Chapter 637 Send him away
After putting away the phone, Yu Jinwen looked at Nan Song, his throat hoarse, "Xiao Song, Jiang Fan..."

She heard it.

Nan Song rolled out of bed and put on clothes almost instantly.

As a result, I don't know if he moved too hastily. The hem of his clothes was brought to the unfinished jade carving on the table, and fell to the ground with a "dong" sound, breaking a corner.

The boy's head was broken.

Yu Jinwen and Nan Song stared blankly at the jade carvings on the ground, and were stunned when they looked at the small piece of jade that was broken into pieces.

Nan Song frowned, and his heart suddenly seemed to be empty.

Looking around blankly, I have nowhere to go.


The wind and rain were miserable, and the dark night had no end.

Jiang Fan is dead.

When Nan Song and Yu Jinwen rushed to the detention center in the rain, what they saw was Jiang Fanping's body lying on a simple stretcher.

His body was already cold and stiff, and he lay there quietly, making no sound.

Nan Song was protected by Yu Jinwen holding an umbrella all the way in, and his body was still wet.

Arriving at the door of the forensic examination room and seeing Jiang Fan's body, Nan Song paused.

She looked at it intently, feeling as if her heart was buried with a thick layer of sand and gravel, which was stuck there, unable to be dug out or moved away, and she felt a dull pain.

Yu Jinwen's eyes were deep and he turned to look at Nan Song with concern.

The news came so suddenly and unprepared that no one expected it.

Ji Yun and Cheng Xian also followed and stood behind them, looking at Nan Song with equally worried faces.

This situation has been happening one after another recently, people are dying one after another, and now Jiang Fan is dead again... They are really afraid that Nan Song will not be able to bear it.

Nan Song finally raised his feet and stepped forward.

She walked towards Jiang Fan step by step, towards this man who had fought side by side with her and shared the joys and sorrows with her.

A comrade she once trusted so much.

Jiang Fan's body has been examined by the forensic doctor. The body was covered with a layer of white cloth, with only the head and neck exposed, and there was an obvious red mark on the neck.

Ji Yun had already gone over to read the inspection report, put on his gloves again, and inspected the body.

Nan Song's eyes were red and his throat was choked, "How do people die?"

Zhao Xu stood nearby, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth, with a serious expression on his face, "Murder."

Nan Song and Yu Jinwen suddenly looked up at him.

Zhao Xu glanced at the forensic doctor, who said: "Initially, it was reported that he committed suicide. A large amount of unidentified toxins were indeed found in the body of the deceased, but there were signs of struggle before his death. His ankles and calves were all injured. There are scars left by friction and strangulation marks on the neck. People who really want to die will not struggle in vain."

"How could a person be murdered in the detention center?" Nan Song felt his body was cold, his head was buzzing, and he looked at Zhao Xu with cold eyes.

Zhao Xu had a shit-eating expression on his face. After all, it was indeed their negligence this time, and it would be another troublesome time for the superiors to investigate. "Jiang Fan is a repeat offender and is being held in a single cell. He is responsible for his discipline and was bribed."

Zhao Xu said: "After we killed Jiang Fan, he tried to run away, but we caught him before he even ran out of the detention center. As a result, he foamed at the mouth and suddenly burped."

Zhao Xu felt annoyed and unlucky when he mentioned the dirty things that happened that night. He bared his teeth and wanted to bite someone, but he didn't know who to bite.

Cheng Xian said coldly: "It should be Song Xi, who wants to kill people and silence them to avoid future troubles."

However, the fact that she could stretch her hands so far while being wanted was something the police did not expect.

The arrest warrant for Song Xi was issued across the country, and pieces of paper were flown to various provinces, cities, and districts, and a dragnet was laid to arrest her.

Originally, if Jiang Fan had not died and taken the blame, the case between Qian Zhengwei and Miao Jiang might have been closed and brought to an end.

But now that Jiang Fan is dead, the real gangster behind the scenes has emerged.

It's a pity that in the end, Jiang Fan didn't even say a word and was assassinated.

Nanningsong and Luo Yin were a step late.

After hearing the news and arriving, Nan Song and Yu Jinwen were sitting in the lobby of the police station.

Nan Song's whole body was shaking, trembling constantly, his head lowered, looking pale and silent.

Yu Jinwen looked at her with a distressed and worried face, hugged her, and did not dare to say words of comfort to her rashly. He knew that all the comforts now were of no use to her. There is no resurrection after death, and all words and words are in the face of human life. They all seemed frivolous and weak, so he just stayed with her and patted her shoulder gently.

Luo Yin and Nan Ningsong learned about what happened, and their expressions were as calm as water.

Nan Ningsong followed Ji Yun to see Jiang Fan's body.

Jiang Fan no longer had any relatives in Nancheng, so even if he could claim the body and make funeral arrangements, the Nan family would have to come.

Luo Yin walked up to Nan Song. Yu Jinwen raised his head and whispered in a hoarse voice: "Aunt Luo."

"You go ahead, I'll stay with her."

Luo Yin gestured to Yu Jinwen, took his place, and sat next to Nan Song.

Yu Jinwen stood up tentatively and gave up his seat, but did not go far. He stood under the lamp not far away and watched quietly.

Luo Yin looked at Nan Song, who was stunned, and rarely made any sarcasm or tease her. Instead, he spread his arms, hugged her body from behind, pulled her daughter's head to his shoulder, and patted her gently. Head said, "I know you feel bad. If you are sad, just cry and it will be fine after you finish crying."

Nan Song didn't cry, she just felt sad.

Fate is so cruel, it ruthlessly deprived one life after another, Miao Jiang, Qian Zhengwei, Jiang Fan, and Teacher Mu... they all laughed and made trouble in front of her, so fresh and full of life All the people disappeared from her life in the blink of an eye, becoming one name after another on the tombstone.

"Mom, I want to keep him, but I still can't."

Nan Song's voice was hoarse, "I'm really useless, aren't I?"

"People are often small and powerless in the face of fate."

Luo Yin reached out and rubbed the back of Nan Song's head, "Some people can't resist the unpredictable fate. They accept their fate and just accept it. It's no big deal. They just leave their lives to God and let him do whatever he wants. Shu Mo, life and death have destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, you can live life as you go, whatever step you live in counts. Some people, like your mother and me, refuse to accept their fate. God tells me to go east, but I want to go west, all kinds of twists and turns. , all kinds of struggles, in the end what I long for most is just to live an ordinary life. Which one is better? Everyone has his own luck and everyone has his own misfortune. There is no comparison. Why can't life be a lifetime? "

She sighed softly, "When you reach my age, you will understand that people come here alone. No matter how many passers-by there are in life, they will have to go alone in the future, whether they are your friends, family, No lover can accompany you to the end of your life. Most people can only accompany you for a short distance, which is already good. Jiang Fan has also completed his mission in life. All we can do is say goodbye to him. .Send him away."

(End of this chapter)

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