Uncle Huang loves me to the bone

Chapter 1804 The wedding date is finally set

"I have set the wedding date for you two."

Zichen Palace.

Lu Mingyu pulled Lu Yi to say thoughtful words.

Hearing this, Lu Yi responded obediently: "Everything is up to your Majesty's arrangement."

Lu Mingyu was a little helpless, she said: "A long time ago, I promised Ah Liu to let you get married as soon as possible."

"But it dragged on day after day. Either I was delayed by something or someone, and it just passed day by day."

"Now I can finally call you here and tell you my plan for you two to get married. I hope you don't blame me for being too late."

Lu Yi was frightened: "Your Majesty, this slave is what I am today. I will never forget this. How can I be dissatisfied with your Majesty?"

Lu Mingyu looked ashamed: "You are not dissatisfied with me at all, but I always feel indebted to you."

"For all these years, no matter the ups and downs, you and Xiao Qian have been by my side. I really feel that nothing I can give you is enough."

Lu Yi said in a soft voice: "My Lady has given me a lot, so please don't worry."

Lu Mingyu smiled: "Speaking of your dowry and wedding, the dowry has been prepared for a long time. I thought about it and added a few more things for you."

"As for the wedding, I am your sworn sister. Naturally, I will of course preside over the wedding myself, so that your wedding with Ah Liu can be a glorious one."

Lu Yi knelt down on his knees: "I understand what Sister is thinking. But I really don't want to give the courtiers more excuses to gossip because of me." "Ah Liu and I are not the kind of people who care about these red tapes. As long as we After we get married, the two of us can be normal and care for each other, which is the greatest happiness."

"So please sister, please don't make our wedding extravagant. In that case, we will definitely deserve it."

Lu Mingyu gave her a hand: "Silly girl, how could I not know your thoughts, how could I make such a fuss and make your wedding regrettable?"

"So this wedding must be simple and warm. The people who come to bless you are all relatives and friends, there will be no outsiders."

Lu Yi smiled gratefully: "Thank you very much, Madam, for your consideration."

Lu Mingyu shook his head: "You are always so cautious."

Lu Yi responded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I am considerate of my slave. I cannot indulge myself and forget my rules."

Lu Mingyu smiled and said: "I know it doesn't make sense to you, so I won't tell you so many nonsense."

"Taishi Ling has chosen the eighth day of the next lunar month as a good day. You should go back quickly and get ready to get married happily on that day."

"Sister, I asked you to take care of five children, so I also want to hold your child as soon as possible and let your child call me aunt."

Lu Yi nodded: "Yes, sister." (End of chapter)

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