Chapter 2694 Seventh Floor (6)

Jun Wuchen said calmly: "Then it will probably be chopped into pieces."

The kind with no bones left.

Bei Chenming's face twisted, and he felt even more horrified.

When he just reached out and touched the clouds, he knew that Jun Wuchen didn't speak. This was indeed not a normal cloud, but a collection of countless weird energies.

For example.

An energy is like a thin line of lightning.

These clouds gathered together are like thousands of lightning cells gathered together.

It looks calm on the surface, but in fact, there are countless lightnings fighting each other underneath. You come and go, and anything that breaks in will be torn into pieces in minutes.

More terrifying than space cracks.

At least, most space cracks are scattered and appear suddenly, and they rarely cover a large area.

There is always a chance to escape if you encounter someone.

But these clouds...

Bei Chenming glanced around with a distorted face. The layers of gray clouds were like a huge quilt. Not only were they crawling under their feet, but they also covered the entire seventh floor without a single gap. .

If you accidentally fall in here, dear, it will be even harder to collect the body.

"You worked so hard to get here just for these murderous clouds?" Bei Chenming turned to look at Jun Wuchen, and it was clearly written on his face, are you mentally ill?
Jun Wuchen glanced at him: "Do you think this king will be so boring?"

Also, no normal person can do such a thing.

Bei Chenming: "Then what are you here for?"

Jun Wuchen looked at the clouds in the distance: "The seventh floor of the Kyushu Secret Realm is a special environment that has been artificially transformed and reinforced. In order to maintain the stability of the entire secret realm, a large number of powerful and fierce forces have gathered here to restrain and restrain each other. The checks and balances eventually formed an extremely dangerous and stable form. As long as it is not destroyed, it can be maintained for a long time and be independent from the mainland."

"So?" Bei Chenming asked.

A silver light flashed in Jun Wuchen's dark purple eyes. When he looked at the clouds in the distance, the scene in front of him had changed dramatically.

The originally gray, thick and dense clouds turned into colorful, fierce and violent energy flows in his eyes. They intertwined with each other, constantly biting and devouring, but strangely maintained a subtle balance.

No one can completely destroy anyone, just like countless tail-biting snakes, interlocking with each other, forming a huge energy chain around the entire seventh layer, firmly dominating the world.

Such an energy shield is extremely terrifying. Once anyone or any creature steps into it, they will be attacked by these energy flows until they are completely crushed and disappeared.

The chaotic energy circle that has reached a balanced state will resist anything that wants to enter the destruction, whether it is a living thing or a dead thing, and even other energy cannot be integrated.

Because of this, in the very center of this energy circle, there is an absolutely pure and pollution-free place.

This is where the Wuzu Spring is located.

Jun Wuchen said lightly: "The ultimate chaotic energy has turned into a protective circle. No dirt can get close to it, and the spiritual energy that the energy continuously collides and blends is locked in the protective circle. Over time, what kind of innateness is born?" The treasures are not surprising.”

Because the energy itself is part of the aura of heaven and earth, but their properties are different and incompatible with each other, so the power will explode when they are forcibly gathered together.

(End of this chapter)

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