that you think human nature is good. Sometimes when people become bad, even animals will give in.

"Sister Chu," everyone on the boat was sleeping soundly, and no one noticed this episode. Seeing Yu Qinghuan step into the cabin, Dong Shi stood up holding Huihui in his arms and asked, "Where have you been?"

Yu Qinghuan said: "Did the wind blow on the deck disturb you?"

Dong Shi lowered his eyes: "Why would you leave Huihui to me when you go to have a breeze? I'm not a child. Sister Chu, don't worry that I can't accept it."

Yu Qinghuan knew that if he didn't tell Dong Shi, he would definitely feel that he didn't trust him enough. Sometimes adults' distrust can also hurt a child's heart.

Yu Qinghuan no longer hid it from him: "There are a few tails following this ship. I will deal with them to prevent them from touching the ship and causing trouble when they are asleep in the middle of the night."

Dong Shi's usually expressionless face changed drastically: "Sister Chu..."

Yu Qinghuan frowned: "What is it? Tell me without any secret."

Dong Shi was a little scared: "Sister Chu, our caravans often use this waterway. It has always been very peaceful here. Some thieves will never dare to make trouble unless they are not thieves!"

"It's not a thief, what is that?" Yu Qinghuan said to herself while her mind was spinning rapidly, "Is it possible?"

Dong Shi's face turned pale and he said: "Sister Chu, I don't know, but I'm sure there are no thieves. Ever since a thieves leader named Yang Qian conquered this area, as long as the thieves in some gangs have surrendered, they If you want to do something, make a big order. It’s easy not to fall in love with such a small boat, and it’s even easier not to go out for activities.”

It's not that Yu Qinghuan didn't think of this level, but that she was unfamiliar with the waterway. She had thought about countless situations she would encounter along the way, but it was hard to imagine that someone would dress up as a water bandit and cause trouble. After all, this It's so unreasonable.

Fake thief?Who would be so bored as to pretend to be a water bandit?

She only thought of one possibility, that is, those people were testing the strength of the ship, wanting to see what kind of people were on the ship and what their abilities were. This was the real starting point.

In layman's terms, they deliberately disguised themselves as water bandits and followed this passenger ship. Anyone who is more alert will notice that something is wrong and will definitely take action, just like she just did.

In this way, they can roughly detect the strength of the people on the target ship and act on the information obtained.She was certain that if this hypothesis was true, these people must have nothing to do with those who were chasing them, because top killers would not do such complicated things.

Are these people coming for Dong Shi?Dong Shi has the seeds in his hand, so it is possible.

Thinking of this, Yu Qinghuan took out a small blouse from the baggage and handed it to Dong Shi: "Put it on."

On the night of Changsun Tao's accident, Wei Shu had given her a cloak. That cloak could not be pierced by a sword unless the material was flattened. Unfortunately, Wu Xiaoyong burned it.

During the few days in the small town, she had been thinking about Wei Shu's cloak. Later, she used some special materials to make a short shirt for each of Changsun Tao and Dong Shi, and wore the clothes on her body. At least it can lessen the damage a little bit.

The night suddenly became silent, with only the sound of the rushing river lapping against the shore. Everyone was immersed in sleep, but they didn't know that several small boats had quietly approached and surrounded this slightly larger passenger ship.

When we reached the flat terrain, when the river flowed slowly, many men in black walked out of the boat. They had sharp eyes, sharp blades in their hands, and a cold and murderous aura on their bodies.

Dangerous and deadly, like poisonous snakes approaching their prey quietly.

"Dong Shi, listen carefully." Yu Qinghuan squatted down, held Dong Shi's arm with both hands, looked at Dong Shi and said seriously, "What I want to tell you is that we have been surrounded. My kung fu is not high, so it is definitely not The opponents of those people. I tell you this not to scare you, but to hope that you can understand our current situation. If you still want to see your sister, you must force yourself to calm down and follow me obediently. I will I will do my best to take you away. Only if you cooperate well can we have a chance to survive, do you understand?"

Dong Shi nodded, his eyes firmer than usual, he understood the importance.

Hui Hui, who had been warning just now, now had all his hair on his body. He was facing the door, ready to attack at any time, ready to attack.

A vague smell floated in, it was smoke!
Yu Qinghuan quickly took a pill for Dong Shi to take, hugging Dong Shi with one hand and holding the dagger tightly with the other.

The people who came here set up such a big battle, but they didn't attack directly. I don't know if they were trying to capture someone alive, but there should be a purpose for them to do this.

As long as their goals are successfully achieved, those people in the boat who have fallen into a coma after being smoked may have a chance of survival.

So she didn't scream or shout a warning, because otherwise, the ship would definitely fall into chaos, and no one would be able to escape if something went wrong.

This does not mean that she is selfish, but that she does not have the ability to change. Based on her skills, she will definitely die if she rushes out, and she will not be able to protect Dong Shi when the time comes.

She cannot blindly do something that is likely to be counterproductive for the sake of what she considers to be good.

At this moment, the door was gently opened, and with a "squeak", a sharp weapon with cold light came in first, followed closely by a pair of pitch black boots.

The assassins were all dressed in black, as if they had brought the night in. The room suddenly became cold and filled with a creepy atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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