Chapter 617 Mysterious Tomb (2)

The layout of this main tomb is beyond Yun Luo's imagination.

There is no trace of the spooky atmosphere that a mausoleum should have.

On the contrary, it is luxurious and exquisite, especially the white jade platform with the crystal coffin, which is more like a gum that has been carefully arranged to let the beloved woman sleep forever...

Looking around, Yun Luo realized that although the tomb was magnificent, it had obviously been decorated like a woman's boudoir.

Not only the "guts", but also soft couches, tables and chairs, dressing rooms, screens...

There's even a wardrobe.

The closet door opened slightly, revealing colorful women's dresses.

Every piece is glowing, obviously not ordinary.

The countertops and trunks of the dressing room are filled with all kinds of exquisite jewelry, including rouge and gouache...

An extremely delicate ivory comb lay carelessly in front of the mirror.

It's as if its owner just went to take a nap and would get up soon, sit on the dressing table, pick it up and dress up...

This is the situation.

For some reason, Yun Luo suddenly felt a strong sense of discomfort in his heart.

A chill crept up her spine, causing her to take an uncontrollable step back and hold on to her violently beating heart.

Who on earth... would actually build these things for a dead man?
It's as if the person lying in the crystal coffin will get up and move at any time... It makes people feel hairy on the back.

What made Yun Luo feel even more uncomfortable was that the more she looked at the figure lying in the crystal coffin, the more inexplicably familiar she felt...

It actually seems...a bit like her?

Could it be that she was too tired and had an illusion?

Yun Luo frowned for a moment, and suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

She waved her hand suddenly, extinguishing the spiritual flames, and nimbly hid in the corner. "Boom..."

The sound of footsteps came, accompanied by a faint white light.

Three figures appeared at the corner of the passage, their shadows stretched out like ghosts.

In the underground mausoleum, there is a corpse lying not far away, and there is such a strange tomb chamber layout. At the moment, there are three things that don't know whether they are humans or ghosts...

Yun Luo's heart started beating wildly.

This is really no ordinary excitement!
A slightly timid person might be frightened enough to scream.

Yun Luo held his breath, suppressed his heartbeat, and stared nervously at the three figures with wide eyes until they gradually approached...

Yun Luo was suddenly stunned!
Because these three people were not only living people, but she also knew one of them.

Nangong Jin? !

How could he be here? !
In fact, not only Nangong Jin, but also Ji Yuan was also there, and he was walking beside him without using a wheelchair.

Because he was too surprised, Yun Luo's breath was confused. However, the tomb was too quiet, and Nangong Jin and the others immediately noticed something strange.

The footsteps suddenly stopped, and Nangong Jin sneered and said, "I didn't expect that in this tomb with no living people, a guest would come today. Is he a human or a ghost? Why don't you come out?"

Different from the romantic and uninhibited person he was last time I saw him, Nangong Jin now has a cold handsome face and a sinister look in his eyes.

There was a cold murderous intention lingering all over his body.

But to Yun Luo, Nangong Jin is not an enemy. After all, he took the initiative to help her once at the gate of Zuo Xiang's Mansion last time.

With this favor, he should have no ill intentions towards her...

Yun Luo thought about it quickly and took the initiative to step out, but did not approach rashly and kept a careful distance.

"Master Nangong, it's really fate that we met here."

(End of this chapter)

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