Guards Fox: Miracle doctor mother lost her horse again

Chapter 116 A blessing in disguise (2)

Chapter 116 A blessing in disguise (2)

The little fox swept its tail, tilted its head, and its purple eyes were as beautiful as glass gems.

It's so cute that it's natural.

"Mom, what is a blessing in disguise?"

"You have half of the blood of the demon clan in your body, but it is different from the real demon clan."

Yun Luo patiently explained to it.

"The real demon clan is born with a demon pill in their body. It is the crystallization of their power, and it is also the key that allows them to switch between human form and demon beast form at will. But Xiao Mo, because you only have half of the blood, the There is no demon elixir."

The little fox understood, and its pointed white ears twitched.

"So Xiao Mo must cultivate the demon elixir himself in order to truly control his form, is that right?"

"That's right. If you weren't careful before, your ears and tail would be exposed. That's why."

Yun Luo paused and continued: "However, the effectiveness of the demon pill requires a large amount of spiritual energy, which should be obtained by your own cultivation, but..."

"But the medicinal properties and spiritual energy of the elixir refined by my mother were too strong, and Xiao Mo couldn't bear it, and instead condensed the demon elixir?"

The little fox is very smart and can tell everything at once.

“So it’s a blessing in disguise.”

Yun Luo smiled, feeling lucky in his heart.

"The location of your abdominal pain just now should be the place where the demon pill is about to take shape in your body. However, this cannot be done in a day or two. Before the demon pill is officially formed, you may have to remain in the form of a little fox."

The reason why the monster clan is a monster clan is because their original forms are monster beasts.

The condensed demon elixir must naturally maintain its original shape.

"Really? I want to see it."

The little fox couldn't listen to the second half of the sentence at all, and focused on the first half.

I saw it turned over, revealing its fluffy belly, then raised its head hard, opened its round eyes and looked at its belly, and flicked its big tail.

Behind the little buttocks, the slightly bulging ball of fluff is like a bunny's short tail, looming.

"It's more than that." Yun Luo pointed at its little butt, "By the time your demon core takes shape, your second tail will probably grow out as well."

Fortunately, Yun Luo had specifically checked Xiaotuanzi's true identity before, otherwise he wouldn't have recognized it so quickly.

Xiaotuanzi has never been an ordinary fox, but the blood of a nine-tailed silver fox!
This discovery made Yun Luo's heart sink, but he remained silent on the surface.


The little fox was even more frightened!
It never thought that it could grow a second tail.

Its small body suddenly twisted into a twist, trying hard to roll itself into a ball. The fox's eyes were round and staring at its little butt.

"Where? Where? Why can't I see it?"

The little fox was almost dying of anxiety.

Yun Luo was amused by its appearance and laughed. Even in such a weird posture, the little fox's appearance was still naturally cute, making people's hearts itch.

Very normal.

The nine-tailed fox is a fox with stunning appearance.

She hugged the little fox, stretched out her delicate white fingertips, and poked the short tail behind its butt, "Here it is."

"Ouch..." the little fox suddenly screamed.

Yun Luo stopped hurriedly, "What's wrong? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, but it feels weird and uncomfortable. Mom, please don't touch it..." The little fox shook his ears in confusion.

Yun Luo understood.

The tail has just grown a little and is probably still very sensitive.

It's naturally uncomfortable if touched.

She let go of her hand and watched the little fox jump onto the soft couch, shake her body vigorously, and shake herself into an exploding ball of fluff.

"What are you thinking about, mother?" After shaking off his fur, the little fox licked his paws and continued to be cute towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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