Guards Fox: Miracle doctor mother lost her horse again

Chapter 758: Holding hands, sharing life and death (2)

Chapter 758: Holding hands, sharing life and death (2)

Isn't he still far away?
How come...we arrived so quickly...

This is Luoshen Cliff!
In a desperate place with no survivors, he actually jumped down...

Are you dying?
Yun Luo's eyes widened in shock, and he was stunned.

All kinds of thoughts flooded my mind, knotted together, and I couldn't react at the moment.

Luoshen Cliff is [-] meters deep. Looking from top to bottom, it looks like a dark abyss of hell, with no bottom visible.

During the rapid fall, the skylight quickly left them. Only the dazzling golden flames in front of them and the falling firelight behind them like meteors illuminated one side.

The mask on Jun Wuchen's face has disappeared, his long black hair is flying behind him, and his dark brocade robe is blown up by the wind, flying fiercely like black wings.

On that flawless face, the center of the eyebrows and the ends of the eyes were stained with demonic lines as red as blood, adding a bit of flamboyant and cold aggression. It was like the finishing touch, embellishing the fairy-like face into a coquettish and evil beauty.

The fall continues.

The sound of the wind was sharp and rapid, like the scream of a ghost, rushing up from the bottom of the cliff.

They stared at each other at this moment of life and death, separated by a scorching net of fire, and the strong wind roared, as if trying everything to tear them apart.

But Jun Wuchen's hand was very tight, and he held her hand firmly. His thin lips curved into a seductive smile, as usual, half lazy and half evil.

"Don't be afraid." He smiled and said, "I'm here."

"..." Yun Luo's eyes sore.

Affected by the master's thoughts, the golden spirit fire spread out and penetrated into her body.

At the same time, Jun Wuchen grabbed her hand and pulled hard. Yun Luo's falling body suddenly fell into his arms and was held tightly by him!

Jun Wuchen held her waist with one hand and chuckled softly, "Hold tight."

At this time, they had fallen very deep under the Luoshen Cliff. Under their feet was a thick poisonous mist, as thick as water, rolling incessantly, and filled with a spicy and pungent smell.Dark and sharp thorns were hidden in the poisonous mist, appearing and disappearing.

Among the thorns, pairs of densely packed scarlet bird eyes stared at them.

The fatal danger shrouded the two people like the shadow of death.

"..." Yun Luo hugged Jun Wuchen's waist with both hands and buried her face deeply into his chest.

At a time like this, nothing matters.

The doubts, anger, unwillingness, jealousy...all disappeared.

She felt calm in her heart, not afraid or panicked, she just wanted to hug him tightly with all her heart... Life or death became unimportant.

Because Jun Wuchen is here.

With a trembling muffled sound, Jun Wuchen held Yunluo in his arms, turned around suddenly, and stepped hard on the smooth cliff with such force that the entire rock wall seemed to tremble.

The reason why Luoshen Cliff is a restricted area of ​​life and has a notorious reputation is that apart from the weird gravity, there are two reasons.

One is that the cliff is extremely smooth, like a mirror, without any footholds, and the deepest point is as high as 1000 meters, which is more than [-] meters deeper than the altitude of Mount Everest. It is like going straight to hell.

Without the ability to use spiritual power to fly and the gravity of the earth being extremely strong, even a grandmaster would not be able to climb up with bare hands.

And the second danger... lies in the special species under Luoshen Cliff.

A flock of thorn birds!

This is a strange bird that lives in the poisonous fog and thorny forest. It looks like a black sparrow, has feathers as sharp as knives, bloody eyes and sharp claws, is agile in speed, and has a ferocious temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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